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Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 13:12 Post subject: Mega games GIVEAWAY XMAS 2014 - WINNERS ANNOUNCED! |
78 Humper competed for 94 out of available 139 games.
Statistically each humper craved for 3.88 games and won 1.2 (30%).
The winners have been determined:
99 Levels to Hell won by DROWNING_WITCH with a chance of 100%
Ace of Spades won by POLOSISTEALTH with a chance of 50%
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars won by TROLLPOWER with a chance of 100%
ARMA II won by TROLLPOWER with a chance of 23.32%
Bastion won by SNAKEDTX with a chance of 28.71%
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition won by EHUEHH with a chance of 74.15%
Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition won by ROYALGAMER06 with a chance of 16.52%
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY won by FREIWALD with a chance of 36.9%
Bioshock won by EHUEHH with a chance of 100%
Bioshock won by HUMAN_STEEL with a chance of 100%
Breach and Clear won by MUTANTIUS with a chance of 23.44%
Carmageddon TDR 2000 won by POLOSISTEALTH with a chance of 11.2%
Chivalry Medieval Warfare won by POLOSISTEALTH with a chance of 6.63%
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising Origin Activation won by MIGHTYMAN with a chance of 36.64%
Company of Heroes won by SNAKEDTX with a chance of 72.08%
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts won by SNAKEDTX with a chance of 100%
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor won by SNAKEDTX with a chance of 100%
Contraption Maker won by TUNGSTEN with a chance of 100%
Crow won by NERRD with a chance of 100%
Crusader Kings II + DLC won by OBLAZ with a chance of 18.93%
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition Origin Activation won by K0TY with a chance of 100%
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic won by BIGBILLY50 with a chance of 15.34%
Dead Sky won by MERCOSTOL with a chance of 100%
Dead Space 3 Origin Activation won by RAGE with a chance of 44.75%
Dead Space Origin Activation won by K0TY with a chance of 100%
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth won by 0WEN with a chance of 100%
Defcon won by MANNYK with a chance of 50%
Demonicon won by XEXTREME with a chance of 16.04%
DieselStormers won by ROYALGAMER06 with a chance of 50%
Dreaming Sarah won by ONBOARD with a chance of 100%
Farm Machines Championships 2014 won by POLOSISTEALTH with a chance of 100%
FATE: The Cursed King won by BIGBILLY50 with a chance of 100%
FEZ won by VECHTER with a chance of 40.35%
Flatout won by ESCALIBUR with a chance of 50%
Frozen Synapse won by OBLAZ with a chance of 100%
FTL: Faster Than Light won by LATHIEZA with a chance of 47.37%
Garry's Mod won by PICKUPARTIST with a chance of 22.43%
Gemini Wars won by BIGBILLY50 with a chance of 29.2%
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams won by SNAKEDTX with a chance of 72.08%
Half-Life 2 won by OBLAZ with a chance of 14.69%
Half-Life 2: Episode 1 won by BLACKEYEDBOY with a chance of 60.38%
Hero of the Kingdom won by FROGSTER with a chance of 100%
Hero Siege won by DROWNING_WITCH with a chance of 35.21%
Legendary won by CELLTECH with a chance of 62.87%
LIMBO won by FREIWALD with a chance of 33.33%
Little Inferno won by ONBOARD with a chance of 100%
Loren The Amazon Princess won by FROGSTER with a chance of 100%
Mafia II won by EHUEHH with a chance of 14.19%
Magicka won by HARRY_THEONE with a chance of 100%
Magicka + 2 DLC won by SNAKEDTX with a chance of 100%
Men of War: Vietnam won by 4TREYU with a chance of 100%
Mirror's Edge Origin Activation won by LOLADASS with a chance of 100%
Natural Selection 2 won by CELLTECH with a chance of 32.35%
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident won by KALTERN with a chance of 18.87%
Oil Rush + DLC + OST won by FROGSTER with a chance of 100%
Omerta - City of Gangsters won by KALTERN with a chance of 30.27%
One Finger Death Punch won by YURI with a chance of 50%
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 won by YURI with a chance of 67.65%
PuzzleQuest: Challenge of the Warlords won by LOCKE89 with a chance of 35.59%
Real Boxing won by LUFTBRADA with a chance of 57.84%
Red Faction Guerrilla won by FREIWALD with a chance of 19.08%
Revenge of the Titans won by OBLAZ with a chance of 39.62%
Rising Storm Game of the Year Edition won by VGADEADCAFE with a chance of 33.21%
Rogue Legacy won by DARKROHIRRIM with a chance of 23.88%
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Sky won by SAURONICH with a chance of 9.36%
Saints Row IV: Century Edition won by FA4TA4L with a chance of 6.55%
