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Posts: 6997
Location: hell on earth
PostPosted: Mon, 16th Feb 2015 10:33    Post subject:
Mchart wrote:
I'd like to pickup an old cheap r4 just to use for playing Classic DS games.

R4iSDHC Dual-Core 2014 works on 3DS/2DS 9.4.0

R4iSDHC RTS Lite 2013 works on 3DS/2DS 9.4.0 has RTS

SuperCard DS TWO works on 3DS/2DS 9.4.0 has RTS

Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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Posts: 239

PostPosted: Tue, 17th Feb 2015 21:44    Post subject:
Have a gateway on a 4.3 3ds xl, I'm way out of the loop on current developments, if I buy a uk new, as in the new upgraded CPU etc version 3ds xl, will the gateway work on the firmware?
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Posts: 6997
Location: hell on earth
PostPosted: Tue, 17th Feb 2015 21:46    Post subject:
db2431 wrote:
Have a gateway on a 4.3 3ds xl, I'm way out of the loop on current developments, if I buy a uk new, as in the new upgraded CPU etc version 3ds xl, will the gateway work on the firmware?

Only if it will be 9.2 out of the box. Gateway doesn't work with 9.4-9.5

Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Wed, 18th Feb 2015 02:45    Post subject:
Waargh wrote:
Mchart wrote:
I'd like to pickup an old cheap r4 just to use for playing Classic DS games.

R4iSDHC Dual-Core 2014 works on 3DS/2DS 9.4.0

R4iSDHC RTS Lite 2013 works on 3DS/2DS 9.4.0 has RTS

SuperCard DS TWO works on 3DS/2DS 9.4.0 has RTS

Are there any flashcards that don't require an OS exploit, and have a hardware exploit like PASSME for the DS?

Don't care about running 3DS games, only care about running DS roms, and I don't want to worry about firmware breaking support as my device will always be up to date.
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Posts: 6997
Location: hell on earth
PostPosted: Wed, 18th Feb 2015 02:58    Post subject:
Mchart wrote:
Are there any flashcards that don't require an OS exploit, and have a hardware exploit like PASSME for the DS?

Don't care about running 3DS games, only care about running DS roms, and I don't want to worry about firmware breaking support as my device will always be up to date.

The three carts above are the only ones capable of running DS on 3DS and as far as I know they don't use any OS exploits, that's why they work on latest 3DS firmware.

Personally I recommend DS TWO - it can also run snes and gba.

Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Wed, 18th Feb 2015 05:53    Post subject:
All of those are apparently out of production.

Really lame the new carts don't support DS roms.
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Wed, 18th Feb 2015 06:43    Post subject:
Well, it appears the million different versions of the R4i are still in production.

But the question is - What's the best R4i to get? Or are they all the same at this point?
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Posts: 6997
Location: hell on earth
PostPosted: Wed, 18th Feb 2015 06:54    Post subject:
Mchart wrote:
Well, it appears the million different versions of the R4i are still in production.

But the question is - What's the best R4i to get? Or are they all the same at this point?

I have an importer I've been buying all my portable accessories like carts for years since GBA times. So once again, he says the cards mentioned by me above are the only one that will suit you needs. Not dependent on the console firmware and running everything DS.

Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Wed, 18th Feb 2015 07:34    Post subject:
Well, all the r4i are hardware identical, it's software support that differs.

And I'd get the dstwo but like I said it's out of production and no one sells it unless you pay out the ass.
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Posts: 6997
Location: hell on earth
PostPosted: Wed, 18th Feb 2015 08:10    Post subject:
Mchart wrote:
Well, all the r4i are hardware identical, it's software support that differs.

And I'd get the dstwo but like I said it's out of production and no one sells it unless you pay out the ass.

I have a spare R4i (the Dual Core I think). I can give it to you for free.

Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Wed, 18th Feb 2015 15:32    Post subject:
Might be cheaper for me to buy a new one if you're in Europe.
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Posts: 6997
Location: hell on earth
PostPosted: Wed, 18th Feb 2015 20:56    Post subject:
Mchart wrote:
Might be cheaper for me to buy a new one if you're in Europe.

Cheaper than FREE? Lol ok whatever Very Happy

Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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Posts: 14398
Location: Poland. New York.
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2015 21:13    Post subject:

Gonna sell Zelda one tonight hopefully for around $450. Very Happy Very Happy

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Posts: 6997
Location: hell on earth
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2015 22:01    Post subject:
$450? wtf is wrong with kurwaland lol. we have the majora XXL collectors at $285 here (with the statue) and no one wants them.

Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2015 22:36    Post subject:
Waargh wrote:
Mchart wrote:
Might be cheaper for me to buy a new one if you're in Europe.

Cheaper than FREE? Lol ok whatever Very Happy

Shipping to hawaii from Europe is expensive.
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Posts: 14398
Location: Poland. New York.
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2015 22:47    Post subject:
Waargh wrote:
$450? wtf is wrong with kurwaland lol. we have the majora XXL collectors at $285 here (with the statue) and no one wants them.

I sold MM LE games for $120 a pop.

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Posts: 6997
Location: hell on earth
PostPosted: Sat, 21st Feb 2015 23:09    Post subject:
Mchart wrote:
Waargh wrote:
Mchart wrote:
Might be cheaper for me to buy a new one if you're in Europe.

