Need For Speed Most Wanted PC Demo Comming Soon..!!
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 03:06    Post subject:
nough said but we still leech it & play it cause there is nothing else to do Rolling Eyes
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Posts: 12108
Location: Cybertron
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 03:56    Post subject:
Phluxed wrote:
NFSMW looks pretty nice to me. I mean, if they were JUST in it for the money, they would have changed the maps and cars and made it like NFS Soccer Mom edition. They improved graphics, car models, gameplay, MUSIC, everything. Though it is a money making scheme there is some quality in the product.

If they´d do that i think they would have been dissed even harder than they are being right now. Sure the graphics look a bit better, BUT NOT BY MUCH imo. They could have had these graphics in U2, if they tried hard enough. That´s the problem, they get away too easily. And they changed the car models, wow. They cars in GT4/5 looks twice as good, and there are over 200+ cars in those games.

I´m not really arguing with you here, i´m just evolving my previous post Wink

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Posts: 1921
Location: Kalmar, Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 04:02    Post subject:
_SiN_ wrote:
Phluxed wrote:
NFSMW looks pretty nice to me. I mean, if they were JUST in it for the money, they would have changed the maps and cars and made it like NFS Soccer Mom edition. They improved graphics, car models, gameplay, MUSIC, everything. Though it is a money making scheme there is some quality in the product.

If they´d do that i think they would have been dissed even harder than they are being right now. Sure the graphics look a bit better, BUT NOT BY MUCH imo. They could have had these graphics in U2, if they tried hard enough. That´s the problem, they get away too easily. And they changed the car models, wow. They cars in GT4/5 looks twice as good, and there are over 200+ cars in those games.

I´m not really arguing with you here, i´m just evolving my previous post Wink

Argue argue! Fight fight!

This whole sixteen-page thread is mostly a ton of arguing so why stop now Smile

Gaming - Intel Quad Q9450 @ 3.2GHZ | Radeon HD 4870 X2 2GB | SB X-Fi | PC6400 8GB | 300GB Velociraptor
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Posts: 285

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 04:13    Post subject:
well the only thing i can really argue about is what _sin_ said...

GT4/GT5 cars do look better BUT thats the thing the poly count in those cars is not really high... they are like boxes with skins and reflections.... its kinda like a toy model that behave like the real thing and lets not forget you cant really flip the cars in GT4 nor see whats under it.. yet nother thing box with wheels.. i might be wrong correct me if you want but thats what i think about cars in GT4 its not like i dont like the game but they could have done a better job with the models like the ability to see whats in the car and not looking on the gray shaded windows... and btw they used one dirty trick in GT4 the reflection on your car is applyd to other cars that you race with i noticed that when racing under a bridge that the reflection hit my car it also hit other car that already passed the bridge lol... dirty indeed

i think the cars that used in most wanted have higher polycount and they dont look like boxes with skins using a higher res does prove this... i mean whats the res on the ps2? is it like around 640? or less?

GT4 does have over 700 cars yes nfs game will never pull this off.. using the curent gfx engine they use it will take ALOT of time just to add 20 more cars to the game not to mention the size of the game

I teleported home one night
With Ron and Sid and Meg.
Ron stole Meggie's heart away
And i got Sidneys leg.
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Cock knocker

Posts: 372

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 04:21    Post subject:
forget gfx, what I wanna know is why the hell didnt they make an inside-car view, after all the NFS games released, all the racing games coming out, none of the developers are smart enough to add an inside view!!! That would add so much to the sense of speed especially with the car shaking and all, and the blur effect, it would look so cool. Only Project Gotham 3 they added a fully detailed interior a view from inside.
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 04:44    Post subject:
Cyp wrote:
well the only thing i can really argue about is what _sin_ said...

GT4/GT5 cars do look better BUT thats the thing the poly count in those cars is not really high... they are like boxes with skins and reflections.... its kinda like a toy model that behave like the real thing and lets not forget you cant really flip the cars in GT4 nor see whats under it.. yet nother thing box with wheels.. i might be wrong correct me if you want but thats what i think about cars in GT4 its not like i dont like the game but they could have done a better job with the models like the ability to see whats in the car and not looking on the gray shaded windows... and btw they used one dirty trick in GT4 the reflection on your car is applyd to other cars that you race with i noticed that when racing under a bridge that the reflection hit my car it also hit other car that already passed the bridge lol... dirty indeed

i think the cars that used in most wanted have higher polycount and they dont look like boxes with skins using a higher res does prove this... i mean whats the res on the ps2? is it like around 640? or less?

