[PS4] [R] Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (2015)
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PostPosted: Thu, 5th May 2016 09:16    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Thu, 5th May 2016 10:52    Post subject:
Return of the king baby!

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PostPosted: Thu, 5th May 2016 11:15    Post subject:
I didn't really like the Uncharted games that much (played the remasters on my PS4).

I'll probably play this one though (with plati.ru discount of course Laughing , that's how I played most of the games on my PS4. Console games for ~10% of the value? Sold!)

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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Thu, 5th May 2016 12:06    Post subject:
sure, but if you re unlucky and the main account of the game is deactivated, you ve wasted your money, though its unlikely to happen so fast, you should be able to finish the game beforehand.
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Thu, 5th May 2016 13:19    Post subject:
apparently its around 17-20 hrs the first time on average, making it almost twice as long as the other games.
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Posts: 448

PostPosted: Thu, 5th May 2016 13:22    Post subject:
The_Zeel wrote:
sure, but if you re unlucky and the main account of the game is deactivated, you ve wasted your money, though its unlikely to happen so fast, you should be able to finish the game beforehand.

How and why do they diactivate the account..because so far I have bought 8 games like this..and 5 are still working after 1 year..and 3 aren't working anymore..but I don't know the reason why this happens exactly
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Thu, 5th May 2016 14:03    Post subject:
whether they do it themselves or sony gets wind of it and bans the accounts, cant say.
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PostPosted: Thu, 5th May 2016 15:51    Post subject:
The_Zeel wrote:
sure, but if you re unlucky and the main account of the game is deactivated, you ve wasted your money, though its unlikely to happen so fast, you should be able to finish the game beforehand.

Eh, at worst I waste the 6-10 USD, instead of wasting 60 if I don't like the game. Very Happy
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Thu, 5th May 2016 16:02    Post subject:
fair enough, worst case you pay 6 usd again, still cheaper Laughing
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Posts: 6964

PostPosted: Thu, 5th May 2016 18:37    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Thu, 5th May 2016 18:45    Post subject:
oh man I would love to see new Crash game...
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PostPosted: Thu, 5th May 2016 21:00    Post subject:
Hype hype hype

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PostPosted: Thu, 5th May 2016 21:40    Post subject:
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[Moderator] Babysitter

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PostPosted: Thu, 5th May 2016 22:06    Post subject:
Haha I like how IGN's "Score so far 8.8" is not on there. Very Happy

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PostPosted: Fri, 6th May 2016 00:33    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th May 2016 01:06    Post subject:
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Posts: 13461
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th May 2016 01:17    Post subject:
Too bad about the climbing though, i find it really annoying how many devs are dumbing this down (can't fall down).. how about making the player automatically dodge bullets too when they're at it?
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Posts: 448

PostPosted: Fri, 6th May 2016 08:43    Post subject:
Since you can choose lines on some occasions, does that give us multiple different ending..no, right ?..just different dialogue outcome in that scene ?
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Posts: 6112
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Fri, 6th May 2016 13:46    Post subject:
Still beating UC3, hope to finish before Tuesday Very Happy

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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Fri, 6th May 2016 14:16    Post subject:
just called a local store, can pick it up on monday Razz
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PostPosted: Fri, 6th May 2016 14:43    Post subject:
Im so ready for this, will hopefully get it by mail before 10th.
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Fri, 6th May 2016 14:44    Post subject:
thats why i havent preordered it, the uncharted collection came one day late (bought from amazon)
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PostPosted: Sat, 7th May 2016 02:57    Post subject:

A bit off topic but this new mobile Uncharted game is pretty cool plus you can unlock stuff in the multiplayer of Uncharted 4 Very Happy

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Posts: 667
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PostPosted: Sat, 7th May 2016 14:16    Post subject:
Got it early!


This is gonna be a great weekend Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat, 7th May 2016 14:38    Post subject:
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Posts: 646

PostPosted: Sat, 7th May 2016 15:43    Post subject:
how did you get it early ? wich shop did already sell it ? i'm from Belgium
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PostPosted: Sat, 7th May 2016 16:47    Post subject:
OMG I'm jelly!

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Posts: 667
Location: The Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun, 8th May 2016 02:06    Post subject:
A Dutch webshop called "allyourgames.nl" updated their uncharted 4 Page on Friday saying that every order placed before 18:00 would be sent out on that day. So I placed an order an received it yesterday Smile
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Posts: 34385
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PostPosted: Sun, 8th May 2016 03:06    Post subject:
Jonhy wrote:
A Dutch webshop called "allyourgames.nl" updated their uncharted 4 Page on Friday saying that every order placed before 18:00 would be sent out on that day. So I placed an order an received it yesterday Smile

As you're the first to get it here that we know of, we need to ask for spoiler free mini review Very Happy

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Posts: 667
Location: The Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun, 8th May 2016 11:16    Post subject:
Sure! I'm only 2 hours into the game and in the fourth chapter at the moment. Want to take it slowly Smile When i got the game, i was eager to play it but upon inserting the disc into my PS4, i was directly prompted with a 5GB patch which needed to be downloaded first Shocked I haven't tried playing it without the patch but from what i heard from other people that tried, it fixed some issues like objects flying around and music that won't stop playing while ingame.

After installing the patch, i could finally start! Very Happy Graphic wise it definitely lives up to the expectations. By far the best looking game on the PS4 at the moment! You can spot some low textures in the landscape of certain locations if you look far far away. But this is not an issue in my opinion. The game looks great and so are the animations (Like we could see in the previous released video's). Also didn't encounter any performance issues. The game seems to run on a solid 30 FPS so far Smile

Gameplay wise this is a true Uncharted game. The game starts with a few jumps trough times explaining some of the events that took place in the past and are needed for us to know before starting with the main adventure. Ofcourse it still heavily scripted like the previous games but it plays like a movie. The action is great, the climbing works fine and is extended this time with the grabbeling hook which is used to easily switch between platforms. I haven't played any of the more "open level" chapters yet but i understood that they mainly occur in the second half of the game. Sofar it lives up to my expectations! If you are looking for a new uncharted with the "known" but improved gameplay and superb graphics then you can't go wrong with this one Smile When you didn't like the heavy scripting of the previous games, then this game won't change anything for you. But come one what do you expect from an uncharted game Very Happy
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