what's the best linux os for a work-office laptop?
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Oct 2014 21:04    Post subject:
No, just realist. Even OS X has more high profile games than this turd. Let's admit it, the year of the Loonix desktop is not here. "Yet" Laughing
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[Moderator] Janitor

Posts: 14081

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Oct 2014 21:09    Post subject:
SteamOS will bring about the age of Linux-based gaming.

(not really, but its the best opportunity yet)

"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment."
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Posts: 12378
Location: Reino de Suecia
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Oct 2014 21:11    Post subject:
Yeah, because as we all know that only 'high profile games' are the good ones. Reaction
Dem cawadootys are great for mac. Aww Yeah

Anyway, both operating systems are pitiful when compared to windows when it comes to games and gaming.

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Oct 2014 21:16    Post subject:
Regardless of what you think of the games, they are the ones that bring masses, not some indie poops.

And indeed, for gaming, Windows is superior to anything out there. With DX12, this will improve much further, while Loonix drowns with OpenGL.
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Posts: 12378
Location: Reino de Suecia
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Oct 2014 21:19    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
Regardless of what you think of the games, they are the ones that bring masses, not some indie poops.

I hardly think that anyone is going "hey, I want to play lots of games. Shall I choose a mac which I have to give up my firstborn for or a windows PC which I can later install Linux on?".
So if that's your argument then both lose, people will chose a computer/laptop that has windows on it because they 'know' they can play games on it.

Anyway, doesn't matter. The recent support for games on Linux will make it more viable than before as a desktop PC. And thanks to steam, this is getting more and more popular and if this trend keeps going then it's going to be ace.

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Oct 2014 21:30    Post subject:
No, what I mean is that until the masses want Linux, because they can play CoDs and whatnot as well as there is something that makes it better than Windows, only then we can think of Loonix as having any chance.

On the other hand, gaming is not everything. Loonix is quite crap outside of shell. Want to write a document? Create a presentation? Open Photoshop? Open After Effects? To quote Steven Seagal, "Well that's tough shit", because Loonix has nothing to support serious work.
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Posts: 2378
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Oct 2014 21:35    Post subject: I have left.
I have left.
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Posts: 12378
Location: Reino de Suecia
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Oct 2014 21:36    Post subject:
"Open Photoshop? Open After Effects?"

Those aren't needed by everyone though.
And I'm pretty sure you could find alternatives to both of those.

But yeah, I get it, you don't like Linux and you find OS Unicorn much better.

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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Oct 2014 21:36    Post subject:
Shoshomiga wrote:
Its sad that we still have this discussion

Proprietary software is the scourge of the earth and FOSS is the best thing to happen ever

We should all contribute to make GNU/Linux/Systemd the operating system that we deserve

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Posts: 1009

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Oct 2014 23:51    Post subject:
Ooo it's again that time of the year, LeoNatan spreading his linux bullshit
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Posts: 1009

PostPosted: Wed, 1st Oct 2014 23:51    Post subject:
Shoshomiga wrote:
Its sad that we still have this discussion

Proprietary software is the scourge of the earth and FOSS is the best thing to happen ever

We should all contribute to make GNU/Linux/Systemd the operating system that we deserve

Prefetian wrote:
"Open Photoshop? Open After Effects?"

Those aren't needed by everyone though.
And I'm pretty sure you could find alternatives to both of those.

But yeah, I get it, you don't like Linux and you find OS Unicorn much better.

finally some intelligent guys with vision on nfohump Very Happy
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Posts: 408

PostPosted: Tue, 16th Dec 2014 18:58    Post subject:
I second Kubuntu, I have been using it for years for work, and have few problems with it.
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Posts: 6877

PostPosted: Wed, 17th Dec 2014 11:50    Post subject:
very happy with Xubuntu, using it on a 2008 laptop which even allows some L4D2 gaming.
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Posts: 3421

PostPosted: Wed, 17th Dec 2014 12:47    Post subject:
Centos is fine, especially after THIS.
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Posts: 1009

