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Posts: 24883
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Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 16:02 Post subject: |
Pre-ordering Ubisoft games is a big fat no no to me (unless price glitch). 
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Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 16:08 Post subject: |
Neon wrote: | Prefetian wrote: | Are you going to make a thread in a couple of years saying people shouldn't tell others not to pay micro-transactions in games they already bought?
I have a feeling we'll be seeing that kind of a thread from you in a couple of years. |
I could create that thread right now, why do you care what hurpadurpas spend their money on, there are people buying TF2 hats for two thousand dollars. |
Well, most who are buying TF2 is because it's free (now) so that's the exception to the rule.
If you haven't noticed publishers (and devs) are constantly pushing their limits because people pay for it.
Remember when DLC's were free or were bundled up into big expansion packs? Then came the consoles and DLC's suddenly became something you pay for in increments. Now it's that games are sliced up as either DLC bonuses or you have to pay for them quite a bit.
PS4 is also now trying to charge you by the minute for how long you play, how about that....
Ohh and to completely invalidate your previous comparison to say movies. You don't need to bring your own projector with you to the cinema, you do need a computer of at least decent quality to play the games (which are nowadays so shitty you need a good rig just to play them at 30 fps).
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Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 16:09 Post subject: |
Totalbiscuit is pro-consumer to the extreme and I agree with him. The consumers need to stick together and hold publishers responsible for the quality of their games. How many more clusterfucks and subsequent waiting for patches will we have to endure? And cutting content to satisfy the business need to absolutely milk every paying consumer/fan if they want the full content?
Early access and DLC culture is resulting in lower quality games and should be combated. Not in some whiny/bitching method, but by a loose movement of the mature audience to hold publishers accountable for release-day QUALITY. And being able to ignore a game if it's broken and review-embargo protected, like TB is trying to get people to do.
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Posts: 2187
Location: Wrong_Timeline
Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 16:16 Post subject: |
Neon wrote: | WaldoJ wrote: | rly... if they fall for it? you get hyped for every single iteration of assassins creed.
Like. Even the one that was critically shamed by fans you defended to high heavens until you gave in and agreed that it was shit. |
What a retarded statment I never "caved in". I'm maybe 1% of the board who actively hated ACB and meh'd AC2, the most beloved games in AC franchise. I liked AC3 a fuckton more than AC2/ACB, while most of people here consider it the worst of the franchise. The only game I truly love from Ezio saga is ACR, which most people considered a filler. From the beginning of time I say that ACIV:Black Flag is a horrible AC game, but a great pirate game. What the fuck is your problem? What the fuck does me liking Unity have to do with anything?
There are multiple people here who preorder every Total War game even though each and every one was bugged as shit on release. Don't see you laughing at them.
Quote: | Plx. You're still flaunting that unity banner. The game came out. The game is shit. ubisoft fucked consumers in the ass with sand paper cock and you're still promoting the game. |
Seriously, what the fuck are you going on about? Did you play the game? Because the people here that did (or most of them anyway) admit that it's probably the best AC game so far, aside from technical issues.
Quote: | I'd call you a hypocrite but I'm sure you're enjoying the game tremendously because it's so good. |
Yes I do? I'm 51 hours in so far and I love it. So what?
Quote: | also one note... how i came to conclusion that you would've loved aliens CM?
becuz u sed dat all gaem u preorder u enjoy 1000% so thru dat logic if you had gone and preorderededeededededededed aliens CM you would've enjoyed it. No? |
Read what I wrote again, try comprehending it this time, kthxbye.
Quote: | Also movie v. game price. Lol. |
Holy shit, you definitely convinced me with that argument!
Quote: | So, MMOS and CODS should cost hundreds of dollars? |
You are aware you are paying a fucking monthly subscription for an MMO, right? |
Not all people have 4/6/8 cores gtx 9/7 series to enjoy the game as you do
The game is not optimized for lower class PCs, the company didn't bother with it, they're uninterested with it and they don't deserve a penny.
