what the fuck is up with the younger gamers?
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 11:21    Post subject: what the fuck is up with the younger gamers?
They don't seem to care about actually playing. What i see blooming is just watching other people play all day long, be it Twitch or some Let's play series. I'm an old fashioned guy when it comes to stuff like this, and i just can't see the attraction.. At all.. My little brother keeps up 1-3 twitch windows at all times, sometimes he plays himself while watching someone doing the same thing for the nth time, and sometimes he just dedicatedly watch them play. One of my cousins (same age as him) visited, and was pretty proud of himself when he said he doesn't play anymore and just watch Twitch and Let's play, because "obviously" playing was a waste of time. Had some discussions with my brother regarding this, and he admitted once with his silence that most if not all his friends are also doing it. This is a nasty trend if you ask me.

Rant/frustration out.
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[Moderator] Janitor

Posts: 14081

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 11:39    Post subject:
Interesting observation. I'll come back to this once I've got a bit of time.

"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment."
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Posts: 27530
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PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 11:42    Post subject:
people are just getting lazier. you can see that in game design as well, so this is no great mystery.

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Posts: 3423

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 11:43    Post subject:
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 11:45    Post subject:
chiv wrote:
people are just getting lazier. you can see that in game design as well, so this is no great mystery.

The fact that this is happening is known, the mystery as to how this has become a trend is not known to me at least.
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VIP Member

Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 11:54    Post subject:
It's so mainstream that a lot aren't actual gamers in the traditional sense.

My fiancee's brothers define themselves as gamers. Yet they only play Counterstrike, don't know a thing about computers and how to fix or maintain the simplest things. Hardly knows anything about Steam/Uplay/Origin/GOG,...

You then ask why they don't play other games they watch on Twitch and then you have a blank gaze and "dunno". Think it's more about watching something to fill the time than it has anything to do with gaming.

They have 1000+ hours in CS, but when you look at them play you go Way worse then when I started to play an FPS online after a break of 10 years. But the reason they play it was: because everyone else does/trolling/laughing at their own dumb deaths.

They grew up with gaming the same as Me and my fiancee did, she and her dad is actually the reason they had consoles and pc's around. The only difference is age, they are 18/19/20, my fiancee becomes 30 in a month. Their 50+ year old father assembles and fixes their PC's, and my fiancee tries to maintain their pc's... I simply don't give a shit because they don't want to learn to do it themselves. I'm already amazed they can hook up their console (tho I actually think their dad does that as well ).

So seeing how disconnected they are, I'd say it's not so much to do about the hobby that is gaming... just everyone does it and you're supposed to like it. Not like they have much other stuff to do in the cold north or at least they don't seem to do anything around here.

Last edited by Morphineus on Fri, 9th Jan 2015 12:20; edited 3 times in total
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Posts: 4397
Location: Redplanet
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 11:56    Post subject:
My 13 old nephew does the same, he watches others play and i can't understand how he's got the patience to do that.

I never liked watching other playing, I'm losing patience, I always want to play. Even if I'm stuck and search for a video walkthrough, I skip parts in video.

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Posts: 23226
Location: Trelleborg
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 11:56    Post subject:
My sons does the same thing (he do however I play silly amount of minecraft)

shitloads of new stuff in my pc. Cant keep track of it all.
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Posts: 1722
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 12:35    Post subject:
It's a weird trend, the South Park episodes really nailed it. I wasn't aware that it was that popular... however, I recently met a pretty hot girl at a party, and she completely flipped when she heard that I have a gaming PC. Apparently she never played games except for some Gameboy stuff, but has been watching gaming streams for years now. I still can't comprehend that...

Personally, I have been watching Lets Plays of popular games for a while now, with work/family/friends I just don't have the time anymore to sit down for 5 hours and play an epic RPG like Dragon Age 3. Diablo 3 is the only thing I still play regulary, allows me to sit down for a couple of runs and then shut it down again. Let's Plays still keep me up to date on a hobby I very much enjoy.

Maybe this trend turns into something like the football/soccer culture, millions of viewers yet very few actually play the sport themselves.
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 12:42    Post subject:
in the world where sheep dominates everything becomes a trend
i still don't watch trailers before i watch the films, unless i'm not even interested in the whole thing
my kid does same shit, watching someone play some crap for hours then plays something for 30 minutes and when i say wanna play something in co-op it's just meh maybe later, so i gave up completely
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Posts: 3156

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 12:50    Post subject:
I usually have twitch on the bakground while playing something like PoE, really like ZiggyD and Etup and have also seen some of those hardcore gamers trying speed runs on i wanna be the boshy but didnt know this was such a trend among young gamers. Though I must say from an MMO point of view its good the kiddies prefer watching over playing themselves so we dont have to deal with them in game.
The future might be interesting as more and more game streams become mainstream, perhaps they'll even rival conventional tv-programs, tv-shows and so on.

