Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
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Posts: 1138

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 15:02    Post subject:
Interinactive wrote:
What's even more interesting at the performance being so good, maxed out, is that the 2nd GPU doesn't seem to get used much

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Posts: 5625
Location: them swamps
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 16:05    Post subject:
finished at 19hours, now waiting for that arena like they did in darksiders 2 and other games

I can see your soul at the edges of your eyes..
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Posts: 274

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 16:06    Post subject:
SLI utilization for me has been great (using the Arkham Origins profile, also used the F.E.A.R. 3 one previously), but yeah...bit of an oversight not having a profile before release.
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 16:33    Post subject:
I really like Gollum in this one Very Happy I find the VA excellent, every voice fits and the voice actors have passion. It's not a great game by a long shot, but it's just so much fun.
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Posts: 20488

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 16:55    Post subject:
This game runs like shit and doesn't look anything impressive... I am looking at a brown empty area and fps is 20. wtf

No matter what fps I get, it's not stable. That is without ultra textures pack.
I thought I will at least be able to play at high preset at locked 30 but nope. It stutters.

And what's up with the game not having any sort of aa. its 2014. At least let there be fxaa option

3080, ps5, lg oled

Sin317-"im 31 years old and still surprised at how much shit comes out of my ass actually ..."
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Posts: 1433

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 16:59    Post subject:
KillerCrocker wrote:
This game runs like shit and doesn't look anything impressive... I am looking at a brown empty area and fps is 20. wtf

No matter what fps I get, it's not stable. That is without ultra textures pack.
I thought I will at least be able to play at high preset at locked 30 but nope. It stutters.

And what's up with the game not having any sort of aa. its 2014. At least let there be fxaa option

Turn Ambient Occlusion all the way off. Turn down shadows to low. Make AF 4x.

THEN the game should be playable. If so, bump some of those settings back up until it starts chopping again.
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Posts: 20488

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 17:07    Post subject:
Thanks. Will try it when i get back from work.
There are many options and I didnt had the time to find out which options are the big hitters

3080, ps5, lg oled

Sin317-"im 31 years old and still surprised at how much shit comes out of my ass actually ..."
SteamDRM-"Call of Duty is the symbol of the true perfection in every aspect. Call of Duty games are like Mozart's/Beethoven's symphonies"
deadpoetic-"are you new to the cyberspace?"
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Posts: 2580

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 17:54    Post subject:
I'm getting 53 fps or more all the time at 1080 with everything on ultra and the hd pack installed, pretty good running. Still loving the game, I haven't been intrested in much games recently but this one keeps dragging me back to play.

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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 18:04    Post subject:
KillerCrocker wrote:
This game runs like shit and doesn't look anything impressive... I am looking at a brown empty area and fps is 20. wtf

No matter what fps I get, it's not stable. That is without ultra textures pack.
I thought I will at least be able to play at high preset at locked 30 but nope. It stutters.

And what's up with the game not having any sort of aa. its 2014. At least let there be fxaa option

guy with 20fps complains about game not having aa Reaction

60fps here on ultra setting (high textures). i guess my 780 OC isn't as outdated as i thought Very Happy
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Posts: 4314

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 18:16    Post subject:
Outdated? The 780 is a really good card.
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Posts: 468

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 18:36    Post subject:
I dunno i think the game looks pretty good, especially the characters.

Gonna have to try to figure out how to get that ultra texture pack to work, I don't have 6GB vram but I do have 4, so I figure its worth a shot.

i7 5820k @ 4.4 || MSI X99S XPOWER AC || Samsung XP941 256GB M.2 SSD || G.SKILL Ripjaws 4x4GB 2666 DDR4 || Gigabyte GTX 970 GAMING-4GD || Dell 2407 || Razer Blakcwidow Ultimate || Logitech G502
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Posts: 1138

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 18:45    Post subject:
tskiller wrote:
I dunno i think the game looks pretty good, especially the characters.

Gonna have to try to figure out how to get that ultra texture pack to work, I don't have 6GB vram but I do have 4, so I figure its worth a shot.

What characters? Those captain/warchiefs actually looked great visually and were nicely designed with decent variation in apperance, armors and so on. Initial location was one brown blob but orcs looked great.
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Posts: 5118

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 19:10    Post subject:
tskiller wrote:
I dunno i think the game looks pretty good, especially the characters.