AC is boring period, people that don't realise that are just fans like COD who refuse to get that.
There's nothing innovative besides herpaderpa parkour and some minor changes.
They milk the game as much as they can, because it sells, COD works so why not other games that catch the public.
Back in the days there were demos with what you could tell if the game is worth it or not,at least. Now there's just blind faith.Internet is full of shit on gaming matter.There's nothing how it used to be.Money and power rules nowadays.
I played all AC but i enjoyed only AC1 and Black Flag, and ill probably like Unity too.
But the fact that they don't give a shit about PC they really don't deserve a dime.
Never preordered shit and never will.
If you have the money and don't care about the future of gaming do your thing.
The industry is over saturated, over confident, there's lack of creativity in most AAA games. DLC/season pass
Companies need a kick that will take them on the right path.
That will probably never happen as there are too much gamers suckaz
Peace and Love brothers,sisters & men! AMEN! and may one day you will all become cured!
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Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 16:26 Post subject: |
matta666 wrote: | i preordered alien colonial marines |
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Posts: 1061
Location: Manchester
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Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 17:40 Post subject: |
Neon UBItch
If you ain't paid by ubisoftpenis then you are seriously dedicated
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Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 17:56 Post subject: |
UBItch, I think this will be my new favorite word for a while. 
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VIP Member
Posts: 18876
Location: Poland
Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 19:33 Post subject: |
tonizito wrote: | Aside from that, do you *really* need the crapssassins pants of powa, or aiden's cap of solid stool +1, or liam neesons plasma pistol of awesome? No, you fucking don't. |
Yeah, that's exactly what I said:
Quote: | I'm not preordering digitally because I'm afraid the copies are going to run out, I'm preordering because I WOULD BUY IT DAY-ONE ANYWAY, but I can also get a discount/another game as a gift/free DLC. |
I don't care about pants of shitty running +1, but since I would get the game anyway, why would I not prepurchase it and get some additional free stuff?
WaldoJ wrote: | ummm, not every mmo. you know that right?
Umm cod / mmo = movie v game price argument.
Which based on your statement of content works 100%
Thanx. |
Apart from the first sentence I don't understand what you're trying to say here.
Quote: | You said you preoder games you know you gonna love.
So if you preorder gayvilla. Are you not gonna love it? |
Dude... Read the fucking thing I wrote again You're mixing up the cause and effect here.
If I watched an hour of gameplay of a game and decide that it's right up in my alley- then yeah, I'm probably gonna like it.
However, if the game looks like shit, I'm not going to preorder it, is it that hard to comprehend?
Quote: | Saying comprehend this and comprehend that is lol. |
Oh, it is.
Quote: | If you can't continue with your point. You made it. Live with it.
If you preordered aliens CM you have assured me you would love it.
Regardless of how you feel about it now. Or then. Or whenever. |
It's the other way around. I like the game/series/whatever, THEREFORE I'll preorder it. If the game looks like shit, like Aliens, I would not preorder it.
Quote: | Aside technical issues,
Thanks. Aliens CM is also a fantastic game aside technical issues as well, right?  |
Um, no? The game looked like crap and played like crap, has broken AI and mechanics.
Quote: | We aren't arguing total war. we are arguing preorders. Which is anti-consumer. You're defending it because if you preroder something you know it's good. So many people are like you. so TB doesn't know what he's talking about. He's dummy. lolol TB you so silly. Right?
No. STFU. |
Yes, if I preorder something I probably know it's going to be good, because if I wasn't sure, I wouldn't preorder it.
Quote: | You are on the stance that it's your money, you can do whatever you want with it. |
And what is YOUR stance? "It's my money, so when TB say something is good, it has to be good"? "It's my money, but I can't do whatever I want with it"?
