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Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 01:36 Post subject: |
Asumptions dont mean shit, just fucking go with it and decide on the way when you have more info. Jeez.... You learn and grow stronger when you can face the situations and handle them adequately.
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Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 06:40 Post subject: |
tainted4ever wrote: | I made a Grinder profile one night though whilst drunk. God that was eye-opening. 150 hits 0o. I wish I was gay. Life would be so much simpler  |
Same drama, different gender xD
"Quantum mechanics is actually, contrary to it's reputation, unbeliveably simple, once you take the physics out."
Scott Aaronson chiv wrote: | thats true you know. newton didnt discover gravity. the apple told him about it, and then he killed it. the core was never found. |
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 06:48 Post subject: |
This may be a stupid question, but does Tinder actually work?
Like you get to see someone on your phone, close to you, who wants nothing more than a booty call?
Has anyone tried it?
I had the same question about Adult Friend Finder when I was single years ago. I was skeptical that it works.
And I don't mean hooking up with a hooker who claims to be on tinder and going on 'dates'. but real, pretty to hot women who want nothing more than to fuck. Is this for real?
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Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 06:51 Post subject: |
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Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 10:07 Post subject: |
Last edited by garus on Tue, 27th Aug 2024 21:44; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 13:55 Post subject: |
Last edited by garus on Tue, 27th Aug 2024 21:44; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 6871
Location: Uk
Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 13:56 Post subject: |
PumpAction wrote: | Saner wrote: | *installs tinder* | What's your SO's opinion on that  |
She chose 'ugly' when my photo came up 
ragnarus wrote: |
I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so...... Am I the only one that thinks some authorities needs to be alerted about Saner and him possibly being a rapist and/or kidnapper ? |
Saner is not being serious. Unless its the subject of Santa!
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 14:22 Post subject: |
garus wrote: | SycoShaman wrote: | This may be a stupid question, but does Tinder actually work?
Like you get to see someone on your phone, close to you, who wants nothing more than a booty call?
Has anyone tried it?
I had the same question about Adult Friend Finder when I was single years ago. I was skeptical that it works.
And I don't mean hooking up with a hooker who claims to be on tinder and going on 'dates'. but real, pretty to hot women who want nothing more than to fuck. Is this for real? |
I haven't used it for one night stands, but it works. If a girl is interested they have no problem meeting in real life. Girl I was with agreed to meet me after just over a week of texting \
Though there's a lot of girls who are matches with you but never respond.
And the universal truth still applies here: if a girl starts the conversation first, she is usually far from pretty (and thus has to take matters into her hands). Bunch of times I swiped right someone I didn't like and they instantly messaged me.
"If you are a man, or just an ugly girl you will have to work for it" |
I've never heard that before but it does make sense. Thanks (not that I'm going to use Tinder, think my wife would get upset )
I was cat-fished tho after my 2nd divorce from 1st wife. I met this girl on some site (not a dating site) or chat room who lived in Toronto.
We talked for like a good 2 months, every day. She sent me a pic of herself and she was this cute lil yoga looking girl (tho she said she just worked out, didn't do yoga).
I thought sure, I'm in.
I did send a pic of me to her phone, with my shirt off (of course lol) so she could see how I look and that I'm not lying about being cut etc
Anyway, we planned to meet a few times but something always came up and we couldn't...BUT they were plausible excuses.
I also talked to her friend over the net, think we used ICQ or something.
Anyway, I was bitching to her friend that I really want to see her, she always talks about wanting to fuck me etc etc
The friend knew what I looked like and said 'really? you want to get with (I can't remember her name) say Amanda? Is something wrong with you? Cause I'd fuck your brains out, you're hot'. (Btw, she was hot and we did hook up).
So she sent me an ACTUAL pic of 'Amanda'. I don't think she EVER worked out...she looked like the mother from Honey Boo Boo (minus the retarded expression)...easy 300+ lbs.
So I sent her friend the pic 'Amanda' sent me, and it turned out to be the friend.
So I pushed to meet Amanda cause I wanted to catch her in a lie. She always had a reason not to. Eventually, her friend told her that she knew Amanda was using her pic and that she cat-fished me and 'Amanda' was never heard of again.
I fucked her friend for a month or 2.
Then like a good year later, I get an email say "Did you meet up with 'Amanda' and have sex at a hotel in Niagra Falls all weekend?". I said No of course.
Apparently, 'Amanda' was showing all her friends my picture on her phone saying she fucked this 'hot martial artist'.
Suffice to say, I'm pretty sure 'Amanda' ended up being horribly embarrassed. And rightfully so.
Leading someone to believe you are one thing, all the while knowing you're not.
I'm not a big fan of net dating, personally speaking. Even if I were single, I would only try it for hookups (Ashley Madison for example). Its almost like a blind date. And you can't really tell anything about someone based on a profile and a picture, especially since women are experts at taking pics that make them look like 10's while being 4's right. That angled, turned head, pouty lip selfie pose.
