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Posts: 3451

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2014 13:49    Post subject:
matta666 wrote:
Yeah, I've been playing the PS4 version of 14; you can really tell the animation is upgraded, it's good that the PC is getting Ignite, finally.

I don't care about animations. Both PES and this need authentic player individuality and team tactics. I don't want hundreds of teams which play the same exact way.
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Posts: 1336
Location: Austria
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2014 13:52    Post subject:
ivan1real wrote:

Tevez and Iniesta don't get full chem, every player in your team should be on 9\10 chem. You should also try throwing in some balance in the team, maybe Xabi instead of Fabregas.

And you can always sell everyone before FIFA 15 is out and then trade the coins for FUT 15.

I had a blue 90 Costa before Tevez, but i didnt like him... i love Tevez, he´s doing great although he has only 6 chem and Iniesta 7 chem... all others stay on 10. I dont feel any difference when playing, rather the opposite. I think this chem stuff is overrated.

Afaik theres no possibility to transfer coins to the next Fifa, so the only way would be to sell the coins for real money... but i dont like the idea.
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Posts: 4314

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2014 13:53    Post subject:
I feel football is that way now, they all want to play the Barcelona type of football. Quick short-passing tiki-taka whatnot.
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Posts: 667
Location: The Netherlands
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2014 13:59    Post subject:
I've got a bit tired of playing Fifa online after having played more than 200 hours in every new version since 2009. EA should finally quit with this whole p2p connection thing and just host every game on their own servers and make everything less client dependent. This would take care of the cheaters / quitters and hopefully also the laggy games Smile
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Posts: 2309
Location: Yes
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2014 14:11    Post subject:
I'm surprised they're actually gonna release the FIFA 15 PC version in ignite. PC's must have become quite a lot more powerful in just one year. Because i remember how the argument was that most PC's are too weak for ignite.
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Posts: 1336
Location: Austria
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2014 14:14    Post subject:
Jonhy wrote:
I've got a bit tired of playing Fifa online after having played more than 200 hours in every new version since 2009. EA should finally quit with this whole p2p connection thing and just host every game on their own servers and make everything less client dependent. This would take care of the cheaters / quitters and hopefully also the laggy games Smile

I felt the same when i discovered FUT. Bit late to the party but yeah... its fun. Very Happy
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Posts: 3451

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2014 14:19    Post subject:
EternalBlueScreen wrote:
I feel football is that way now, they all want to play the Barcelona type of football. Quick short-passing tiki-taka whatnot.

I don't think that's the case. Atletico Madrid were great this season with a more "traditional" approach of football.
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Posts: 1061
Location: Manchester
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2014 14:29    Post subject:
Yep Barca is out since Bayern dicked them with fast counter attacking
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Posts: 923

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2014 16:53    Post subject:
warriormax wrote:
Yes, I stopped playing because the AI is ALWAYS cheating in offline.

This is one of the things i want to see improved before i buy it. But i also had the idea that much was happening without me doing anything.
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Posts: 3451

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2014 17:35    Post subject:
Ghworg wrote:
warriormax wrote:
Yes, I stopped playing because the AI is ALWAYS cheating in offline.

This is one of the things i want to see improved before i buy it. But i also had the idea that much was happening without me doing anything.

High hopes. The focus once again will be on Online+microtransactions. I don't expect anything better from EA but yesterday 2k with NBA2k15 announcement came with the same shit: Always online DRM, Virtual Currency and microtransactions. By 2018 these sports videogames will only have modes with panini/pokemon style cards and you'll have to buy a mode with real gameplay as a DLC.
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Posts: 2309
Location: Yes
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2014 21:10    Post subject:
You know that Ultimate Team is completely optional right ? They still have the traditional, very free online gamemodes.
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Posts: 1029
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2014 21:25    Post subject:
Will wait to see what people say about this before I purchase it. Last year, I bought FIFA 14 on the 21st of Sept. and was very disappointed with the "upgrade" from FIFA 13, being unplayable, especially with the corners and crossing abuse (7/10 people I play against use this shit even now after headers have been nerfed down).
There's a lot of things EA needs to fix, it'll take a substantial gameplay upgrade for me to play FIFA 15.
One more thing that bothers me in FIFA games, it's that you can lose 3-0 to an opponent even if you have 20+ shots and he only has 3. That's utter bullshit, I understand that this concept can happen in real life, which is one of the reasons it's such a beautiful sport, but fuck off EA, this is a game, hopefully they can fix this aswell.
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Posts: 91
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2014 22:19    Post subject:
Phil2003 wrote:
Well, i was stupid enough to discover FUT a month ago, and was even more stupid to think its pay2win and bought this team

