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Posted: Sat, 1st Mar 2014 02:07 Post subject: |
I want one too pls, always miss them.
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Posted: Sat, 1st Mar 2014 04:49 Post subject: |
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Posted: Sat, 1st Mar 2014 08:41 Post subject: |
If anyone has a key they could spare I would be ever so grateful. I figure it could not hurt to ask. Thanks.
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Posted: Sat, 1st Mar 2014 09:25 Post subject: |
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Posted: Sat, 1st Mar 2014 13:11 Post subject: |
Meh. Only a few hours in and already bored. Same fetchquests that we've seen a trillion times, and the combat feels spammy and uninspired. At least mobility is important, so that's something.
Right now, the only really good thing that's going for it is the world they built, it feels lively and well populated. Oh and despite the kiddie-aesthetics, the animations can be quite nice at places. But it's not even worth a b2p in my book.
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Posted: Sat, 1st Mar 2014 20:05 Post subject: |
I got one key left...
(pls dont bomb my pm box if you read this after 1 min you're allready to late)
Edit: Otataral got it!
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Posted: Sun, 2nd Mar 2014 06:48 Post subject: |
Atyesz wrote: | Vikerness wrote: | Can i have a key pls? |
Sent one in PM. | Thank you very much sir. First impression of the game: awesome
ASUS TUF B550M-PLUS | RYZEN 5600x | RTX 3060TI | 16GB DDR4
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Posted: Sun, 2nd Mar 2014 09:05 Post subject: |
Vikerness wrote: | Atyesz wrote: | Vikerness wrote: | Can i have a key pls? |
Sent one in PM. | Thank you very much sir. First impression of the game: awesome |
You are welcome. I have a mixed feeling, it's very similar to WoW, and its a good/bad thing.
What I like:
-Combat, it's much better
-Telegraphs: finally I can see where to move, not the psychedelic clusterfuck acid dream like for a WoW melee toon
-Classes: There are distinct differences, I only tried the 3 healing classes, but there is a sharp difference in healing style, telegraph shape, distance, cast time, mobility, needing targets or not
-Leveling and combat is fun, and most importantly, slow
-Paths: Scientist and Explorer is fun
What I dislike:
-Paths: Soldier is dull. Settler sounds fun but its just a lootfest, you spend literally half an hour looting stuff just for a buff station which last half an hour. Or you roam an area again and again grabbing boxes and bringing them to the npc to build a building, only to realize it will take ages if you want to do it alone. Even if you succeed, the building usually provides 1 quest and 1 zonewide 1hr long buff
-Paths skills: They don't give combat bonuses, so that won't affect your choice. What they do give is interaction with the world. Scientist can open secret doors. Explorer can find secret passages. Settlers can do nothing that sort of stuff. Soldiers either. And the worst thing is, that in these secret places you open up, there are datacubes. So if you are a completionist, you have to choose either scientist or explorer, and get a like-minded friend with the other path. This sucks imo.
-Server technology: Different server, without the ability to crossrealm in this age, is really old. Even Rift have free transfer, and in server technology its an old game. New games like Eso doesnt even have different realms.
-Achievements: Im a maximalist, but I like alts too. So Guild Wars 2 full account wide achievemnt system is the heaven for me. WoW with its semi account-wide achievements (meta achieves track progress, but single achieves can't be done on multiple toons combined, have to be on the same toon, for example, get 60 reputations to exalted). And then there is a new game, with the oldest system, everything is character bound, cant even display account achieves like Rift.
-The world: The art style is nice in my opinion. Graphics are so-so. But the world. Man, its so bland, I can't get myself to immerse
-Performance: I know its beta, and they didn't optimize it yet, but for the graphics you get the requirements are pretty high. Fps usually isn't the problem, its the textures. If you set it to high, 1gb VRAM is simply not enough, you will get 2-3 second freezes if you enter a zone and this repeats if you move around quickly. Setting it to medium fixes the problem. I know 2gb VRAM cards are the standard now, but these textures look like they are from a 10 year old game
TLDR: If you like the old WoW, esp. around Burning Crusade, with semi-hard combat, slow leveling, don't have problems with a little bit bland world, and like aim-heavy combat, then its a definitive buy.
Last edited by Atyesz on Sun, 2nd Mar 2014 09:09; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Tue, 4th Mar 2014 23:29 Post subject: |
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Posted: Wed, 5th Mar 2014 13:19 Post subject: |
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Posted: Wed, 5th Mar 2014 15:48 Post subject: |
Why do people like slow leveling? I mean, the game doesn't start till you hit level cap and if you are the type that likes alts, it's just such an incredible time sink. I guess for people who don't work, have wifes/gf's, kids, tons of other activities, etc. going on, it's ok.
