For all football fans
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Posts: 924

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Nov 2005 01:42    Post subject: For all football fans
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Nov 2005 10:02    Post subject:
pretty nice. But can it be fake?

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Posts: 185
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Mon, 7th Nov 2005 10:24    Post subject:
those shots has to be fake... 1 time being lucky, okay, 3 times after eachother: cant.
i still love his shoes though. 5000 euro wasnt it?

*you can see it at the first shot he takes... ball goes way to high (first i tought it would land at the tribune) then suddenly it hits the bar, comes back with the samen speed... even higher that before... so imho it cant be real. Smile

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Posts: 185
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Mon, 7th Nov 2005 17:24    Post subject:
Okay, maybe i've changed my opinion a little, since a class-mate told me he also saw the interview after he had tested his boots Razz

pretty amazed if it is really real... cant be sure.

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Posts: 924

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Nov 2005 18:34    Post subject:
Im pretty sure the very first hit is real and the last one (when it fades to black and u hear the sound) is fake. Not really sure about the rest Wink

Anyhow, he's got amazing skill. He does things I've seen from Maradona in his good years.
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Posts: 3904

PostPosted: Mon, 7th Nov 2005 20:52    Post subject:
amazing vid...

if fake...well done
if real...damn Shocked
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Posts: 185
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Mon, 7th Nov 2005 20:56    Post subject:
gotta disagree with you there feyenoord4ever...
to me, the very first hit looks like the most fake one... those other 3 shots are way more realistic then the other ones... but ill try to sort it out wether is real or not some time...

maybe its just me being jalous about some skill i still dont have. Razz

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Posts: 1921
Location: Kalmar, Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 19th Nov 2005 22:21    Post subject:
It's authentic. When they went to show the Nike-executives the video they said the "Wow nice, but how many times did you have to redo this?", Ronaldinho replied "I can do it again.", they went outside and he did it again.

On a sidenote, Maradona was famous for doing a similar thing, although closer to the goal but he could go on for a really long time, and he instantly shot it back. Shot>bar>shot>bar>shot>etc.

Ronaldinho practiced freekicks 400 times after the every actual practice when he was younger, he knows how to aim Wink

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Posts: 1131

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Nov 2005 15:43    Post subject:
If thats the case , Give him a yard of space and even on the volley , He would never miss .
Every freekick would be curling into bottom side of the bar and in. But yesterday he had 2 attempts and failed to clear the wall

Vita Clausen confirmed he hit the bar twice and then ball was returned to him by another player

sabin1981 wrote:
but you know what Chinese whispers are like; some newbie will read your comment and suddenly run and spread it all over the internet that the new 2010 Banwave disables all your XBLA games when you're banned.

Ironic Statement #4756 from sabin
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Posts: 8691

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Nov 2005 15:58    Post subject:
nike comfirmed its a fake.

only have a dutch source.

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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sun, 20th Nov 2005 17:30    Post subject:
yea this is fake.. i coulda told you that ages ago though. He's still a class player and me and my m8s play this game. 1 point for the posts, 2 for the bar. and u have to hit the ball from where it ends up unless it goes behind the net then its back on the 1/3rd line.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 1400

PostPosted: Thu, 8th Dec 2005 14:49    Post subject:
I've heard that Maradona did something like this, though I haven't seen it myself.
Even though this is fake, it is still very cool Smile
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