Meh, i very rarely use VATS, because it just is so easy mode. Even more though it seems, when you chose the correct perks.
- The only times i use VATS is against those fucking Bloatflys, that i can't hit with ther constant zick-zacking.
- And when some mutated legendary enemy is rushing in to me, to greet him with some pumpgun shots to the face. As he otherwise would 1-shot me most of the time.
I use it all the time really but I find it terribly inaccurate. I often use it to reload faster
Neon wrote:
And no, enemies don't seem to see even in broad daylight if I crouch, the stealth in this just sucks.
Can't say I have that problem on survival difficulty - fuckers hear me from miles away even if i'm naked (I have three covert manuals). Maybe with a full set of muffled + the sneaking perks I might be able to get behind them with some luck.. but I doubt +50% would actually let me get near enough to backstab people. And vision wise they can see me from a huge distance, particularly if i'm lit up.
Does anyone have much luck with stealth on survival difficulty?
I got this weapon a few hours ago. Upgraded it, and with perks it has 60 weapon damage.
The PROBLEM though is, this weapon is fucking OP. Because it fires as fast as you can click the mouse button.
Need to adjust it somehow, as my firerate is nearly 100 too for some reason. I didn't install any automatic firing mode mods.
Don't know, as i still use the Combat Rifle instead. Which fully upgraded does more damage than the Assault one. It only fires about once per second though and has higher recoil, even with mods.
Last edited by Bob Barnsen on Sat, 21st Nov 2015 02:57; edited 2 times in total
It would be hilarious if one of the DLC's Beth planned to release was basically more items (that already exist in the game), being available for settlement building but now that there are mods that already do that they'll have to find something else.
Also man oh man does the writing suck. Beth wasted an opportunity with the whole man out of time thing.
There should be a crafting mod that lets you "dis-enchant" legendary items and re-apply them to other stuff you have..... Kinda like the elder scrolls.
Also, I want to fight the Brotherhood, because their helicopters are the only thing I'll have to use my missles and nukes on at the end-game. So, who will I be aiming to side with in order to fight them?
There should be a crafting mod that lets you "dis-enchant" legendary items and re-apply them to other stuff you have..... Kinda like the elder scrolls.
Also, I want to fight the Brotherhood, because their helicopters are the only thing I'll have to use my missles and nukes on at the end-game. So, who will I be aiming to side with in order to fight them?
Anybody but them. Whoever you choose, the rest have to go...
so here's my little collection, all aquired and all upgraded to F versions, except T51, which has the legendary torso
Nice, I have the same flame paint job on my X-01 suit. Did you get that from
the South Boston military checkpoint? That's the only X-01 suit I have seen. All the rest I have come across seem to be mostly T-45s, with a couple of T-51s. The only T-60s I have seen are worn by the BoS, but given how retardly suicidal they are in their ethnic cleansing campaign, it's easy to scavenge a few suits from their corpses.
You should do that regardless, my settlers put the damn thing on during attacks if I don't
Strange huh that everyone in the commonwealth has power-armor training.
(I mean your guy was ex-military - well the male version anyway, female was a lawyer or something. - so that's somewhat understandable but even simple raiders are now riding around in power-armor.)
(And then there's the not-quite-biker gang known as the Atom Cats...the real BOS would probably gatling laser them to shreds for violating technology like that. )
Are the "go get tech X" and "go clear area X" quest from the BoS endlessly respawning? I'm trying to avoid such quests. I was doing them since I thought Danse wouldn't give me a major BoS quest untill I did them, but he still doesn't give me a quest.
However! One of my gripes right now is the companion system and how you can't send your companion back to where you got them.. but rather a settlement instead. I hate having to send companions to settlements, I'd much prefer being able to send Hancock back to Goodneighbor, or Piper/Nick back to Diamond City. It would feel much more organic and realistic.
If you press cancel during settlement selection they will go back their unique location but only if you didn't send them to a settlement previously, then they will go to that settlement instead.
Strange huh that everyone in the commonwealth has power-armor training.
Heh, yeah I thought it would be cool to have my companion riding around in a suit, but when I told him to get out it showed up as red (i.e. owned by someone else). When I tired to "steal" it back, he turned hostile and started shooting me, lol. Now I just give them combat armour.