Septerra Core won by LOLOZAUR with a chance of 60.38%
Serious Sam 3 won by SPYKEZ with a chance of 100%
SkyDrift won by DARKROHIRRIM with a chance of 100%
Space Pirates and Zombies won by LATHIEZA with a chance of 100%
Spacebase DF-9 won by MORPHINEUS with a chance of 13.61%
Star Ruler won by FROGSTER with a chance of 100%
Star Wars Battlefront® II won by BOB BARNSEN with a chance of 11.83%
Stealth Bastard Deluxe won by DARKROHIRRIM with a chance of 65.3%
Sword of the Stars 2 Enhanced Edition won by PICKUPARTIST with a chance of 100%
The Darkness 2 won by T3NMANNYC with a chance of 38.9%
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - Complete won by VGADEADCAFE with a chance of 47.37%
The Maker's Eden won by CELLTECH with a chance of 100%
The Walking Dead Season 2 won by ARUKARDO with a chance of 5.25%
The Witcher 2 (GOG) won by LOLADASS with a chance of 100%
The Witcher 2 GOG won by POLOSISTEALTH with a chance of 100%
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut won by LOLADASS with a chance of 76.11%
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut won by POLOSISTEALTH with a chance of 100%
Trine 2: Complete Story won by VEGITAYO with a chance of 100%
Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle won by SHAKABUTT with a chance of 77.98%
Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition won by BANI789 with a chance of 44.75%
Two Worlds II won by LOOZ with a chance of 14.62%
Two Worlds II Castle Defense won by NERRD with a chance of 29.66%
Verdun won by 4TREYU with a chance of 20.41%
Vessell won by DROWNING_WITCH with a chance of 39.62%
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Retribution won by SYLENCED with a chance of 20.82%
Wizardry 8 won by LOLOZAUR with a chance of 60.38%
XCOM: Enemy Unknown won by T3NMANNYC with a chance of 19.61%
Year Walk won by COULEUR with a chance of 16.36%
Congratulations to all winners!
And here the awards:
How to claim your win:
For all of the games, where there was a key or a gift link, I'll send out the game via PM here on NFOHump. For all games which are in a Steam inventory, SpykeZ will contact you via PM to verify who you are on steam and then send you the games over steam.
Initial post:
Spoiler: | All the games:
99 Levels to Hell
Ace of Spades
AfterFall Insanity - Extended Ed
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars
Anomaly Warzone Earth
Arena Clash of Champions
ARMA: Cold War Assault
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY
Breech and Clear
Burnout Paradise Origin Activation
Carmageddon TDR 2000
Cave story
Chivalry Medieval Warfare
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising Origin Activation
Company of Heroes
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor
Contraption Maker
Crusader Kings II + DLC
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition Origin Activation
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic
Dead Sky
Dead Space 3 Origin Activation
Dead Space Origin Activation
Deadlings: Rotten ed
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
Death Track:Ressurection
Dreaming Sarah
Fantasy Wars
Farm Machines Championships 2014
FATE: The Cursed King
Fenix Rage
Frozen Hearth
Frozen Synapse
FTL: Faster Than Light
Future Wars
Garry's Mod
Gemini Wars
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
Gun Monkeys
Gun Monkeys
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
Hero of the Kingdom
Hero Siege
King's Bounty: The Legend
Kraven Manor
Little Inferno
Loren The Amazon Princess
Mafia II
Magicka + 2 DLC
Magicka + DLC
Men of War: Vietnam
Mirror's Edge Origin Activation
Muffin Knight
Natural Selection 2
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident
Nosgoth Veteran Pack
Oil Rush + DLC + OST
Omerta - City of Gangsters
One Finger Death Punch
Paradigm Shift
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3
Pirates of the Black Cove
Populous Origin Activation
PuzzleQuest: Challenge of the Warlords
Real Boxing
Red Faction Guerrilla
Red Orchestra
Reign: Conflict of Nations
Retro Pixel Castles
Revenge of the Titans
Rig 'n' Roll
Rising Storm Game of the Year Edition
Rogue Legacy
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Sky
Saints Row IV: Century Edition
Sanctum 2
Septerra Core
Serious Sam 3
Space Pirates and Zombies
Space Pirates and Zombies
Spacebase DF-9
Star Ruler
Star Wars Battlefront® II
Star Wolves 3
Stealth Bastard Deluxe
Survivor Squad
Sword of the Stars 2 Enhanced Edition
Sword of the Stars: Complete Collection
The Darkness 2
The Gamers (GOG Movie)
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - Complete
The Maker's Eden
The Ship - 2 Pack Gift
The Ship: Murder Party/Single Player