Quote: | You do whatever you want. Support idiotic anti-consumer practices because it's your money you're wasting. Good. Those of us who got fucked. Those of us who got raped. Those of us who had to suck the dick of the publisher and thank them for the shitty product we paid that extra 10 dollars for. yeah, you were never cheated by the publishers because you will defend poorly made products with shit writing simply because 'aside technical issues'. |
No, I simply do the minimal amount of research that honestly everyone should do if they don't want to get fucked over. Don't want uPlay? Don't buy Ubisoft games. Don't like Denuvo? Don't buy EA/Origin stuff. It's not hard.
Quote: | To you it's my money my problems.
To TB it's it's your money be careful.
To me it's i has fast internet wuts preorder lololol. |
No, to me it's "your money, your problems, if you get fucked over because you couldn't look up the history of the publisher for 5 minutes it's probably your fault".
Prefetian wrote: | Neon wrote: | Prefetian wrote: | Are you going to make a thread in a couple of years saying people shouldn't tell others not to pay micro-transactions in games they already bought?
I have a feeling we'll be seeing that kind of a thread from you in a couple of years. |
I could create that thread right now, why do you care what hurpadurpas spend their money on, there are people buying TF2 hats for two thousand dollars. |
Well, most who are buying TF2 is because it's free (now) so that's the exception to the rule. |
Why is that an exception to the rule? Because the game itself is free it's OK to pay a couple of hundred dollars for an aesthetics item, but if it's an AAA title it's not OK?
Quote: | If you haven't noticed publishers (and devs) are constantly pushing their limits because people pay for it.
Remember when DLC's were free or were bundled up into big expansion packs? Then came the consoles and DLC's suddenly became something you pay for in increments. Now it's that games are sliced up as either DLC bonuses or you have to pay for them quite a bit. |
Fine, then don't buy the games or support the publishers that do that. Pirate the shit out of them. I don't care.
VGAdeadcafe wrote: | Totalbiscuit is pro-consumer to the extreme and I agree with him. The consumers need to stick together and hold publishers responsible for the quality of their games. How many more clusterfucks and subsequent waiting for patches will we have to endure? And cutting content to satisfy the business need to absolutely milk every paying consumer/fan if they want the full content? |
People who are watching TB are not any major publisher's main playerbase. They simply are not. The clusterfucks will happen as long as the average hurpadurpas will keep on buying them.
HIz wrote: | Not all people have 4/6/8 cores gtx 9/7 series to enjoy the game as you do
The game is not optimized for lower class PCs, the company didn't bother with it, they're uninterested with it and they don't deserve a penny. |
And that's your right to not support them. But why do you care what I do with my money?
Quote: | AC is boring period, people that don't realise that are just fans like COD who refuse to get that. |
I disagree. Regardless what you think of AC, I think it's quite a feat that they manage to make one each year (yeah, I know that each AC is probably worked on for about ~18-24 months or so, but still). Think about it. Each AC had a huge city/cities, with tons of historical background done, landmark recreated, historical figures added, sidequests, tons of VO, new animations for the characters, new mechanics. In CoD if you're lucky you get some new mechanic like the exoskeleton jumping, but they don't need to do anything close like the AC teams do. That's a fact.
Quote: | I played all AC but i enjoyed only AC1 and Black Flag, and ill probably like Unity too.
But the fact that they don't give a shit about PC they really don't deserve a dime.
Never preordered shit and never will. |
And that's OK. But why do you care what I do with my money?
Quote: | If you have the money and don't care about the future of gaming do your thing. |
Why, if I preorder, I don't care about the future of gaming? What exactly would change if I bought the game day-one instead of preordering? Absolutely nothing.
FireMaster wrote: | Neon UBItch
If you ain't paid by ubisoftpenis then you are seriously dedicated |
I find it a little funny considering I'm one of the people who is actually quite critical of Ubisoft, I just enjoy their games.
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Posts: 51051
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 19:51 Post subject: |
Neon wrote: | I don't care about pants of shitty running +1, but since I would get the game anyway, why would I not prepurchase it and get some additional free stuff? | So people won't end up blindingly supporting buggy and/or broken games? Seems like a good enough reason to me.