Not only that i dont get past Ligue 3 because i suck, ill even lose now all my stuff to Fifa 15 LOL

havent played fut14 for quite some time now but afair you could've build much better team with that money you wasted ;p besides, every new release FUT starts all over again, it's been like that since the very beginning Wink

Vechter wrote:
Will wait to see what people say about this before I purchase it. Last year, I bought FIFA 14 on the 21st of Sept. and was very disappointed with the "upgrade" from FIFA 13, being unplayable, especially with the corners and crossing abuse (7/10 people I play against use this shit even now after headers have been nerfed down).
There's a lot of things EA needs to fix, it'll take a substantial gameplay upgrade for me to play FIFA 15.
One more thing that bothers me in FIFA games, it's that you can lose 3-0 to an opponent even if you have 20+ shots and he only has 3. That's utter bullshit, I understand that this concept can happen in real life, which is one of the reasons it's such a beautiful sport, but fuck off EA, this is a game, hopefully they can fix this aswell.

lol, that is the point, to get the experience closest to the real one, if you can't win having 20 shots on target vs 3 then well, deal with it bruh Wink

sience is a cold-hearted bitch with a 14-inch strap-on
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Posts: 1361
Location: Wellhigh DK
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2014 22:31    Post subject:
Phil2003 wrote:
Well, i was stupid enough to discover FUT a month ago, and was even more stupid to think its pay2win and bought this team

Not only that i dont get past Ligue 3 because i suck, ill even lose now all my stuff to Fifa 15 LOL

Oh god no - how much did you spend? Sad
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Posts: 1029
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jun 2014 23:02    Post subject:
iNs wrote:

lol, that is the point, to get the experience closest to the real one, if you can't win having 20 shots on target vs 3 then well, deal with it bruh Wink

I can't even take you seriously.

Anyhow, nice team Phil. You gonna spend any money on 15 tho ?
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jun 2014 00:45    Post subject:
fearwhatnow wrote:
Ghworg wrote:
warriormax wrote:
Yes, I stopped playing because the AI is ALWAYS cheating in offline.

This is one of the things i want to see improved before i buy it. But i also had the idea that much was happening without me doing anything.

High hopes. The focus once again will be on Online+microtransactions. I don't expect anything better from EA but yesterday 2k with NBA2k15 announcement came with the same shit: Always online DRM, Virtual Currency and microtransactions. By 2018 these sports videogames will only have modes with panini/pokemon style cards and you'll have to buy a mode with real gameplay as a DLC.

Indeed this seems to be the trend, and it's quite sad. I enjoy some online action with friends, but having a challenging, strong single-player component here would be a dream.
The AI FIFA 14 was an improvement over the 13 version, but still, it was miles away from something that could be considered "realistic". It's probably the game's fault too, since in order to achieve that the devs should lower the pace, randomize the collisions/physics much more, give an additional degree of control to the player, eliminate the teammates' anarchic behaviors, et cetera..not gonna happen, not even with a hypothetical IGNite Deluxe 2.0 Razz

You revolutionize the whole gameplay, making it more simulative-> people will bitch. It's like Call of Duty when you think about it Cool Face
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Posts: 244
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jun 2014 03:06    Post subject:
That team phil has is worth around 10 million coins on pc i would guess. maybe 15 , in real money your talking on the cheapest legit coin selling site i know of its like 180 euro for 15 million coins.

If it was on xbox it would be worth 800 euros although players are quite abit cheaper on consoles so maybe 500 euros Smile

IF messia IF iniesta TOTS ramos and MOTM di maria are the real expensive players in that team.

Joined: 01 Jan 1970
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Posts: 1361
Location: Wellhigh DK
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jun 2014 12:33    Post subject:
snoz wrote:
That team phil has is worth around 10 million coins on pc i would guess. maybe 15 , in real money your talking on the cheapest legit coin selling site i know of its like 180 euro for 15 million coins.

If it was on xbox it would be worth 800 euros although players are quite abit cheaper on consoles so maybe 500 euros Smile

IF messia IF iniesta TOTS ramos and MOTM di maria are the real expensive players in that team.

Oh god - its incredible what effect that "gotta catch em all" has - the guy that "invented" ultimate team for Fifa must have gotten a nice promotion.
My little brother meta games the shit out of Fifa - he is like a stockbroker and spends a hefty portion of his fifa playing time buying and selling.

But he is the little fish, compared to guys that buys every copy of one player and then sets a fixed price on it etc. And again its only more or less relevant for a year (because the market crashes 1930 style, when a new Fifa comes out).
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Posts: 244
Location: England
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jun 2014 14:08    Post subject:
Well many people just use autobuyers and auto bidders, they are very prevalent, theres sites where u can pay $20 a month for the software + lists of what players to make the program search for with buy and sell prices.