Gonna have to try to figure out how to get that ultra texture pack to work, I don't have 6GB vram but I do have 4, so I figure its worth a shot.

there is like 1% difference between ultra and high textures. high is perfectly fine.
check here http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2014-eyes-on-with-pc-shadow-of-mordors-6gb-textures
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Posts: 1262
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 19:16    Post subject:
i just got bsod Sad
caused by driver ntoskrnl.exe Crying or Very sad
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Posts: 92

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 19:19    Post subject:
What's the region restriction situation on this game? If I buy a russian key can I activate it with VPN and play the game in english or is it russian only?
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 19:33    Post subject:
I don't understand the captain thing. Twice I killed a captain and they disappeared, leaving spots in the army which were taken over by new orcs. Some captains though are just lying dead in the army screen. What happened to those. I don't understand what I did to kill the other two captains and what the unconcious (?) ones are supposed to be doing.

The FOV is killing me. I know I'm playing it close by on a monitor, but I doubt this will look good on a big screen from afar. It's so extreme.
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Posts: 1489

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 19:49    Post subject:
There is no way to change the FOV via some .ini tweak or something ?
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Posts: 8061

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 19:52    Post subject:
Captains tend to duel/attack each other, so that's probably why some are dead that you haven't touched. Advance time manually or by dying and they'll be replaced. Literally no use if they're not taken over.

It's kind of a stupid system, honestly. It's not very interesting when you get into it a bit more. Still fun to mess around with it, but there's no depth whatsoever.

Also, yeah, the FOV is horrible.
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 20:17    Post subject:

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 20:21    Post subject:
What the fuck is this?
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 20:24    Post subject:
Someone wiping out all the Captains in one go? Something to do with "dominating" so that they join you and then being affected by a spell that kills any mind controlled Captains.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 20:28    Post subject:
Looks lol wut
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 20:32    Post subject:
Supposedly you have to dominate them first, which is the hard part, the video was just showing off a "fun" way of killing them all in one go. It's bragging rights more than anything. I haven't played the game (burned out on open-world AC style games) so I don't know the mechanics myself, I'm just going by the YT comments.
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Posts: 18882
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 20:32    Post subject:
It's very hard to get them in one place, this took a lot of work.
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Posts: 8061

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 20:36    Post subject:
Dominating them is very easy.
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Posts: 221

PostPosted: Fri, 3rd Oct 2014 21:57    Post subject:
I enjoyed the game too much.

Found an epic rune that increases the kill strike time to 10 seconds.


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Serial Humper

Posts: 13854

PostPosted: Sat, 4th Oct 2014 00:04    Post subject:
Now I've finished it too Wink Tbh the major disappointment is quests/main story. Instead of trying to create a sandbox experience with kinda boring, generated missions and collectibles they should have concentrated on a strong narrative, interesting and numerous quests, diverse level design etc etc.
They should have tried to take the best of Batman\AC series and avoid their flaws but they didn't.

Combat is great and fun, though Wink

Nemesis system lacks depth, but it is more or less fun, however it could work much better if it was not the main feature as it is now but rather a supplement to a great story, gripping quests and diverse world.


I'd say closer to 7 coz the story is really meh..oh, and dat final fight Very Happy

1) Lenovo Legion 7 (AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, RTX 3080 16Gb, 32Gb DDR4, SSD 1TB +2TB

2) SFFPC (streaming via Moonlight+ Sunshine)
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Sat, 4th Oct 2014 00:51    Post subject:
I still think it's a solid action game after about six hours. I can't take more than two hours of it, but that usually happens with every game in this genre with me. The characters are interesting enough, VA is great, so it's a bit of a shame the story is average. This game could've been awesome if they'd put more effort into storytelling (they got a huge lore backing them ffs). It's a game with above average elements and excellent combat. It's cloning clones of clones, but does it in a good way IMO. Too bad such games rarely come in a complete package (A+ combat + story + missions = teh winz). I hope they'll be succesful enough to make a sequel.

The nemesis system is an interesting addition, but it's not properly executed.
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Posts: 23008
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sat, 4th Oct 2014 01:47    Post subject:
Didn't read up about this game pre release and saw WB logo and thought "uh ohh.. This will have some batman esque gameplay" and what did i get? Batman in middle earth. Can't say i'm overjoyed seeing as im fully saturated by sandbox games, and the batman games are really getting boring.
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Posts: 20488

PostPosted: Sat, 4th Oct 2014 01:53    Post subject:
Lol at people with 280x and 780ti saying that the game runs surprisingly fine Laughing

3080, ps5, lg oled

Sin317-"im 31 years old and still surprised at how much shit comes out of my ass actually ..."
SteamDRM-"Call of Duty is the symbol of the true perfection in every aspect. Call of Duty games are like Mozart's/Beethoven's symphonies"
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