So I haven't been around all day, and now I see GTA V crack or whatever does not work on Windows 8? How come? The fuck
well win 7 is still the most used OS. Its only logical to go for the largest user base first.
Win7 is best os ever. Shame they are releasing new ones so fast and plan to drop support for 7
3080, ps5, lg oled
Sin317-"im 31 years old and still surprised at how much shit comes out of my ass actually ..."
SteamDRM-"Call of Duty is the symbol of the true perfection in every aspect. Call of Duty games are like Mozart's/Beethoven's symphonies"
deadpoetic-"are you new to the cyberspace?"
But, even with that tool, the mouse is kinda... off. Like a damn console game with no proper mouse feel. Might be just me, though, perhaps I need to get used with it...
Might be a repost, but with the speed of this thread moving, people might miss it.
Concerning micro-stutter, some fixes that might resolve a bit the issue are changing mouse to Windows mode and reduce extended draw distance.
Game is pretty average so far. Good, but nothing extraordinary. But what do I know, I am just an european in his 30s. I don't think R* included me in their target audience.
Is there any fix for this guys? Anyone with similar issue?
I thought it was on my end (i5 3570k, 8gb ram, gtx660ti and hdd), but this guy got an high end pc.
I've tried with directinput mouse method and it didn't help much.
I have 2 near identical systems, i7, 8gb and gtx 670 and an i5, 8gb, gtx 670.i7 has zero lag, i5 is like the video.tried every fix so far with no luck, vysnc on is better but still stutters, mouse doesn't seem to make a difference.Both systems using identical graphics settings, all high.
Maybe a VRAM problem (lack of it. 2GB?)? Have you tried lowering textures?
From the video description:
My machine is an i7 3770k, GTX970, 16GB RAM and the game is installed on an SSD. I have installed the latest nVidia driver (350.12) and this video is recorded with all settings on low (!).
Yes, i've tried with normal textures, and still stutters. Vram usage almost never goes above 1500-1600mb in both normal and high textures settings. I should say that i play in 1680*1050 resolution.
Damnit this micro stuttering is getting annoying.
I am running this game on all high TXAA Vsync On It's butter smooth for couple of minutes/seconds and then suddenly micro stutter for couple of seconds.
Worst is the cut scenes and If I enter a store or ammoshop.
I loaded up last night on my spec sigs after a lengthy but painless install and patch. Didnt change any settings ingame to start with so I assume it just defaulted a load of settings.
Start sequence was pretty good but i get these weird micro stutters all over the shop, turned a few things down and restarted which marginally improved it but nothing special.
I should be running high on most things, never v high i assumed, shows vmem in the options as being 1.3-1.4 which i assume is ok on my 670 2gb.
Runs smooooth when it runs smooth kinda shocking how good it looks but there is some weird stutter issue. Tried killing that launcher process but didnt seeem to do much. Will do some proper fps checks to see what I'm actually getting ingame. Should i be using raw input or windows input on mouse?
Any other tips from someone with a similar setup?
i5 -3570k
Gigabyte GTX 980 Ti Gaming G1
32GB of terrible skill @ FPS games.
Well for me it runs damn well now! Pretty much the only thing not maxed out are shadows, I'm using Soft shadows and Long shadows too, but not High resolution shadows though.
But other than that, I have 4xMSAA plus TXAA, 2x reflection MSAA most settings on highest (only the aforementioned shadows and Grass is set to Very High instead of Ultra).
Textures, Detail, Shader, Reflections, Water, Particles, Post FX, AF, AO, Tesselation are all on highest possible. V-Sync is off and running on a 144hz monitor. Game installed on SSD.
I have bumped Detail Distance and View Distance down one or two notches just because, maybe I could bump them back up though. I'm getting between 60-120 FPS depending on location and action. Lowest I've seen is 55 when there were multiple cars exploding during a Trevor mission.
Full speed with a fast car through the city at night is 70+. Game looks fucking fantastic and now runs pretty damn well too
Watercooled 5950X | AORUS Master X570 | Asus RTX 3090 TUF Gaming OC | 64Gb RAM | 1Tb 970 Evo Plus + 2Tb 660p | etc etc
I spent two hours yesterday playing this game and I keep wishing they'd give you a reason to explore the city. They took away the random weapon drops, the police stars, the killing spree tokens, etc. - Vice City felt great in how wandering around eventually got you nearly every weapon - it was fun. Here, the city is well created and would be even more fun to explore but the only reason to explore, is collectibles which (a) don't really do anything (b) are only activated once you discover the right mission.
I dunno, Vice City still trumps this game by miles if you ask me. Especially since running and walking feels annoying and unresponsive.
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