GT4 does have over 700 cars yes nfs game will never pull this off.. using the curent gfx engine they use it will take ALOT of time just to add 20 more cars to the game not to mention the size of the game

Producer in making of MW said that cars & wheels uses 3000 Polys so yeah it's pretty much & i think he meant pc & xbox 360 ver's cause there is no way ps2 can render that
sure thing GT4/5 cars look better but missing AA & FUN cause driving in circles even with 200+ cars getting borring very fast than evading cops in 50 cars Wink
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Posts: 102

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 04:50    Post subject:
ELIZ wrote:
Cyp wrote:
well the only thing i can really argue about is what _sin_ said...

GT4/GT5 cars do look better BUT thats the thing the poly count in those cars is not really high... they are like boxes with skins and reflections.... its kinda like a toy model that behave like the real thing and lets not forget you cant really flip the cars in GT4 nor see whats under it.. yet nother thing box with wheels.. i might be wrong correct me if you want but thats what i think about cars in GT4 its not like i dont like the game but they could have done a better job with the models like the ability to see whats in the car and not looking on the gray shaded windows... and btw they used one dirty trick in GT4 the reflection on your car is applyd to other cars that you race with i noticed that when racing under a bridge that the reflection hit my car it also hit other car that already passed the bridge lol... dirty indeed

i think the cars that used in most wanted have higher polycount and they dont look like boxes with skins using a higher res does prove this... i mean whats the res on the ps2? is it like around 640? or less?

GT4 does have over 700 cars yes nfs game will never pull this off.. using the curent gfx engine they use it will take ALOT of time just to add 20 more cars to the game not to mention the size of the game

Producer in making of MW said that cars & wheels uses 3000 Polys so yeah it's pretty much & i think he meant pc & xbox 360 ver's cause there is no way ps2 can render that
sure thing GT4/5 cars look better but missing AA & FUN cause driving in circles even with 200+ cars getting borring very fast than evading cops in 50 cars Wink

Absolutely agree, I will even go as far as saying that NFS MW looks better then GT.

Also, whats going on with the diffrent release dates ?? some sites say 15th of Nov some say 17th of Nov ....
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Posts: 41

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 05:00    Post subject:
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Posts: 285

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 05:01    Post subject:
thats for real? must be a joke i guess lol Razz

I teleported home one night
With Ron and Sid and Meg.
Ron stole Meggie's heart away
And i got Sidneys leg.
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 05:47    Post subject:
h3h3h3 funny klusternisse
hope it comes out soon cant wait anymore.

whats your best time on the 3.1km lap ?
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 05:50    Post subject:
anynews on NFSMW when is it gonna be cracked or is there gonna be a clone or whatever and when is it comming
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Posts: 61
Location: England
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 06:04    Post subject:
svertex wrote:
anynews on NFSMW when is it gonna be cracked or is there gonna be a clone or whatever and when is it comming

We can't see into the future you know ...

It'll be out when it's out. Just wait, nobody can say for sure.
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 06:25    Post subject:
well the game is supposed to go retail tomorrow, so i presume it should be on the net soon, since EA doesnt use starforce
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Posts: 85
Location: Russia, Novosibirsk
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 06:30    Post subject:
MAIL: Dear DEViANCE, i love your releases, i`ve downloaded all your releases, a time ago i wanted to become one of your members, and i always wait your releases with bouncing of heart Smile And i apologise, that NFSMW will be released by you first! No mirrorz or clonecds... But my firm wish - release NFSMW BLACK EDITION!! ONLY!!! MAYBE W/O bonus cd, but BL.ED!!!
Sirencely yours, iMiKE
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Posts: 34
Location: Russia / Germany
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 06:34    Post subject:
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 06:35    Post subject:
ehm there is only a black edition for pc ! you cant get a non BE version Smile

pc 1 version (includes all BE stuff)
consoles 2 versions (1 without the BE extras and one with Razz)
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Posts: 639