Those are unlimited quests just for caps and small exp boosts, you'll get a couple more from BoS later in the game. You'll progress in the BoS story once you make more headway into the *real* story;
Once you track down Kellogg with Nicky
Too late for that now, I guess, it's really annoying too
(And then there's the not-quite-biker gang known as the Atom Cats...the real BOS would probably gatling laser them to shreds for violating technology like that. )
I wish that happens in game. They're kinda close to the BOS base anyway. I'm sure a vertibird would be all it would take.
so here's my little collection, all aquired and all upgraded to F versions, except T51, which has the legendary torso
Nice, I have the same flame paint job on my X-01 suit. Did you get that from
the South Boston military checkpoint? That's the only X-01 suit I have seen. All the rest I have come across seem to be mostly T-45s, with a couple of T-51s. The only T-60s I have seen are worn by the BoS, but given how retardly suicidal they are in their ethnic cleansing campaign, it's easy to scavenge a few suits from their corpses.
I got a partial suit of X-01 from somewhere, not sure where, I think it was outside Fort Strong while hoarding
then I wanted to finnish the suit and got the one east of Goodneighbor, then as I was going to clear the Castle in it, I found the one in the South Boston military checkpoint
(And then there's the not-quite-biker gang known as the Atom Cats...the real BOS would probably gatling laser them to shreds for violating technology like that. )
I wish that happens in game. They're kinda close to the BOS base anyway. I'm sure a vertibird would be all it would take.
Their very existence is just as ugh as synths.
Synths are too smooth to be Fallout tech.
I do miss the robobrain which was arguably the most advanced robot made in the classic Fallout universe minus a certain thing with sentient robots in Tactics (Which is vaguely referenced in this game too like with Fallout 3 but Bethesda still hasn't clarified if those events are actually considered canon or not though it seems not, probably for the best heh.) but anyways I don't think the robobrain exists in Fallout 4 at all, that so called dangerous flying creature I see every once in a while in a loadscreen is also not something I've ever encountered in-game yet.
Synths kinda work with the V.1 basic robots and possibly the V.2 like androids but the V.3 human synths are a bit too advanced for the Fallout world I agree although I haven't found the institute itself yet and whatever Bethesda might have made that into so I'm unsure how they've portrayed them in the game.
The Enclave used to be the most powerful and advanced force in the classic Fallout games and this Institute seem to be even more advanced.
(But Bethesda sort-of killed off the Enclave as a certain group - BOS of course - explains in Fallout 4 and in the process removed most of the references to the Vault 101 dweller and his companions too though some are confirmed dead though without any further details.)
What else is missing? the "Vindicator" minigun can almost be replicated by the shorter faster accelerating barrel mod for the regular one but there's no gauss pistol and the "joke" weapons like the solar scorcher and holy hand grenade are nowhere to be found either, no cool cultist robes either or well it depends I guess.
(There was a unused holy hand grenade in Fallout 3 though, basically a frag grenade someone had textured a crude cross on with two black lines.)
The .45 tommygun SMG returns as well although sadly there's no laser version of it like there was in New Vegas, nor is there any retro versions of the classic plasma pistol and "plasma caster" rifle although since the mod system is a bit unified laser and plasma weapons can be both pistols and rifles depending on what mods you equip them with.
(And there's the new musket although I didn't use it much myself.)
Wonder when we'll get a plasma gatling laser or hell the overpowered gauss gatling from Tactics although the in-game laser version almost looks like someone put four laser rifle housings in a minigun frame and powered it with a power cell.
(Also, mod wise the heavy and melee weapon types don't seem to have gotten too much love so it's a bit limited.)
Makes me wonder what sort of arms and armor the DLC will introduce, there's rumors of a deep sea content pack and the in-game cut but somewhat functional spear gun also hints at that.
EDIT: Oh and where the hell is my Vault #69
(Granted it was confirmed non-canon but still...)
Last edited by JBeckman on Sat, 21st Nov 2015 13:31; edited 4 times in total
Yeah I checked the wiki and it sounds like a number of the suits spawn parts based on your level. So if you find a suit at 40+, there's a chance that it will be X-01. The X-01 suit I found seems like it is probably the only fixed spawn, I found it around level 20 or so. Explains why all the other suits I found early on were T-45s.
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