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Posts: 382

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 16:11    Post subject:
Sheesh, is it worth doing method 2? If you do method 2 will you still have starforce driver crap all over your system? and/or how do you get rid of them after you are done playing?
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Posts: 89

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 16:17    Post subject:
Goh...I don't have #$%^& SP2 :\

(> <)This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination
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Posts: 1493

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 16:18    Post subject:
@cybtropic: as always after u play u can remove drivers with the starforce removal tool, but u have to reinstall them every time u want to play the game
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Posts: 19

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 16:20    Post subject:
cybtropic wrote:
Sheesh, is it worth doing method 2? If you do method 2 will you still have starforce driver crap all over your system? and/or how do you get rid of them after you are done playing?

You will get SF drivers on your system with both methods. The game needs the drivers installed to run the game.
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Posts: 1493

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 16:22    Post subject:
btw method 1 is a remain from some clonecd release i presume. method1 is for cd releases only
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Posts: 207
Location: Uranus
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 16:25    Post subject:
Method 2 works, used it with both Chaos Theory and Worms 4.

don't copy that floppy
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PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 16:28    Post subject:
Selt wrote:
btw method 1 is a remain from some clonecd release i presume. method1 is for cd releases only

Yep, i think that itwins guy haven't properly understood the difference between SFClone method (which is a perfect clone but which only works on CD cuz u must burn in Raw DAO )
AND the SFcure metod which works with SFcure.

So forget method 1 : u can't burn DVD media in Raw DAO mode but only in DVD DAO mode
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Posts: 89

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 17:15    Post subject:
So...if I don't have SP2 I can play ??

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Posts: 999
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PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 17:43    Post subject:
DeadPL wrote:
So...if I don't have SP2 I can play ??

nope, cuz sfcure only works with SP2...
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Posts: 89

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 17:50    Post subject:
f**k :\ So...reinstal f**king W$....

(> <)This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination
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Posts: 224

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 17:54    Post subject:
I don't see what the problem is with SP2..
It's people like you who don't patch their system that get infected with trojans and other junk,
and are a paradise for spammers/flooders ...

Install SP2 ffs... how hard can it be?

As for the game, i'm not leeching uncracked starforce games from now on ... fuck em.
(neither will i buy it ... not a chance.)
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 18:20    Post subject:
The problem with SP2 is that must have an official version Smile to upgrade
BTW, sfcure-h works on official versions of 2KSP4, XP, SP1/2
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 18:22    Post subject:
Seth1 wrote:
The problem with SP2 is that must have an official version Smile to upgrade
BTW, sfcure-h works on official versions of 2KSP4, XP, SP1/2

No, the only problem is you just can't be using that one banned common key. There are keygens out there that can be used to generate a key that will allow you install Sp1 and Sp2.
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 18:31    Post subject:
I've seen some cracked versions of windows with a specific ntoskernel.exe. Too bad, IoCallDriver is inside this one Wink
So no, it's not just a matter of keygen, it also depends on the crackled verison of window$ one use
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Posts: 271
Location: Stockholm
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 18:59    Post subject:
So install a fresh XP with sp2 preinstalled, if you have an old enough version installed now that you dont have SP2 its propably time to reinstall windows anyway to get rid of all the junk Wink
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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 19:02    Post subject:
Finally!!!!! Very Happy
PS: if you wanna install SP2, it installs just like directx, no bluescreen reinstall mumbo jumbo.
Also, search around for a windows genuine validation crack, it's a tiny .dll file, and then enjoy all the updates including the official clean SP2 install Smile

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 RAM: 4gb Kingmax DDR2 800mhz Video: Asus GeForce 250GTS 1gb Sound: Asus Xonar.
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Posts: 89

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 19:13    Post subject:
Agressor wrote:
I don't see what the problem is with SP2..
It's people like you who don't patch their system that get infected with trojans and other junk,
and are a paradise for spammers/flooders ...

Install SP2 ffs... how hard can it be?

As for the game, i'm not leeching uncracked starforce games from now on ... fuck em.
(neither will i buy it ... not a chance.)

WHAT ?? whta f**king trojans ??
SP2 is like a trojan Smile why I must install ths s**t ?? for IE7 ?? good joke Razz If game dot run under SP1 f**k the game. Evil or Very Mad

(> <)This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination
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Posts: 382

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 19:21    Post subject:
You know, you use winxp everyday for all of your personal stuff, you'd think you'd want it as secure as possible. Nah, I'm not gonna update anything, just gonna use a pirated version. It's not like a game that you might buy and play it for 5 mins and find it is crap. You use the damn OS everyday, it might be a good idea to buy it and get the latest updates. Just MIGHT be a good idea.
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Posts: 1506
Location: Japan
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 19:36    Post subject:
Agressor wrote:
I don't see what the problem is with SP2..
It's people like you who don't patch their system that get infected with trojans and other junk,
and are a paradise for spammers/flooders ...

