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Posts: 6962

PostPosted: Thu, 5th Nov 2015 12:48    Post subject:
sabin1981 wrote:
dannofdawn wrote:
sabin1981 wrote:

You were saying? And this is just from the massively limited BETA, not the full game, and already there is game content in the files based on characters that aren't coming at launch. Capcom never changes. Always the same bullshit. At least they're really pushing for this to be the new competitive gold standard for Street Fighter, but this "characters already exist, we just locked them away" bullshit is also standard for Capcom behaviour.

They're audio files, along with a few lines of code...doesn't prove that the characters are ready by launch. The on-disc DLCs were fully complete by release. If that is the case for SFV, then yea its bullshit. But we don't know that yet. Maybe we'll see what's in the next beta build.

And yet more excuses. The fact that data of ANY kind already exists on the disc proves that Capcom are pulling the same crap, as no part of supposed "we created these after the game was finished" content should be on the disc prior to, or on, release - none. Spin it however you want.

AKofC wrote:
What the fuck is up with Ryu's hair? Any longer and you'd have this bad boy

It looks to be SFA Ryu, younger with his youthful hair.

Ah Sabin. Always complaining.

It's not surprising me that the characters need to get work on months before retail version.

They obviously already had ideas during even preproduction. You cannot blame them for starting working on audio and recording sessions (sometimes that need to hire an actor) months before the game is shipped.

For me this is totally acceptable to ship a game with remains of current work in progress. You can't expect every developer to start working on a dlc only after the game is shipped.

Did you never work on multiples stuff at the same time ?That doesn't mean everything will be ready on time.
Obviously they can postpone the game till 2017 and release it without any dlc but release date is March 2016 so...

All in all, to me, what is shameful is when everything is ready for retail and on disc, and artificially locked because "it's not the right time" like SFXT.

Now obviously you are Sabin, so you can always debate about whether or not the characters are finished already and just intentionally missing a few files here and there to make it seem they are still really working on them while they are not.

But Sabin or not, you cannot know that, nor can I. That's why for now I'm not blaming them.
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Posts: 26310

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Nov 2015 13:15    Post subject:
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Mostly Cursed

Posts: 87805

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Nov 2015 13:40    Post subject:
lolozaur wrote: Reaction

Of course they did, everything is being censored nowadays Sad Censored not for those that play games and complain, but those that don't play games and yet still demand everything be tailored so as to not offend their fee-fees. They're all fucking scum, this latest 3rd feminist bullshit is deplorable and the companies that capitulate to their demands are every bit as bad. I *refuse* to support any company that censors their games due to whiny snowflakes crying.
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Posts: 8061

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Nov 2015 19:00    Post subject:
Almost as bad as censoring a girl in a fucking bikini in an M rated horror game. Sex(iness)/any degree of nudity = extremely bad, violence/gore = very good.

This shit needs to stop.
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Nov 2015 20:21    Post subject:
useless censorship, every young teen on the net sees more "inappropriated" stuff when normally surfing the net
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Posts: 62

PostPosted: Thu, 3rd Dec 2015 23:29    Post subject:
did someone here received also a gift of Street fighter V beta?
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Fri, 4th Dec 2015 00:24    Post subject:
if somone has, i would take it Smile
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Posts: 846

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Dec 2015 21:00    Post subject:
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Posts: 2227

PostPosted: Sat, 5th Dec 2015 23:19    Post subject:

So far I love all the new designs, new characters in SFV.

But, wtf is this? Shocked
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Posts: 1937

PostPosted: Sun, 6th Dec 2015 02:24    Post subject:
dannofdawn wrote:

So far I love all the new designs, new characters in SFV.

But, wtf is this? Shocked

They went full retard on this one.
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Posts: 846

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Jan 2016 20:28    Post subject:
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Posts: 2227

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Jan 2016 22:49    Post subject:
Lol Nash has a picture of Guile? True bromance Laughing
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2016 18:30    Post subject:
wait, why is it showing character silhouettes for the season pass availability announcement?

are they literally selling characters?