The Walking Dead Season 2
The Witcher 2 (GOG)
The Witcher 2 GOG
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut
Trine 2: Complete Story
Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle
Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition
Two Worlds II
Two Worlds II Castle Defense
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Retribution
Wizardry 8
Woodle Tree
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Year Walk
+ Post all the games that you would like to compete in to win. If required make a new post.
+ You must select at least 3 games
+ A randomizer will select a winner out of those people that want the same game as you do.
+ Your chances will slim down if you compete in too many games!
+ After the winners have been announced SpykeZ will send you your gamekeys/activation links
+ This is a private giveaway. If you only subscribed to take part, please fuck off.
+ If you wanted to enter a game last second or we simply missed to add you to one game? Sorry! We try our best, but won't take any liablity in case something doesn't go as planned. Here is the code for the script if you don't trust us
Thanks to SpykeZ, Riptide, Kurosaki, Streagle, Epsilon, vegitayo, Arukardo, ehuehh, Yuri, briangw, margus27, 4treyu, Morphineus, MisterBear, DarkRohirrim, Sauronich, Cyb3r, JBeckman, Boner, KZ, OnBoard, Fa4Ta4L, escalibur, immunity, M1ghtyMan, barash, monk3ybusin3ss, Drowning_witch, Neon, chiv, ixigia, Sandro742, tonizito and Mercostol for the games & organisation!
If you want to contribute, please read more here, the main thread, where you can win money for any game you want:
Let's get this started! Good luck and thanks to all the contributors. Be sure to check regularly, new games will be marked in violet
Edit: 25 new games, you guys are amazing  |
=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
Last edited by PumpAction on Mon, 22nd Dec 2014 01:44; edited 19 times in total
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Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 19:16 Post subject: |
Let's go 
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Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 19:19 Post subject: |
Pffft, not even alphabetised
Spoiler: |
Ace of Spades
AfterFall Insanity - Extended Ed
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY
Bioshock (was entered twice)
Breech and Clear
Burnout Paradise
Carmageddon TDR 2000
Cave story
Chivalry Medieval Warfare
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising
Contraption Maker
Crusader Kings II + DLC
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic
Deadlings: Rotten ed
Dead Sky
Dead Space
Dead Space 3
Dreaming Sarah
Farm Machines Championships 2014
FATE: The Cursed King
Frozen Hearth
Frozen Synapse
Future Wars
Garry's Mod
Gemini Wars
Gun Monkeys
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
Hero of the Kingdom
Hero Siege
Kraven Manor
Loren The Amazon Princess
Mafia II
Magicka + 2 DLC
Magicka + DLC
Mirror's Edge
Muffin Knight
Natural Selection 2
Oil Rush + DLC + OST
Paradigm Shift
Pirates of the Black Cove
Real Boxing
Red Faction Guerrilla
Retro Pixel Castles
Revenge of the Titans
Rising Storm Game of the Year Edition
Saints Row IV: Century Edition
Sanctum 2
Septerra Core
Serious Sam 3
Spacebase DF-9
Star Wars Battlefront® II
Survivor Squad
Sword of the Stars 2 Enhanced Edition
The Darkness 2
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - Complete
The Maker's Eden
The Ship: Murder Party/Single Player
The Walking Dead Season 2
The Witcher 2 GOG
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut
Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle
Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition
Two Worlds II Castle Defense
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Retribution
Woodle Tree
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Year Walk
Incidentally, the only games I'm interested in are Saint's Row IV: Century Edition and Star Wars: Battlefront 2, so I gratefully put my name in the hat for those and say THANK YOU! to everyone that donated to the Christmas Giveaway <3
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VIP Member
Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 19:20 Post subject: |
Spacebase DF-9
Carmageddon TDR 2000

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Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 19:22 Post subject: |
Thx sabin, I knew I forgot something 
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Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 19:27 Post subject: |
Yes you are doing it right Select as many games as you want!
