Why are people always asking for multilanguage?
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Posts: 21

PostPosted: Fri, 25th Nov 2005 02:33    Post subject:
CyO_Anibal wrote:
im spanish too, and why english people dont play games on spanish language? same if we can play them on our native language. I wont buy english game if i can buy on spanish. There are lot of reasons like tequilasunriseboy said before.

Maybe all people should learn 1 more language than native one, all then ll be more easy to all Very Happy

Thats right man. Just because "we use internet or operate a computer" (what a f***kn stupid statement is that..) doesnt mean we HAVE to play games in a language that its not ours if we have a choice. I just have one more thing to say: AQUI TAMBIEN SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Laughing

Im done with this topic...
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Posts: 5431

PostPosted: Fri, 25th Nov 2005 16:39    Post subject:
I hate to be pedantic but very very few people actually speak (or rather type) English on the net.. The majority actually use American .. English speakers do not say 'ass' and 'suck' or 'color' or 'favor' and other Americanisms.. which most people seem to use..

Its a shame that non English speakers think that American is actually English.. when its just a bastardised form of the English language.. Laughing

Having said that though.. us Brits and you Americans should stop being so damn lazy .. most Europeans can speak 2 languages.. good on them Very Happy
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Posts: 179

PostPosted: Fri, 25th Nov 2005 17:10    Post subject:
Well the Dutch smoke marihuana and speak 5 languages! No wonder it's banned from the Olympics. Laughing
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Posts: 1926

PostPosted: Fri, 25th Nov 2005 18:35    Post subject:
I would see the point of requesting multi's if you burn games for friends and you aren't in an english-speaking country. What gets me though is requesting multi-lang on an english-language forum, where you [usually] have to be fluent enough to understand the replies people would post to your question [apart from the yes and no replies.] So, if you're here and you're asking, there's a fair chance you're fluent enough to understand a game in english.

I'm probably wrong in some cases, people that don't have good english probably ask this, but I personally prefer to play games in their original language, because the [sometimes sub-par] voice acting tends to go to hell after translation. I've seen it so many times with American films subbed in Russian, it isn't even funny.

Yes, devs should hire translators to do at least subtitles for most major games, but IMO, if you ask it in an English forum, it's a moot point more often than not.

I could be wrong, not that it will prevent the offended for crapflooding me to hell.

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Posts: 609

PostPosted: Fri, 25th Nov 2005 19:27    Post subject:
Forums like this destroyed my hard learned british english. But dont feel guilty people, the orange one destroyed it more. Crying or Very sad

btw i am from germany
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Posts: 8

PostPosted: Fri, 25th Nov 2005 20:20    Post subject:
I'm Flemish and I prefer not to play games in Dutch, which is my native language. One of the reasons for that is that the translations are very stupid (e.g. Black and White, Medal of Honour) and it just doesn't feel right if a game isn't English.
I think most Germans, French and Spanish want to play games in their own language because they are used to movies and tv-series being dubbed in their language whereas in Belgium nothing is dubbed (sounds stupid, costs to much compared to adding subtitles) and people don't mind reading subtitles. We start learning English in school in Belgium at the age of 13-14. This might also be one of the reasons why we like our games and movies in English. I don't know if you learn English in school in Germany, Spain and France.

The only drawback about multilanguage games is the releasedates. Games that have to be translated are often released later in Europe as opposed to the USA.
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Posts: 288

PostPosted: Fri, 25th Nov 2005 21:54    Post subject:
English is not my native language, but there's no way I would ever want to play games in my native language, also there's also no way I'm going to buy a game where it's not possible to play in the original language
And what I hate the most is automatic localization of apps/websites. When I go to google.com that means that I want to go to google.com and NOT google.dk. And when I go to messenger.msn.com that means that I want to download the english version of messenger, and not the danish version. I don't know how many times I've by accident installed the danish version of some program, to uninstall it 10 seconds after opening to the program (after finding out there's no way to change the language settings to english)

And WHY do I have to wait for games to be released several months later, just because the game has to be translated into 2000+ languages? Why should I be punished just because other people don't understand english?
I learned english because of games, back when I got an Amiga I didn't understand english at all, but I only played english games, which helped me a lot learning english

So far I see nothing positive about localizating anything. Add optional subtitles if anything
Oh, and I've also always hated subtitles. I really hate it when I end up buying a DVD where subtitles can't be removed. The removal of subtitles is the main reason for buying DVDs
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Posts: 23

PostPosted: Sat, 26th Nov 2005 00:19    Post subject:
Accelleron wrote:
I would see the point of requesting multi's if you burn games for friends and you aren't in an english-speaking country. What gets me though is requesting multi-lang on an english-language forum, where you [usually] have to be fluent enough to understand the replies people would post to your question [apart from the yes and no replies.] So, if you're here and you're asking, there's a fair chance you're fluent enough to understand a game in english.

