Watch Dogs 2 will launch before April 2017. We know because Ubisoft just said that the game would be out before the end of its current financial year as part of their third-quarter financial report. And for now, that’s all we know.
Watch_Dogs was better than Just Cause 3. Hope this one is even more better.
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
Gaiden and his iconic tumblr ballcap strutting down the streets of SJW Francisco?
Is the SF stuff even confirmed?
How can you even doubt that. Ubisoft can't possibly do it without applying the casual AC formula to it, the possible virtual tour. And it would be the perfect chance for them to recycle Driver: San Francisco.
Watch Dogs 2 Has a "New Tone," Expected to Be Big Seller
Today during an earnings call, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot shared some new details on the upcoming Watch Dogs sequel. First, the executive teased that Watch Dogs 2 will have a "new tone", though he didn't expand on that point.
On the subject of sales, Guillemot did not offer any specific unit projections, though he said the game has the potential to be one of Ubisoft's best-selling games of all time. He also referenced the game as being its best-selling title of fiscal year 2017, which would put it ahead of Ghost Recon: Wildlands, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, For Honor, and an unannounced AAA new IP.
In addition, Guillemot said Watch Dogs 2 will have "innovative" gameplay, but again, he did not share any further specifics on this front.
Although Ubisoft has confirmed Watch Dogs 2 is in development, it has not released any further details about the title. The game will launch before the end of Ubsoft's current financial year, which runs through the end of March 2017.
Oi y'startin bruv? ya think u can fokin run fgt, il rek u with me blower!
It would be hilarious if confirmed. Finding a shallower protagonist than Aidun Pls is an incredibly tough task, but Ubisoft's anti-creativity should not be underestimated under any circumstances.
(Also, </3 to whoever put my thread in the Useless Void )
You don't have to make a video explaining to the world why Ubisoft is a terrible company. It has continued to amaze me that they're still in business, especially after completely destroying Rainbow Six.
I must be completely stupid, because I actually liked the idea of Wildlands, the open world spec ops game in development, but I bet we'll be climbing radio towers in that one too, the AI will be shitty, bugs will infest, and history repeats itself.
ubisoft isnt a terrible company.. i think 70% of the time they lack imagination and risk-taking, but every now and then they manage to put together something amazing that still demonstrates how fantastic they CAN be as a publisher/developer.
now gearbox. gearbox is a terrible company. but ubi? nah.
that said, i think watch_dogs 2, for all the bs and promises ubi is making, is going to be more of the same. After all, they promised the world to us during the first games e3 build-up (and boy did it look amazing back then... but we all know what we ended up with...)
It was mentioned time and time again that W_D2 will probably be to Watch_Dogs as AC2 was to the first Assassin's Creed. Improved in almost every aspect (aside from storytelling which was total shit, then again it probably won't be the case here, as storytelling in W_D was already shit)
Ubisoft confirmed the Watch Dogs 2 gift box is real and provided the following statement to IGN:
We are excited to reveal more about the next iteration of the Watch Dogs franchise very soon. Stay tuned!
While Watch Dogs 2 does not yet have a release date, the title is scheduled to launch sometime before April 2017. According to Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot, the game will have a "new tone," and with E3 fast approaching, we'll likely hear all about it in just a couple of weeks.
What a retarded logo that is. i thought they gonna change it since they want to make the game a bit remarkable but from what i see Ubisoft's STILL pushing that kind of uncreative shit into their game.
What a retarded logo that is. i thought they gonna change it since they want to make the game a bit remarkable but from what i see Ubisoft's STILL pushing that kind of uncreative shit into their game.
What you mean? Looks pretty iconic to me
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
I thought it was that "DeadMau5" guy but he had next to no role in the first game so I don't know, a dick maybe?
tonizito wrote:
FadeToBlack wrote:
What a retarded logo that is. i thought they gonna change it since they want to make the game a bit remarkable but from what i see Ubisoft's STILL pushing that kind of uncreative shit into their game.
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