Your chances to win games will decrease though if you select too many games. But the same counts for everybody else
Arkham is there twice because two different people donated it 
=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
Last edited by PumpAction on Sat, 13th Dec 2014 19:39; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 51063
Location: Portugal, the shithole of Europe.
Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 19:28 Post subject: |
Fenix Rag-- oh 
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote: | i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then |
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Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 19:30 Post subject: |
Just to give you guys a hint:
Freiwald only wants limbo. If some other user enters 10 games (lets just call him goyalramer60), and limbo is also one of them, then Freiwald has a 67% chance to win and goyalramer60 has a 33% chance to win the game 
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Posts: 131
Location: Croatia
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Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 19:36 Post subject: |
Half-Life 2: Episode 1

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Posts: 1766
Location: Spain
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Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 19:51 Post subject: |
Saints Row IV: Century Edition
Thanks to all donators / organizers
Ryzen 7 7800X3D, 32GB Kingston Fury Beast @6000MHz, GIGABYTe RTX 4070Ti Eagle OC
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Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 20:10 Post subject: |
Wizardry 8
Septerra Core
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Sky
Last edited by lolozaur on Thu, 18th Dec 2014 10:43; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 20:36 Post subject: |
Put me down for Red Faction Guerilla 
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Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 20:55 Post subject: |
Dead Space
Burnout Paradise
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
Dead Space 3
Mirror's Edge
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising
Forgot to mention these are Origin games
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Posts: 832
Location: Norway
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Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 21:20 Post subject: |
I'm going to say don't edit your post if you want to enter on another game. Just make a new post so we're not skimming back over old posts and checking the spreadsheet to make sure it's updated.
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Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 21:26 Post subject: |
Ryzen 7 9800X3D PBO ~-26/+200 | Freezer III 360 A-RGB | Strix X670E-F WiFi | Zotac RTX 4090 AMP Extreme AIRO | Fury Beast 64GB (2x 32GB) DDR5 5600MHz C40 @ 6000MHz C28 | 970 EVO Plus 2 TB | 38GN950-B | S.M.S.L RAW-MDA1 & HiFiMAN Arya Organic | Lancool III Snow White + 4x be quiet! Silent Wings Pro 4 140mm | RM1000x (2021) Gold | G Pro X SUPERLIGHT 2 & POWERPLAY | Win 11 Pro | Logitech MX MECHANICAL
Sometimes I publish YouTube videos:
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Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 21:30 Post subject: |
Spreadsheet done....and somehow I managed to not lose any games haha. Everyone above this post has been added. There's going to be a nice fight over Saints Row apparently lol
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Posts: 1104
Location: Western Cave
Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 21:32 Post subject: |
Chivalry Medieval Warfare
Saints Row IV: Century Edition
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut
Greedy Edit , i will add few more games that i would love to have
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Omerta - City of Gangsters
Star Wars Battlefront® II
The Darkness 2
Trine 2: Complete Story
Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle
Two Worlds II
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Retribution
out of sig inspiration for the moment 
Last edited by vegitayo on Tue, 16th Dec 2014 10:57; edited 2 times in total
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Posted: Sat, 13th Dec 2014 21:43 Post subject: |
Hero of the Kingdom
Loren The Amazon Princess
Saints Row IV: Century Edition
Gemini Wars
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident
Oil Rush + DLC + OST
Omerta - City of Gangsters
Star Ruler
great giveaway. cheers !
Last edited by frogster on Sun, 21st Dec 2014 19:20; edited 3 times in total
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