Even if it could be a matter of knoweldge for some people, i beleive those using this forum dont really have an issue with english.
Its not a matter of understanding english but of willing to play in english. Its not cause you can run that u dont prefer to walk most of the time.
Now people ask if it got multi cause.. they want/need that information for whatever personal reason we dont care about, and i beleive its what this site is all about: information. What the fuck you care if they prefer to play in this or that language? its their business...

Why do people sometimes ask about publishers? it can vary depending on country for one same game, they dont develop the title so this isnt a guarantee for quality, and furthermore it wont impact gaming experience at all besides a logo at launch (yea prots too etc but thats another story). What i mean is.. they ask cause they wanna know, who cares about the reason.

O and yea, agreed, this thread is useless but kept me busy for a couple of minutes on a boring evening Smile
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Posts: 19

PostPosted: Sat, 26th Nov 2005 08:15    Post subject:
_SiN_ wrote:


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Posts: 1201
Location: Québec
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Nov 2005 09:16    Post subject:
nouseforaname wrote:

Guess that means you're not from Montreal?

Why wouldn't I be from Montreal? I know all immigrant go there so there is lot more of english people but still I guess lot of people don't speak english there too. BTW i'm in quebec city and it's just a bit smaller but kinda the same thing.
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Posts: 190

PostPosted: Sat, 26th Nov 2005 09:50    Post subject:
i hate multilanguage.. it uses a lot of space.. and english rulz.. like.. in my country ROMANIA(i know that you haven't heard of it).. we learn english since 2nd grade.. that's about when we are 8years old.. i love english.. i like my computer in english.. i LOVE games in english.. they never translate the game in my own language anyway.. why do i need a multilanguage anyway... you lose the feeling of the game when you switch into any than english.. because the animation (where there is lipsync) is made for english.. and any other voices are crap.. just because they aren't made with the same interest as the original.. in my country too as in other i've read about above.. the movies are SUBBED(witch rulz.. cause you can completly ignore them) and enjoy the original ENGLISH movie/series(i don't want to know how LOST sounds in romanian.. or german.. yuck) .. if you are to lazy to learn english u suck.. and if you know english and want mutilanguage you suck more.. if you think you are a patriot and deny anything that isn't in your natal language you are an idiot.. just because you lose a lot of the game's feeling and it doesn't make you more of a patriot(that's loving your country not your language!! )

[url=http://www.tvcafe.ro/lg/1837 ]Bet you don't have the guts to click here!![/url]
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sat, 26th Nov 2005 19:52    Post subject:
i'm german but i prefer playing games in english, even if there is an option for german language. no translation will ever come close to the original, some translation are just horrible.

i've seen games where "save game" (to save your career) was translated with "Spiel retten", which means "rescue game". i just can't stand such bad translations. sometimes i think a few developers translate their games with the google language tools...
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Posts: 6

PostPosted: Sat, 26th Nov 2005 20:08    Post subject:
For me it is simple my wife speaks and read France and German
Myself i speak and read German and Inglisch so a multilanguage game is better for both of us becaus i need the game only once if it is not multilanguage twice Inglish and German.
Becaus i hate it to play a game in german
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Posts: 1201
Location: Québec
PostPosted: Sat, 26th Nov 2005 22:38    Post subject:
I have to agree with most of you, I still play games in english and watch movies in english because translation suck, but it shouldn't suck Smile If translator teams would do good job I would play games in french but it's not bound to happen soon
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Posts: 549

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Nov 2005 01:32    Post subject:
All your base are belong to us.
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sun, 27th Nov 2005 15:39    Post subject:
I used to work in the gaming industry and whenever we would localize a game to various European countries, the Quality Assurance department (testers) would have to check the languages within the game. WTF? We would be lucky if we had a tester who remembered the French he took in high school! LOL

My point is that it seems like most game publishers (not devs) never outsource to professional translators - OR - they ignore the language bug reports that state that certain nuances are off or plain wrong for the respective language.