Cheaper than FREE? Lol ok whatever Very Happy

Shipping to hawaii from Europe is expensive.

I'll check how much it will be

Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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Dr. Strangelove

Posts: 9240
Location: War Room
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Feb 2015 02:59    Post subject:
Remember theres region lock on the games. If you have a EU DS or 3DS, you can only use EU games. Similarly if it's a US device it will only accept US games.
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Posts: 2221
Location: Bunga-Bun... err Italy.
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Feb 2015 05:31    Post subject:
Epsilon wrote:
Remember theres region lock on the games. If you have a EU DS or 3DS, you can only use EU games. Similarly if it's a US device it will only accept US games.

they were talking about the R4 if im right. Very Happy

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Posts: 6997
Location: hell on earth
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Feb 2015 09:27    Post subject:
Yup, and for DS games only. But thanks for the reminder anyway.

Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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Posts: 6112
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Feb 2015 12:59    Post subject:
It's impossible to get the new 3ds anywhere in the US it seems. Every store I've checked does not have it in stock and they don't take pre-order anymore. i want dis in mah life.

| BenQ XL2420T 24" 120Hz | Ducky Shine III 9008 White LED - Brown MX | Logitech G9x |
| Corsair Carbide 400R | Asus Sabertooth z77 | i7 3770K @ 4.3Ghz - 1.200v | CM Hyper 212 Evo - Push/Pull |
| SLI eVGA 4GB GTX980 ACX SC | Vengeance 16GB RAM 1600 DDR3 | AX850w PSU | Samsung 840Pro 128GB SSD | WD Black 1TB HD |
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Posts: 14398
Location: Poland. New York.
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Feb 2015 14:28    Post subject:
tw1st wrote:
It's impossible to get the new 3ds anywhere in the US it seems. Every store I've checked does not have it in stock and they don't take pre-order anymore. i want dis in mah life.

Want to buy MM Zelda Edition for $400?

Special price for you my friend.

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Posts: 6112
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Mon, 23rd Feb 2015 17:04    Post subject:
no Mad

I just want the plain black one for $200 please!

| BenQ XL2420T 24" 120Hz | Ducky Shine III 9008 White LED - Brown MX | Logitech G9x |
| Corsair Carbide 400R | Asus Sabertooth z77 | i7 3770K @ 4.3Ghz - 1.200v | CM Hyper 212 Evo - Push/Pull |
| SLI eVGA 4GB GTX980 ACX SC | Vengeance 16GB RAM 1600 DDR3 | AX850w PSU | Samsung 840Pro 128GB SSD | WD Black 1TB HD |
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Posts: 6112
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Tue, 24th Feb 2015 13:08    Post subject:
Woot woot! Found one yesterday at best buy, they had a black one left over that someone pre-ordered and never picked up Very Happy

This thing feels nice! My normal 3ds xl is now my wif'es so she can play all her prof layton and ace attorney games on it Very Happy

Will multi work across 3ds and the new 3ds though? Need to try it out....

| BenQ XL2420T 24" 120Hz | Ducky Shine III 9008 White LED - Brown MX | Logitech G9x |
| Corsair Carbide 400R | Asus Sabertooth z77 | i7 3770K @ 4.3Ghz - 1.200v | CM Hyper 212 Evo - Push/Pull |
| SLI eVGA 4GB GTX980 ACX SC | Vengeance 16GB RAM 1600 DDR3 | AX850w PSU | Samsung 840Pro 128GB SSD | WD Black 1TB HD |
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Posts: 261

PostPosted: Tue, 24th Feb 2015 20:40    Post subject:
hai guys. Which flashcard should I get if I buy the new 3DS, gateway or sky3ds?

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Posts: 6997
Location: hell on earth
PostPosted: Tue, 24th Feb 2015 22:14    Post subject:
lytomacheda wrote:
hai guys. Which flashcard should I get if I buy the new 3DS, gateway or sky3ds?



Today I didn't even need to use my AK. I gotta say it was a good day. (c) - Ice Cube
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Posts: 4051
Location: Australiiiaaa , maate
PostPosted: Wed, 25th Feb 2015 03:42    Post subject:
I would only get sky if you cant wait for gateways promised n3ds update.
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Wed, 25th Feb 2015 05:51    Post subject:
I would never get a flash cart that could break with an update, by that's just me. Sky is the best because it emulates the real thing.
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Posts: 426
Location: Bangkok
PostPosted: Wed, 25th Feb 2015 06:52    Post subject:
Amazes me that people are rushing out to buy a new 3ds, there are 0 games out for it at the moment, and the only one announced is a 5 year old port of a Wii game that really does need to be played on a big tv, even better would be with Dolphin .....
Nintendo fans are really the most loyal of any of the fans of any consoles/handhelds
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Posts: 7314

PostPosted: Wed, 25th Feb 2015 06:59    Post subject:
mace999 wrote:
Amazes me that people are rushing out to buy a new 3ds, there are 0 games out for it at the moment, and the only one announced is a 5 year old port of a Wii game that really does need to be played on a big tv, even better would be with Dolphin .....
Nintendo fans are really the most loyal of any of the fans of any consoles/handhelds

No one is buying a new 3ds for the new games. They are buying it because it has 3D that actually works good, and just feels better. New games, and the fact that it can run dual-coded games that look better / load faster is just a perk.

And it's still better then the gameless 7th wonder of the world "PSP"
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