Install SP2 ffs... how hard can it be?

Err are you serious? Not installing SP2 doesn't mean you don't update your system! I update my system one time every month on Microsoft's patch day but I will never install SP2. At least not until games require it and I hope that day will never come. Why? Because it's just 100% useless, unnecessary crap that makes your computer's performance worse, it eats more memory, breaks compatibility to some older programs/games, breaks P2P functionality until you install an unofficial fix etc. etc. There's not one positive or useful thing - just a bunch of negative shit. This security center stuff is maybe good for newbies but an experienced user doesn't need it all.
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Posts: 89

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 20:22    Post subject:
Me too update auto...but M$ block this...only urget update works...

(> <)This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination
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Posts: 127

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 20:36    Post subject:
Agressor wrote:
Install SP2 ffs... how hard can it be?

For some stupid reason, my computer absolutely refuses to install one of the updates to Windows Update that's required to install any of the patches created after SP2, as well as SP2 itself. I secure my computer with a firewall and AV, just like everyone else should (why are you trusting Microsoft with your security when they've shown a slow response to vulnerabilities in the past)? This could probably be easily fixed by a reinstall of the OS, but I'm too lazy to waste an hour or two doing that unless I have a really good reason to.

So, uh, that's how hard it can be. Anybody want to actually talk about the game now?

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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 22:55    Post subject:
DeadPL wrote:
Me too update auto...but M$ block this...only urget update works...

Can you people read? Microsoft can block shit, just get the cracked .dll file for crying out loud.
And SP2 doesnt have any problems what so ever, its the same when SP1 came, everyone whined. It improves the OS, unless you have 512mb ram you wont notice any difference. You dont whine when new drivers or a new direct x version appears, do you?

Can we talk about the game now?

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 RAM: 4gb Kingmax DDR2 800mhz Video: Asus GeForce 250GTS 1gb Sound: Asus Xonar.
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Posts: 171

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 23:00    Post subject:
starforce still owns me Sad

/me bows o the mighty SF
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Posts: 34330
Location: UK
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 23:39    Post subject:
Anyone got it yet? Does it work ok? Anyone having problems getting to work?

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 23:42    Post subject:
Baleur wrote:
Finally!!!!! Very Happy
PS: if you wanna install SP2, it installs just like directx, no bluescreen reinstall mumbo jumbo.
Also, search around for a windows genuine validation crack, it's a tiny .dll file, and then enjoy all the updates including the official clean SP2 install Smile

Why get so complicated? Just use the old corp version and a keygen. Generate any key (takes like 5 minutes) and install it, update till you're blue in the face. There are even instructions on tthere how to change the product key if you had the old corp version using the old common blacklisted key.
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Posts: 382

PostPosted: Sat, 29th Oct 2005 23:51    Post subject:
Has anyone tried method 2 on a laptop? or does it not matter?
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Posts: 2343
Location: South Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 30th Oct 2005 00:29    Post subject:
crossmr wrote:
Baleur wrote:
Finally!!!!! Very Happy
PS: if you wanna install SP2, it installs just like directx, no bluescreen reinstall mumbo jumbo.
Also, search around for a windows genuine validation crack, it's a tiny .dll file, and then enjoy all the updates including the official clean SP2 install Smile

Why get so complicated? Just use the old corp version and a keygen. Generate any key (takes like 5 minutes) and install it, update till you're blue in the face. There are even instructions on tthere how to change the product key if you had the old corp version using the old common blacklisted key.

That doesnt work, you need a modified .dll file to pass the windows genuine shit, or not? :O
Not all updates require the genuine check.

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 RAM: 4gb Kingmax DDR2 800mhz Video: Asus GeForce 250GTS 1gb Sound: Asus Xonar.
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Sun, 30th Oct 2005 01:29    Post subject:
Windows XP CD Key Changer.

Works for me.
Just ask Mike Devlin for more details.

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Posts: 490
Location: Old Europe
PostPosted: Sun, 30th Oct 2005 01:38    Post subject:
Just what is this? A thread about Windows XP with SP2??? Talk about the game, and keep the other bullshit out of this thread! We want information about the game, not your OS's!
ASUS Maximus IV Gene-Z - i5 2500K - Thermalright Silver Arrow - 4x4GB DDR3 G.Skill RipjawsX- ASUS ENGTX570 DCII - Gigabyte M8000X - Logitech G15 v.2/Rumblepad 2 Refresh + Xbox 360 Controller- Iiyama B2403WS + ASUS VW191D - Sennheiser PC350 - Win7 Pro SP1 64-bit
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Sun, 30th Oct 2005 01:40    Post subject:
Well it's clear that in this case the service pack affects the game in this case. So I can accept the fact that people are talking about their O/S. So I won't delete or close the thread.

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