So basicly, Gamespot reviewed it, the reviewer disliked the console staple of it being mostly reptitive and felt that the 2nd half of the game isn't that great. He even explains why he thinks that way, why and stuff, as a reviewer should do.
Forced use of the Batmobile puts a damper on fun and freedom
Damn, thats what i feared most, that they force you to use tankmobile. Lets hope other gameplay elements make up for it.
Haha yeah, it really seems that the Bathovercraft isn't exactly remarkable (as expected) after all, albeit the remaining aspects should be great as per Rocksteady tradition according to other journopinions.
Though it really concerns me the fact that Polygon gave it a 10/10.
I wonder if the final scene involves Batman finally getting rid of his voice modulator, revealing that he was a She-bat all the time, with Joker also appearing out of nowhere from a Thai clinic as Jokerica, both finally happy and ready for the perfect closure with Gone Home's soundtrack playing in the background
I wonder if the forced batmobile usage is because they're trying to justify its existence in a world map that doesn't really need it, considering Batman's glide speed has been increased.
Videogamer reviewer talks more about why exactly he didn't like the forced batmobile sections(first half of the video, there are no spoilers in video):
C'mon guys, it would make no sense if there were hundreds of pedestrians around in this particular game.
I think some of you are trying too hard to pick faults in every game released. Of course most are totally deserving, but asking where everyone is, is just a little desperate.
Let's concentrate on the Tank-flymo-bile, which is probably deserving of our scorn
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I'm not trying to pick apart the game, I'm pretty sure that was even my first comment in this thread.
The reason I was wondering is because it's the first thing that I noticed and it's a reoccurring theme of the batman games, which is missing pedestrians.
I'm going to buy it the same way I bought batman origins, at a heavy discount.
never thought of that lol. I'm just gonna pretend their all inside playing the game or something. I don't think there were people in Arkham City either.
Honestly his derpiness mostly lies in his playthroughs. Outside of those he has had a few good points on several controversial topics such as SJW, GamerGate and the gaming industry in general.
"I think Call of Duty resonates because it's believable and relatable," Sledgehammer Games cofounder Michael Condrey says.
Believable and relatable...Yep, sounds like Call of Duty
never thought of that lol. I'm just gonna pretend their all inside playing the game or something. I don't think there were people in Arkham City either.
who the hell would want to go out with all those bad guys out there.. they'd be murdered in a second (kind of like certain places in sweden nowadays). I bet it's always night time too, which makes far less sense.. Imo not really a proper open world game, not the way i see it anyways. Will still try it though
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