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote: | i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then |
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Posts: 17716
Location: Limboland, Netherlands
Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 19:56 Post subject: |
Because that free stuff should had been included in the game anyway, preorder or not.
You just justify their retarded selling methods with your justification of preordering
It's the whole point to this, why should they invest more time and effort, if their pre-orders are already exceeding far more than they expected. When they already started making profit by just the pre-orders. Why the fuck would they even bother to deliver a proper game if you already bought it before it releases.. And they make people with a mindset like yours buy it before by throwing in something retarded extra that is included in the game anyway, if you pre-order or not.
Proud member of Frustrated Association of International Losers Failing Against the Gifted and Superior (F.A.I.L.F.A.G.S)

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Posts: 2187
Location: Wrong_Timeline
Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 20:18 Post subject: |
Neon wrote: |
HIz wrote: | Not all people have 4/6/8 cores gtx 9/7 series to enjoy the game as you do
The game is not optimized for lower class PCs, the company didn't bother with it, they're uninterested with it and they don't deserve a penny. |
And that's your right to not support them. But why do you care what I do with my money?[/size]
Quote: | AC is boring period, people that don't realise that are just fans like COD who refuse to get that. |
I disagree. Regardless what you think of AC, I think it's quite a feat that they manage to make one each year (yeah, I know that each AC is probably worked on for about ~18-24 months or so, but still). Think about it. Each AC had a huge city/cities, with tons of historical background done, landmark recreated, historical figures added, sidequests, tons of VO, new animations for the characters, new mechanics. In CoD if you're lucky you get some new mechanic like the exoskeleton jumping, but they don't need to do anything close like the AC teams do. That's a fact.
Quote: | I played all AC but i enjoyed only AC1 and Black Flag, and ill probably like Unity too.
But the fact that they don't give a shit about PC they really don't deserve a dime.
Never preordered shit and never will. |
And that's OK. But why do you care what I do with my money?
Quote: | If you have the money and don't care about the future of gaming do your thing. |
Why, if I preorder, I don't care about the future of gaming? What exactly would change if I bought the game day-one instead of preordering? Absolutely nothing.
. |
Neon wrote: | I disagree. Regardless what you think of AC, I think it's quite a feat that they manage to make one each year (yeah, I know that each AC is probably worked on for about ~18-24 months or so, but still). Think about it. Each AC had a huge city/cities, with tons of historical background done, landmark recreated, historical figures added, sidequests, tons of VO, new animations for the characters, new mechanics. In CoD if you're lucky you get some new mechanic like the exoskeleton jumping, but they don't need to do anything close like the AC teams do. That's a fact. |
Yes, they do a great job at that, but that's it,they don't put any effort in rest, that being making the game bugless and enjoyable for most of the players.
SQ are just fillers,repetitive uninteresting imo, each year same shit, every AC released at the beginning is a buggy mess for most players and ubi doesn't care about fixing anything regarding what most people suffer from the game.
Neon wrote: |
But why do you care what I do with my money?
But why do you care what I do with my money?
why do you care what I do with my money? |
You're contributing to the destruction of the video gaming culture, that we once and most still love, you're degrading it,
can i have a loan ? 
Last edited by HIz on Tue, 18th Nov 2014 20:20; edited 1 time in total
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VIP Member
Posts: 32672
Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 20:19 Post subject: |
Lol. I give up.
Stop taking it to heart.
Sin317 wrote: | I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself. |
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Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 20:59 Post subject: |
I never preorder any games without playing it before. Thus, if there are no demos, there is no way im preordering it.
Last game I preordered was Forza Horizon 2 because I loved the demo. Before that? I think it was SWTOR.
Anyway, devs can all go fuck themselves with their preorders bonuses shits. And the worst is when you have a game with different pre-order bonuses, depending on where you preorder it. Really? AC4 BF had that. Walmart had a mission and some weapons, gamestop had another mission and another weapon etc..
