CSS help please. :)
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Mon, 3rd Oct 2005 16:04    Post subject: CSS help please. :)
So I'm trying to use CSS containers to replace a table layout... a standard 3 column deal.

Is there any way to keep the heights of the 3 containers the same?

That is, if one container should stretch, is there any way to keep the other two stretching with it?

Also a related matter, I had my 3 column set up going on, and I had a 4th container under the 3 cells, sort of a footer container that stretched horizontally across all of them, but when one of the columns grew in height, it overlapped the footer container, how would I go about preventing that?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Nevermind, I have accomplished both tasks. Very Happy

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PostPosted: Sun, 16th Oct 2005 23:04    Post subject:
I'm curious to know how you did this Confused. I'm stuck in my old school ways and only use css for fonts Sad. Could you post the code pretty please Smile

Any benefits to doing it this way?
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[Moderator] Babysitter

Posts: 7449
Location: USA
PostPosted: Sun, 16th Oct 2005 23:31    Post subject:
To get the 3 columns with the same height you need a method called Faux columns or something.

You will need a fixed width for this though, you will just have a container that contains the 3 columns, and for this main container use a background image, that way whichever column happens to expand the main column, the background image will expand with it, thus making it look like the other columns are of equal height (even though they really aren't, but you can't tell anymore).

As for the footer, use clear: both; I believe.

Hope that helps.

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PostPosted: Mon, 17th Oct 2005 00:00    Post subject:
thanks Smile
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