PostPosted: Wed, 17th Dec 2014 17:27    Post subject:
debian, no discussion honestly... many people who solely use linux will certainly agree Very Happy i agree with paintface, xfce is the best desktop environment... light without all the unnecessary bells and whistles
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Posts: 7638
Location: On the road
PostPosted: Wed, 17th Dec 2014 19:20    Post subject:
one thing I have to say is, if you have an ATI graphics card, linux can be a bit of a pain in the ass... the open source driver makes my card sound like a jet plane (fans spin at 40% minimum all the time), while the proprietary one is often out-of-date and won't work with the latest xorg...

at least the open source drivers will be fixed with kernel 3.19 (a few months away...). Still, nvidia is better, despite all the hate (even from Linus himself).

by the way, I tried KDE5 and although it looks promising, it's still quite broken. I think it will be great when the final version arrives (or maybe 5.1)... XFCE I'd only recommend for slow systems, it just doesn't feel as nice as KDE anymore.
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Posts: 2807
PostPosted: Wed, 17th Dec 2014 21:01    Post subject:
Invasor wrote:
one thing I have to say is, if you have an ATI graphics card, linux can be a bit of a pain in the ass... the open source driver makes my card sound like a jet plane (fans spin at 40% minimum all the time), while the proprietary one is often out-of-date and won't work with the latest xorg...

at least the open source drivers will be fixed with kernel 3.19 (a few months away...). Still, nvidia is better, despite all the hate (even from Linus himself).

by the way, I tried KDE5 and although it looks promising, it's still quite broken. I think it will be great when the final version arrives (or maybe 5.1)... XFCE I'd only recommend for slow systems, it just doesn't feel as nice as KDE anymore.

NVIDIA has random freezes so no it's not great. Xorg is a pain in the ass too because it has a conflict with NVIDIA.

Ubuntu 14.10 removed xorg and replaced it with MIR
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Posts: 408

PostPosted: Wed, 17th Dec 2014 22:21    Post subject:
(Nexus) wrote:
Invasor wrote:
one thing I have to say is, if you have an ATI graphics card, linux can be a bit of a pain in the ass... the open source driver makes my card sound like a jet plane (fans spin at 40% minimum all the time), while the proprietary one is often out-of-date and won't work with the latest xorg...

at least the open source drivers will be fixed with kernel 3.19 (a few months away...). Still, nvidia is better, despite all the hate (even from Linus himself).

by the way, I tried KDE5 and although it looks promising, it's still quite broken. I think it will be great when the final version arrives (or maybe 5.1)... XFCE I'd only recommend for slow systems, it just doesn't feel as nice as KDE anymore.

NVIDIA has random freezes so no it's not great. Xorg is a pain in the ass too because it has a conflict with NVIDIA.

Ubuntu 14.10 removed xorg and replaced it with MIR

I have Kubuntu 14.10 and GTX 970, and have zero issues with the latest Nvidia proprietary drivers. No freezes.
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Posts: 2807
PostPosted: Thu, 18th Dec 2014 11:58    Post subject:
Kubuntu 14.10 also use MIR. My Geforce GTX 485m has issues with x.org and i notice lag moments if the cpu is loading a bit (linux mint 17 and 17.1 cinnamon)
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Posts: 3421

PostPosted: Thu, 18th Dec 2014 13:16    Post subject:
Ubuntu 14.04 and GTX 660 working just fine here, without MIR.
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Posts: 3421

PostPosted: Fri, 19th Dec 2014 20:21    Post subject:

Nice article. Ubuntu 14.04 indeed is almost perfect distribution, even with Unity.
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Posts: 1009

PostPosted: Fri, 19th Dec 2014 20:43    Post subject:
(Nexus) wrote:

NVIDIA has random freezes so no it's not great. Xorg is a pain in the ass too because it has a conflict with NVIDIA.

Ubuntu 14.10 removed xorg and replaced it with MIR

and MIR no PITA? Laughing

always make sure it's intel and your linux experience will be a dream! otherwise go for NVIDIA!
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