So even if you preorder it, you're still fucked up unless you buy pre-order it from different shops
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Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 21:01 Post subject: |
I'm fine with pre-ordering games you have ample info about beforehand. Think gameplay trailers, indepth previews, beta releases, demo's and whatnot. In this age of review embargos, selective review outlets, no demo's, pre-order bonuses, I think pre-ordering is a pretty stupid endeavor.
To give an example. I never intended to even buy Deus Ex:HR. After playing the leak, whether it was intentional or not, I pre-ordered.
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Posts: 51051
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 21:08 Post subject: |
Mister_s wrote: | I'm fine with pre-ordering games you have ample info about beforehand. Think gameplay trailers, indepth previews, beta releases, demo's and whatnot. | Cool.
Now think about some of the broken and glitchy piece of shit games that are floating around.
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote: | i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then |
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Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 21:12 Post subject: |
Many of the games I have immensly enjoyed were pretty broken and/or technically crap. In the internet days atleast, they patch as fast as possible. So I'm fine with that if the studio shows effort.
For me the inherent quality of the game is important, the technical aspect is much lower on my priority list. These days however, big publishers make it near impossible to judge a games potential before release.
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Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 21:16 Post subject: |
tonizito wrote: | Mister_s wrote: | I'm fine with pre-ordering games you have ample info about beforehand. Think gameplay trailers, indepth previews, beta releases, demo's and whatnot. | Cool.
Now think about some of the broken and glitchy piece of shit games that are floating around. |
Yes, trust E3 videos and BUY THE GAME!!
It's totally gonna be the same when released.
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Posts: 51051
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 21:35 Post subject: |
Mister_s wrote: | These days however, big publishers make it near impossible to judge a games potential before release. | So let's... pre-hurrdurr them? 
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote: | i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then |
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Posts: 51051
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
Posted: Tue, 18th Nov 2014 21:48 Post subject: |
I read it as even more of a reason not to blindly pre-order something.
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote: | i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then |
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Posted: Wed, 19th Nov 2014 00:20 Post subject: |
Neon wrote: | FireMaster wrote: | Neon UBItch
If you ain't paid by ubisoftpenis then you are seriously dedicated |
I find it a little funny considering I'm one of the people who is actually quite critical of Ubisoft, I just enjoy their games. |
I also enjoy their games, just not enough to pay for them (considering all the shit with/around them). 
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Posted: Thu, 20th Nov 2014 03:25 Post subject: |
Neon wrote: |
VGAdeadcafe wrote: | Totalbiscuit is pro-consumer to the extreme and I agree with him. The consumers need to stick together and hold publishers responsible for the quality of their games. How many more clusterfucks and subsequent waiting for patches will we have to endure? And cutting content to satisfy the business need to absolutely milk every paying consumer/fan if they want the full content? |
People who are watching TB are not any major publisher's main playerbase. They simply are not. The clusterfucks will happen as long as the average hurpadurpas will keep on buying them.
But thats how you start educating people in long run. First you inform the ones who you(TB-s viewers in this case) can reach, then you hope that the ones you reached will educate their firends, who may be the mainstream buyers, and so on. Its not like TB hopes that the change will come overnight. If it will ever come, it will take a long time, but not doing anything will not bring that change. So he atleast trys to inform the people he can reach in hopes that they will spread his word.
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VIP Master Jedi
Posts: 24468
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posted: Thu, 20th Nov 2014 17:27 Post subject: |
I always pre-order games I know Im going to buy. I dont see the prob.
Take GTA V for PS4...I got 1 million money, 500k for offline, 500k for online because i pre orderd
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Posted: Thu, 20th Nov 2014 18:39 Post subject: |
SycoShaman wrote: | I always pre-order games I know Im going to buy. I dont see the prob.
Take GTA V for PS4...I got 1 million money, 500k for offline, 500k for online because i pre orderd |
Yeah, I'm pretty sure just using a cheat-code gives the same result in single-player. 
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