This all seem par for the course to me. I mean, when was the last Bethesda game that was good all around? Either the graphics sucks, the engine sucks, the combat sucks, the story sucks, the writing sucks, the animation sucks...Something has to be terrible to be a Bethesda game
At this point I'm just hype that there is a new open world game that is this mod friendly, assuming that it is as friendly as before. Looking at the post-release support for Skyrim, I'm optimistic for this game.
I just want to see interesting additions or improvements to the game, and I think they are there. Sprinting, grenade hotkey (maybe?), quick melee, LAYERED CLOTHING , good crafting, PBR, dynamic lighting, being able to own land proper! To me that is more than enough improvement over FO3 and FONV.
With that said we all know Beth can never top or even come close to what Obsidian or Black Isle can do with RPGs. Which I think is fair given that Obsidian is/was the best at making RPGs by a mile.
I give up. Theres really no point, because the last idiot hasn't been born yet.
The Fallout universe or indeed any other fictional universe anyone might care about, belongs to the most common group of retards tomorrow brings.
@Kitarist Looks good. But same console dialog wheel.
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
Last edited by IamAWESOME on Wed, 4th Nov 2015 07:20; edited 1 time in total
The ai looks to be vastly improved from the previous two titles.
If you had many enemies closely together in a cell and they were aware of you, they'd just queue up to attack you or they'd all attack you at once in a huge clusterfuck.
Looks like these guys are actually taking cover and moving somewhat tactically around.
Walking from one end of the FO4 map takes 11 minutes.
I'm glad there is Wasteland 2. The bad part is I will have to play FO4 to be able to complain up to date with you guys
sar·casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
Walking from one end of the FO4 map takes 11 minutes.
I'm glad there is Wasteland 2. The bad part is I will have to play FO4 to be able to complain up to date with you guys
oh wow this is dissapointing, F3 and NV took hours to walk across the map.
Nah. I've replayed FO3 couple of months ago and it was more or less 15 minutes to get from one end of the map to the other. We are talking straight line of course.
Yea definitely not hours. Although I think Skyrim takes about 20mins diagonally? I haven't seen this video to avoid spoilers, but is this done from top to bottom, side to side, or diagonally?
Yea definitely not hours. Although I think Skyrim takes about 20mins diagonally? I haven't seen this video to avoid spoilers, but is this done from top to bottom, side to side, or diagonally?
Diagonally but he gets from top left corner to the water at lower right corner were it takes at least a 1/4 of the map.
"Fallout 4 is already one of this generation’s greatest achievements, and it’s high-time everybody got on the same page recognising that."
Another quality journLOList there. Top marks. Will read again Every single page is his barely-concealed commercial about how flawless the game is and flippant hand waving away of any issues. Shit animations and visuals? "Who cares?" Twat. If people didn't care about visuals, we'd all still be playing ASCII titles... what's that? You're a fucking gimp that came into gaming with the Xbox generation and don't even know what ASCII is?
Google it. I'll wait.
Last edited by sabin1981 on Wed, 4th Nov 2015 10:42; edited 1 time in total
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