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 34515
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2016 18:32    Post subject:

Bison/Vega outsourced his company (Shadalol or whatever. Razz ) to China as well huh? Guess it was cheaper.
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Tue, 26th Jan 2016 19:35    Post subject:
AKofC wrote:
wait, why is it showing character silhouettes for the season pass availability announcement?

are they literally selling characters?

thats been the norm in most recent fighters.
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Posts: 846

PostPosted: Sat, 30th Jan 2016 19:13    Post subject:
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Posts: 11000

PostPosted: Sat, 30th Jan 2016 20:05    Post subject:
Content-wise no fighting game can ever beat SFA3 and T3

1 and 2 are still amazing.
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Sat, 30th Jan 2016 20:13    Post subject:
plus we only get 16 characters in sf5 at launch, cant remember a fighting game with such a small roster since the early 90s.
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Posts: 1937
Location: USA / Japan
PostPosted: Sat, 30th Jan 2016 20:16    Post subject:
^street fighter 4. Launch of Tekken 7. Skull girls. etc etc. As for content, I generally purchase these games for online fun. But yeah SFA3 that world campign mode or whatever was awesome. And Tekken 3 of course goes down in history with having so much content for a fighting game.

Tekken tends to have a lot more content then SF when it comes to console releases.

PC Specs: A Maganavox' Odyssey
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Sat, 30th Jan 2016 20:27    Post subject:
all of them had more than 16 at launch.

Last edited by The_Zeel on Sat, 30th Jan 2016 20:27; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 7288

PostPosted: Sat, 30th Jan 2016 20:27    Post subject:
you can get the new characters via ingame currency as well as DLC so don't feel like you HAVE to buy them

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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Sat, 30th Jan 2016 20:27    Post subject:
well i m gonna buy it either way, but just cant decide whether on ps4 or pc, the netcode question as always.
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Posts: 846

PostPosted: Sat, 30th Jan 2016 20:31    Post subject:
The netcode is exactly the same on both PS4 and PC, hence the cross-platform play...
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Posts: 1937
Location: USA / Japan
PostPosted: Sun, 31st Jan 2016 18:37    Post subject:
The_Zeel wrote:
all of them had more than 16 at launch.

Nope. SF had 16+3 hidden characters. Which all the hidden characters were banned in tournaments besides Akuma. Tekken 7 had like 8. And Same with skullgirls. Had like 12 at launch
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Sun, 31st Jan 2016 20:45    Post subject:
as far as i know tekken 7 had 20 on launch, unless you re talking about some old alpha version, as for skullgirls i checked and you re right, in fact they only had 8 characters at launch.
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Posts: 1937
Location: USA / Japan
PostPosted: Sun, 31st Jan 2016 20:48    Post subject:
Ah you're right tekken 7 did have 20 at launch my bad.

We we're both wrong Crying or Very sad

I don't mind the 4 characters per year, dlc that they are doing. And I think i'll play it enough that I will be able to purchase the characters in game via fight money.

PC Specs: A Maganavox' Odyssey
Tweaked to play Frogger, Lemmings & GTA4

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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Sun, 31st Jan 2016 20:58    Post subject:
yea i dont really mind the 16 characters, in the end when trying to play competitively i only concentrate on 1 main and 2 additional characters, the rest are only for fucking around a bit.
its good we get the fight money option, just hope it wont be uber-inflated in order to push ppl towards paying real cash.
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Posts: 2227

PostPosted: Mon, 1st Feb 2016 03:07    Post subject:
16 is a decent amount, its just a bit hard to swallow when your mains from before aren't in.

Played for a 3-4 hours yesterday, all I've seen are mostly R.Mika, some Karin, a few Ryu, Ken, Birdie, Necali, Gief, 2 Dictator and ONE Dhalism. I haven't seen any Rashid, Nash, Claw, Chun Li, Cammy. Not sure what's up with that.

But its nice playing a new game. I couldn't get even 500BP online in SF4, and now I've got around 2000LP, that's probably my limit though.
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PostPosted: Fri, 12th Feb 2016 10:40    Post subject:
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Posts: 5666
Location: Israel.
PostPosted: Fri, 12th Feb 2016 10:43    Post subject:
Might actually get back into fighting games with this one. I have my eye on Mad Catz Fightstick Alpha since it's the cheapest entry level stick I could find that doesn't look like shit, and the few early reviews are positive.

"I think Call of Duty resonates because it's believable and relatable," Sledgehammer Games cofounder Michael Condrey says.

Believable and relatable...Yep, sounds like Call of Duty
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