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 07:07    Post subject:
iMiKE wrote:
MAIL: Dear DEViANCE, i love your releases, i`ve downloaded all your releases, a time ago i wanted to become one of your members, and i always wait your releases with bouncing of heart Smile And i apologise, that NFSMW will be released by you first! No mirrorz or clonecds... But my firm wish - release NFSMW BLACK EDITION!! ONLY!!! MAYBE W/O bonus cd, but BL.ED!!!
Sirencely yours, iMiKE


Last edited by wildwing on Tue, 15th Nov 2005 14:19; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 37

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 07:07    Post subject:
lol I gotta admit iMiKE, that sounded just a bit too joyous. Are there deviance suppliers in the states? All in all is Deviance based in the US?
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Posts: 56

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 07:51    Post subject:
I havnt seen most wanted go gold yet on blues news. I think when they said "by nov 15th" I thinik they ment finished? and it would be on shelves a little more then a week after like usual?
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Posts: 66

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 08:10    Post subject:
jmd wrote:
I havnt seen most wanted go gold yet on blues news. I think when they said "by nov 15th" I thinik they ment finished? and it would be on shelves a little more then a week after like usual?

When you exit the demo it says Nov. 17th. That's Thursday.
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Posts: 169
Location: Lithuania
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 09:27    Post subject:
well tryed demo................and i am not satisfied with this cars..........maybe something better in a grapchics and nothing special...........

AMD Athlon 2700+
Point of View 6800GT 256 Very Happy
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Posts: 117

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 09:36    Post subject:
Moon999 wrote:
well tryed demo................and i am not satisfied with this cars..........maybe something better in a grapchics and nothing special...........

another blind ... Very Happy what u expect Xbox360 Graphics no ? Razz ... or u dont have a good card to see the amazing graphics are on this one Razz .... go buy some glasses or fix your eyes dude Very Happy
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Posts: 50

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 10:09    Post subject:
the game is out!
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Posts: 1493

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 10:15    Post subject:
MasterZ wrote:
the game is out!

7 hours old fake
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Posts: 129
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 10:21    Post subject:
i hate those fake releases, why do people make them? its just lame.

I know when it will be released Very Happy between now and a year Smile
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Posts: 102

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 10:22    Post subject:
POwah[XL] wrote:
Moon999 wrote:
well tryed demo................and i am not satisfied with this cars..........maybe something better in a grapchics and nothing special...........

another blind ... Very Happy what u expect Xbox360 Graphics no ? Razz ... or u dont have a good card to see the amazing graphics are on this one Razz .... go buy some glasses or fix your eyes dude Very Happy

Well he does have a 6800gt. That should be more than enough to see most of the special effects (if not all).

But i disagree with him. The graphics look nice as. For a racer i wouldn't expect anything more (for this day and age anyway).
I mean its not like your going to be taking much notice of the visuals while cornering at 250km/hr while police are bashing your side panel anyway.
Granted, some people might but oh well.

Ive played through to win each event on the demo then uninstalled it. i dont get bored with the retail Very Happy
I might actually buy this game too. It totally looks worth it.

AMD64 3800+, Leadtek 6800 Ultra, 1GB Kingston HyperX RAM, SB Audigy 2Zs.

Last edited by W@$P on Tue, 15th Nov 2005 10:23; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 85
Location: Somewhere out there
PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 10:22    Post subject:
MasterZ wrote:
the game is out!

I just found out it is don't be too happy yet. Wink
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Posts: 89

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 10:46    Post subject:
freiwald wrote:
ehm there is only a black edition for pc ! you cant get a non BE version Smile

pc 1 version (includes all BE stuff)
consoles 2 versions (1 without the BE extras and one with Razz)

you wrong.. my #$%^ retalior in my $%^& country...seling normaln MW not black edition Sad(( them I f*cuk hum...I download it Smile

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Posts: 66

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 10:52    Post subject:
DeadPL wrote:
freiwald wrote:
ehm there is only a black edition for pc ! you cant get a non BE version Smile

pc 1 version (includes all BE stuff)
consoles 2 versions (1 without the BE extras and one with Razz)

you wrong.. my #$%^ retalior in my $%^& country...seling normaln MW not black edition Sad(( them I f*cuk hum...I download it Smile

How could they sell a "normal" PC-version when the ONLY PC-version that existst is the Black Edition?
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Posts: 1493

PostPosted: Tue, 15th Nov 2005 10:52    Post subject:
is not the only... in europe there's no black edition, u can buy only the regular one
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