Honestly, I think they got a lot right with this game, but after 7 years or whatever of development time, it's quite obvious that this is still "old school" type of mechanics in many ways. Sure, the combat is more interesting than WoW, but I simply don't see myself playing this game. I think it mostly boils down to lack of time and then the end game kind of going throwback style to the huge groups. I remember those well in EQ and WoW. I didn't have the time for an uber guild and it always seemed we were a few people short of having a proper raid. Getting 40 people together, all on the same page, without a few of them f'ing it up for everyone... nearly impossible for the casual to moderate gamer. My guilds always had a few that just never had the gear/skill/teamwork to get things done in a way that I would have liked.
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Posted: Wed, 5th Mar 2014 17:19 Post subject: |
in the past i loved slow leveling.
you had to chose carefully the class you wanted to play, i actually enjoyed the social part of slow leveling, i loved that there were no info's where to go, you had to rely on chat ... there were good times. loved that i had to travel to dungeons, that i actually need to talk with people to run one ...
those good times will never come back. not because of mmo's, because of people playing them.
for example, i would not play a mmo without a lfg tool, even if i have great memories and i had great fun playing without.
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Posted: Wed, 5th Mar 2014 18:02 Post subject: |
Vulgarr wrote: | Why do people like slow leveling? I mean, the game doesn't start till you hit level cap |
For me it's usually the end of the game if i reach cap level. I don't like dungeons and pvp in arenas are also boring.
Lvling and pvp at the same time (as with wow) is fun, would be nice if it is like that in this game.
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PDIP Member
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Posted: Wed, 5th Mar 2014 18:07 Post subject: |
Its why I prefer pirate servers... I don't want to spend half my life on 2-3 MMOs to get some max lvl characters... thats just insane.
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Posted: Thu, 6th Mar 2014 01:22 Post subject: |
And that's why todays mmorpg suck, that attitude right there. Not saying its right or wrong, but instant end game rush gratification easy access everything has ruined it. I wish there was a place out there for older ways of thinking. Even older than wow.
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Posted: Thu, 6th Mar 2014 13:27 Post subject: |
No game will ever do what EQ did imo. That was the only game that ever made me scared, especially when starting out. I remember the first time I ran in to a hill giant and about shat myself or going to the plane of hate and other deadly zones where you could possibly lose your corpse if you didn't know a shadow knight or necro. Even after switching to a human SK main, it was still nerve wracking and exciting going in to dungeons and such.
But on the flip side, I don't miss those 2am corpse runs when I haf to be at work at 8 or running all the way to sol b with a full group only to find everything camped.
After the success of WoW, it's hard to imagine any dev going back to those days of the ultra hard core mmo. They were fun, but lacked accessibility. Personally, I want to see mmorpgs move to an action oriented type of gameplay with fighting mechanics more like a game such as God of War myself. Even with the things it's done well, I just think Wildstar combat will get boring rather quickly.
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Posted: Tue, 11th Mar 2014 23:20 Post subject: |
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Posted: Tue, 11th Mar 2014 23:42 Post subject: |
Cool. Day 1 purchase. Since WoD is not going to get released until Fall this will keep me occupied.
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Posted: Tue, 11th Mar 2014 23:58 Post subject: |
Collectors Edition for me if there will be one. 
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Posts: 9234
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Posted: Wed, 12th Mar 2014 00:54 Post subject: |
Przepraszam wrote: | Cool. Day 1 purchase. Since WoD is not going to get released until Fall this will keep me occupied. | Wait, what? I thought it was still in "yeah, we're working on it, no idea when it's out though" limbo. Spoiler: | In case you mean World of Darkness. |
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Posted: Wed, 12th Mar 2014 10:58 Post subject: |
zmed wrote: | Przepraszam wrote: | Cool. Day 1 purchase. Since WoD is not going to get released until Fall this will keep me occupied. | Wait, what? I thought it was still in "yeah, we're working on it, no idea when it's out though" limbo. Spoiler: | In case you mean World of Darkness. |
World of Darkness was not completely shut down by ccp ?
warlords of draenor.
in the good blizzard tradition it will launch after 1 month after wildstar launch, when people are on the verge of playing for another month ws, or returning to wow.
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VIP Member
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Posted: Wed, 12th Mar 2014 13:50 Post subject: |
WoD is not getting released until Fall, so that's September at earliest.
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