Well, I'd say their worthiness is very related to what good STR/DEX weapons you have available, and there seems to be a decent selection of those. But then again it's very related to whatever PVP meta the playerbase decides, as normally taking both STR and DEX to 40 (softcap for both) may require you to go higher with your SL than a pure STR build. But then, magic/faith users normally need to go even higher than quality I guess.
What's the fastest way to get 172k douls so I can cure the dark sigil?
I tried some red orb invasions but it dropped me only 1000 souls or so if I remember right...
Kill the first summoned Drakeblood Knight in Dragon Aerie over and over with SilverCovetous, ShieldOfWant and SymbolOfAvarice over and over. About 8k souls a pop in NG. You can backstab him as soon as he's out of the summoning animation.
*EDIT* There is even a video of it. He get's less souls though because he's not using all the items i mentioned above. You can farm SymbolOfAvarice on a single Mimic over and over btw... throw Lloyd's (Hunter's Charm), wait a bit, hit Mimic so it goes back into trapmode and throw Lloyd's again....till it drops.
or the angelic knights on top of the tower close to the staircase leading to the princes boss battle,
around 100k per run if you include all of the enemies on the way there from the bonfire as well, with the items you mentioned equipped.
Btw: how do you open the gate right of Anor Londo guarded by the red-eyed Black/Silver Knight?
I assume it's opened from the other side...but how to get there?
The only gate you can open in Anor Londo is the main gate.
I think it was at the bonfire after those rotating stair-elevator and before the huge staircase with two silver knights coming down.
If you looked down on the left, you could see some kind of chapel with a big tower. And on top of that tower you could see a bonfire. But i saw no obvious way to it, so i just kept playing and was expecting to get their later on - which never was the case.
If someone knows which place i mean, could you get to that bonfire?
I once ran and sat on that invisible bridge when someone invaded. He thought I was hacking. He went up and down, went crazy and left.
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
How you get the item in the tower above FLS, the one which is kinda "half way down" and not easily accessible by sticking out tombs?
You know what I mean.
You just have to jump on it from the path towards the elevator, however it's a tricky jump - i always die 4-5 times there till i get it right.
The item is the Firekeeper Set, if i recall.
Bob Barnsen wrote:
Thanks man! Never really cared for that covenant, so i didn't read about them.
You can kill Yorshka though, and she drops a nice chime if you're into spellcasting (Yorshka's Chime). She doesn't even fight back.
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