It's like if the offices of EA Germany (dunno if there really is one, but...) flag some language bugs, they have to first let EA of USA know since they still have final say on all their games. If they're trying to make a deadline for a specific sales quarter, then they'll have the developers fix the glaring errors and ignore all minor language bugs.

Unfortunately, the European market is an afterthought in the videogames industry. That's why American-made games come to Europe last or the language translation is shoddy. But recent years show that at least the "late release" trend seems to be slowly shifting.
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Posts: 699
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Mon, 28th Nov 2005 19:26    Post subject:
What do you Americans think of the acting in the newest Need for Speed game?

Is that bad-ass-in-your-face-attitude so populare over there? HAHA, I can just imagine how that would sound translated into Norwegian, Danish or Sweedish!!

Still though. English all the way for me too.
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Mon, 28th Nov 2005 20:35    Post subject:
Supino wrote:
What do you Americans think of the acting in the newest Need for Speed game?

Is that bad-ass-in-your-face-attitude so populare over there? HAHA, I can just imagine how that would sound translated into Norwegian, Danish or Sweedish!!

Still though. English all the way for me too.

I moved from New York to Sweden 3 years ago and I think I'd stay with an English audio track, thank you. Haha!!

I also prefer watching non-English movies with subtitles - hearing a movie in its original language is the only way to go to truly understand the emotions and tones that the characters are expressing. For example, anime dubbed in English sounds SO horrible.
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Posts: 288

PostPosted: Mon, 28th Nov 2005 22:07    Post subject:
Qwantum wrote:

I also prefer watching non-English movies with subtitles - hearing a movie in its original language is the only way to go to truly understand the emotions and tones that the characters are expressing. For example, anime dubbed in English sounds SO horrible.

Same here, too bad the danish tv-stations don't agree, so whenever a movie from Italy or Hong Kong or whatever is showed in tv, they are dubbed into english, and man does that sound stupid Sad

And it's not like I understand those languages
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PostPosted: Mon, 28th Nov 2005 22:12    Post subject:
Its not in all movies dude Razz

I remember when TV2 had a John Woo week... It wasnt dubbed it just had bad subtitles Razz

"Why don't you zip it, Zipfero?" - fraich3
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Posts: 288

PostPosted: Tue, 29th Nov 2005 19:28    Post subject:
I know it's not always, but mostly... I've only seen few movies that wasn't dubbed to english first
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Posts: 41

PostPosted: Thu, 1st Dec 2005 18:05    Post subject:
I'm from Qubec in canada, so yea I speak french but my OS is in english all the games I play are in english. The only game I would play in french is Splinter Cell, cos it was made in montreal. I dont usually want to play a games translated in french cos I need to improve my english and reading/playing is a good way to do it.

mmm weed...
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Posts: 314

PostPosted: Thu, 1st Dec 2005 21:18    Post subject: Re: Why are people always asking for multilanguage?
DeviLee wrote:
Almost in every thread there are people asking if the game is multilanguage. WTF do you need a game to be in your native language since you can't even use a computer or internet properly if you don't speak English. In my country kids learn english in primary school and with added influence from TV (our movies are not dubbed, they only come with subtitles) and computers most of them can communicate in english at a very early age. I would expect that hard core gamers like people here at nforce.nl don't have a problem with english.

laat me raden je bent Nederlands?

If you can't read that then it's not ment for u Very Happy
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Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Dec 2005 09:02    Post subject:
i got the answer, spanish, french and gemran people got suxxxx0r english
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Posts: 3127

PostPosted: Fri, 2nd Dec 2005 21:37    Post subject:
Red_Thunder wrote:
The frenchies seem to often wan't a french game, but that's because most of them are just to stubborn to learn english or just refuse to read/speak any english (on vacation anyone?)

Lol, I am french and i always try to install apps or games in their native language, mostly english, french translations are often lazy and lack of correctness, but in a few european games, like fahrenheit, french voices are sometimes far better for us than the english ones (coz they try to use professional dubbing actors that dub movie stars in french version of movies).
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Posts: 855
Location: In my house.
PostPosted: Sat, 3rd Dec 2005 03:44    Post subject:
My language is spanish, and it will be my language FOREVER! No matter how good I speak english or any other language, I born speaking spanish, I grew speaking spanish; Why the hell I should prefer another language? All games/applications in spanish are 100% welcome. I don't know if "scene" has a rule about languages, but I think must be mandatory add info about languages included in the info (.nfo) file; So, people won't ask anymore.

I used to be a knee like you. Then I took an adventurer in the arrow.
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