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Posts: 6112
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 12:55    Post subject:
Guy_Incognito wrote:

Came here to post this Laughing

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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 14:09    Post subject:
I know one person that loves to watch streams all day, instead of playing the game himself.
Best example was for the new Diablo 3 addon: He got it at release day, yet couldn't wait to watch some famous fuckers play the game, instead of playing it himself

edit: since some time i watch stream from time to time too. But mostly from hot chicks Laughing

Last edited by Bob Barnsen on Fri, 9th Jan 2015 14:12; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 14:10    Post subject:
Actually true. I spent more time watching peeps play now than ever Smile
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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 14:30    Post subject:
Soon you will be buying the game just so you are able to watch the developers play it. There will be no more single player or multiplayer just twitchplayer.
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Posts: 13279

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 14:51    Post subject:
I thought people who watch streamers are those who can't afford their own consoles/PC and the games ..
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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 16:07    Post subject:
In my case, I look at it this way. Watching someone play a game far better than I ever could, now saves me the frustration of making a half-assed bloody attempt at it Very Happy

I don't know why young gamers are doing this?, that escapes me, but at my time of life, with reactions slower than a tortoise, and eyesight worse than frosted glass, it is preferable.
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 16:26    Post subject:
scaramonga wrote:
In my case, I look at it this way. Watching someone play a game far better than I ever could, now saves me the frustration of making a half-assed bloody attempt at it Very Happy

I don't know why young gamers are doing this?, that escapes me, but at my time of life, with reactions slower than a tortoise, and eyesight worse than frosted glass, it is preferable.

well that's like trying to run 800 meters as fast as you can while smoking a cigar, is it maybe time to retire if you are so bad at that you need some sort of aid
i personally don't push myself for something i can't physically do anymore, like running 10 miles when i was 15, 5 is enough Razz
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Posts: 2610

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 16:45    Post subject:
The only time i watched a stream is when i was trying to get better at the game myself (see good positions etc.). For other reasons i really don't see the point.
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Posts: 7145
Location: NL
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 17:03    Post subject:
I hate watching people play because i feel the need to do it myself when i do. Already having a hard time passing the gamepad from time till time when friends are over Laughing

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Posts: 980
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PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 17:43    Post subject:
Like that?

Im the guy who "Shitting up world news", according to admin, so watch out ...
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Posts: 5074
Location: Bucharest, Romania
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 17:45    Post subject:

R7 2700x @4GHz / MSI B450 Tomahawk / beQuiet! Dark Rock 4 / 32GB @3000 MHz / MSI RTX 2060 Gaming Z / Samsung 850 EVO 250GB / Western Digital 1TB / Fractal Design Meshify C Dark / SuperFlower Leadex Gold 650W / DELL whatever 27 inch IPS

I usually stream stuff: http://www.twitch.tv/claudeftw
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Posts: 7638
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PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 17:57    Post subject:
I feel really old and or alienated from society reading this. I could never watch such streams for more than a couple of minutes. I just can't see the point. The only reason why I would check a gameplay video is to see if it's worth buying/downloading a certain game, and that takes a couple of minutes for me.

I'm not judging, I actually can't judge, I really don't understand why this is a trend...

@Morphineus: reading about your fiancee's brothers makes me think the world is actually lost Laughing but maybe they are good at something else? Or will be... I hope. And I'm not thinking about them personally, obviously, but it's just that they are a good example of such generation, I can understand older people who have problems with technology, but kids should really know the basics, especially when they grow up with it (not every kid does)...
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Posts: 14059
Location: Balkans
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 18:00    Post subject:
I have friends that play a lot like me
and other friends that just like to watch me play

so nothing's changed, all is fine Very Happy

Lutzifer wrote:
and yes, mine is only average
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 18:08    Post subject:
The only time I ever watch "streams" is when I want to see what a game looks like before it's out. I could never sit and watch other people actually playing games, the whole idea of Let's Plays just doesn't gel with me at all. I understand some like it, they're just not for me.
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Posts: 14059
Location: Balkans
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 18:18    Post subject:
I'm not talking about streams
people literally sit next to me and watch me play

Lutzifer wrote:
and yes, mine is only average
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 18:21    Post subject:
Well my mum used to do that, she loved watching us play Resident Evil Very Happy
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Posts: 5431

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 19:07    Post subject:
My son does this exact thing (he is 15) he watches a couple of moronic sounding Americans playing Mine craft etc. I forget their names, idiot and wanker I think. I ask him why, and in a typical teenagery way he just grunts. If he gets something new he makes a video of himself opening the fuc*ing box! Why? Who the feck wants to watch that? I can understand watching a vid of someone using a device you may want to purchase, that way you get a good idea what to expect, but why would you want to watch some kid opening a bloody box?

Or perhaps watching a vid of say CKII to get an idea on the complexities of the game, but watching someone with always one of those whiny, nasal American accents trying to be funny whilst playing his new game?

FFS I am angry now.. Very Happy
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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 19:13    Post subject:
Too bad we can't really disagree with this dumb ass trend publicly, cause we're just old relics for not enjoying such things Laughing
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Fri, 9th Jan 2015 19:15    Post subject:
Get off my lawn! Mad
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