FUT is great concept but with all exploits on PC and the fact autobuyers (effects consoles as well as pc) make players so expensive Check out Phils MEssi for example : Costs 3x more on PC then on consoles. Coins on consoles are 4-5x more expensive to buy then on PC though. Stuff like that kinda ruins the game so if your brother is buying and selling without cheatining (using programs to do it) hes fighting a uphill battle.

To get 3 million coins to buy that card from playing games winning cups and titles would take you prolly 700 hours so its either "cheat" or gamble paying 100's of euros on packs. I opened like 1.5 million coins worth of packs with coins while team of the season was going on and got only 1 team of the season and was a worthless one.

I still enjoy the game alot but EA really need to sort out coin making exploits at start of game (proly some still going now dunno) and stop auto buyers. Its pretty much standard EA their support of games sucks.

Joined: 01 Jan 1970
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Posts: 1336
Location: Austria
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jun 2014 17:28    Post subject:
iNs wrote:

havent played fut14 for quite some time now but afair you could've build much better team with that money you wasted ;p besides, every new release FUT starts all over again, it's been like that since the very beginning Wink

Well, thats probably true... as im new to FUT, i dont really have much clue. I just wanted to pay 2 win Very Happy i even got Ronaldo, but sold him as he really doesnt fit my play style.

Doh! wrote:

Oh god no - how much did you spend? Sad

Pfff guess it was about € 150-200,-

Vechter wrote:

Anyhow, nice team Phil. You gonna spend any money on 15 tho ?

Sure, or is there any alternative for FUT? Sad
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jun 2014 17:37    Post subject:
holy shit 150 - 200 euros?!?!
next time don't buy fifa points but instead fifa coins on ebay.
it's still shit but atleast u don't have to pay that much.
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Posts: 8028
Location: TARDIS
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jun 2014 17:49    Post subject:
I hope you realized that it's not P2W game.

Better start with small teams. Every league has some good players for cheap price. Look for discarded players.

This was my team: I used it till Division 5. Then grinded offline seasons and made Bundesliga team.

The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
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Posts: 1336
Location: Austria
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jun 2014 17:52    Post subject:
@derpwald, i bought this of the cheapest websites i found... in fifa points that´d be probably 9000,- lol

@iamawesome, yep... i realized it too late haha after i got my ass kicked by some silver team players in ligue 3 and 4. Its really not much pay2win and prices dont make much sense but are rather dependend on how well known a player is.
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Posts: 8028
Location: TARDIS
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jun 2014 20:17    Post subject:

Tournament Mode & Guest Play: CONFIRMED for #FIFA15. Very Happy Very Happy

The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
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Posts: 244
Location: England
PostPosted: Sun, 8th Jun 2014 01:48    Post subject:
Whenever i get matched with a guy with a "sick team" i know he prolly sucks at fifa itself. When u see a guy with full silver brazilians then you get worried and lose 9-0 Smile

I think their match making is part ELO and part your team, with prolly more weight in ELO. IF you are div 2 like me your not gonna face world champ fifa players with 90 rated teams, won't happen.

Joined: 01 Jan 1970
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Posts: 91
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Sun, 8th Jun 2014 02:03    Post subject:
snoz wrote:
Whenever i get matched with a guy with a "sick team" i know he prolly sucks at fifa itself. When u see a guy with full silver brazilians then you get worried and lose 9-0 Smile

I think their match making is part ELO and part your team, with prolly more weight in ELO. IF you are div 2 like me your not gonna face world champ fifa players with 90 rated teams, won't happen.

lol, that is exactly the way i see it, won numerous times with squads filled up with IFs or TOTxs and got raped by some meticulously build silver teams

sience is a cold-hearted bitch with a 14-inch strap-on
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Posts: 1336
Location: Austria
PostPosted: Sun, 8th Jun 2014 11:53    Post subject:
True... happens throughout all ligues i guess. Thats the part i hate... when someone with 75+ players kick my messi ass Very Happy

I guess i need to buy dat messi again in fifa 15. messi with ignite = So Much Win
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Posts: 91
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Sun, 8th Jun 2014 13:37    Post subject:
Phil2003 wrote:
True... happens throughout all ligues i guess. Thats the part i hate... when someone with 75+ players kick my messi ass Very Happy

I guess i need to buy dat messi again in fifa 15. messi with ignite = So Much Win

tbh i never liked messi's card that much, too fragile, easy to get ouf of balance, because of low str, against tough defence etc

sience is a cold-hearted bitch with a 14-inch strap-on
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Posts: 11155

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Jun 2014 19:05    Post subject:
I want Dean Windass & Chris Kamara as commentators/reporters:

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Posts: 12074

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Jun 2014 19:20    Post subject:
monk3ybusin3ss wrote:
I want Dean Windass & Chris Kamara as commentators/reporters:



Booring....I want this:

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