I'm the kinda guy who rather go to bar/club/concert/ or just engaged some chick at a coffee shop or bookstore or library etc
Least that way, you know what you're getting and she either talks to you or tells you to fuck off/she isn't interested.
Cause Ive had fuck buddy relationships with women I wouldn't even hang out with, but are smoking hot and I'd love to fuck em.
One comes to mind. This girl Ashley. Total bitch. HUGE bitch. But super hot, not a 10, but a solid 8.5. I couldn't stand her, aside from the way she fucked. She was a great lay. We fucked every weekend, all weekend for a month and then it fizzled out.
You can't have relationships like that with web dating...unless the site you're are is geared for that I suppose.

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Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 15:30 Post subject: |
Saner wrote: | PumpAction wrote: | Saner wrote: | *installs tinder* | What's your SO's opinion on that  |
She chose 'ugly' when my photo came up  | 
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Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 15:35 Post subject: |
I never installed it or used it, but several girls I know have it installed, and they aren't psychos or sluts. Some go on dates, or went on dates once or twice, but some also just like to browse through the guys and select nope, nope, nope, and laugh when seeing coworkers there. And doubly laugh when the same coworker shows up again, which apparently means he selected 'like' when seeing them.
No male friends have it installed afaik.
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Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 15:37 Post subject: |
Syco crits Nfohump with his wall of text!!
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Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 16:23 Post subject: |
started using it after my last break up in april (which was, just for the statistic, a fuck-your-brains-out-hookup on the first date that turned in a 4 year relationship) and i really can't complain. went out on a bunch of dates, which all ended with my penis stuck in some orifice of her after a few hours. zero psycho bitches, but then again, i'm pretty good at pre-screening for that kind of stuff.
it's also a great timewaster on public transport (best part is when you're sitting next to a girl, she looks at what you're doing on the phone, realizes you swipe everything right and then gives you an evil eye like you just murdered somebody ). it's also rather amusing to not just fuck, but fuck with random girls on tinder (check out and for inspiration). might as well have fun doing it, also usually ups the FHITB quota.
the girls on there are really really picky, but that's simply because 99% of guys they swipe right are 1. a match anyway, 2. boring and stupid, 3. sex reference in the first few messages, 4. switching over to whatsapp --> dick pic. girls usually rage on about what a horror show it is (but somehow still continue using it). i recommend watching "buried alive" by aziz ansari, there's a great part in it about tinder, grindr and the whole dick pix dilemma.
also, apparently almost every guy on tinder has a weird misshaped dick. every time i talk with (girl) friends about it or meet somebody from there, the topic comes up 
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Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 20:58 Post subject: |
What about an introvert like me who doesn't like hanging pointlessly out in bars, nor randomly engaging with unknown people directly through services or in person?
I'm allergic to talking bullshit or hanging out doing nothing.
I'm a professional at living alone and jerking it -> sex is not a primary concern so any medium primarily aimed for it is right out.
My experience in totality has been through online and offline friendships first that grew into something else.
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Thu, 13th Nov 2014 23:42 Post subject: |
Stormwolf wrote: | Syco crits Nfohump with his wall of text!! |
Leo made that image cuz I used to write HUGE, LONG ass posts when I was going through my situation with my exwife.
The people around then (some are still around), were good friends, even tho we live on diff continents for the most part
Nice community
I like it. The image i mean. Its funny but yet mocks me. Which is fine as I can totally laugh at myself 
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Posted: Sun, 11th Jan 2015 05:11 Post subject: |
Great app to forget ur last bitch. No pussy for me yet but atleast some pictures via WhatsApp and alot of matches.
Im not the bodybuilder Typ of guy with a 30 cm dick and driving a Lamborghini so it really helps boosting my Ego even tho i haven't got any pussy for now.
Probably because im too picky... Only a matter of time
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Posted: Sun, 11th Jan 2015 07:29 Post subject: |
Better to be picky than have to deal with the clusterfuck nuts that roam this earth
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Posted: Sun, 11th Jan 2015 07:31 Post subject: |
but tinder is for fucking, not for finding a soulmate.
though you are still right, if you want it to stay at one fuck you have to make sure not to choose a clingy psycho.
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Posted: Mon, 12th Jan 2015 17:19 Post subject: |
I think I looked at it and it told me I needed facebook so fuck that shit.
Per Ardua Ad Astra
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Posted: Sun, 5th Feb 2017 00:51 Post subject: |
Lol got gifted an iphone 4 a few days back, so I was like, let's see what's up with this, the old boy could use some action.
well, a day later, got 2 22 year olds lined up. I'm 31. Feel like a pedo bear in kindergarten
I sure hope it's not some kidney transplant scam 
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