You've got to give it to him. 'Oh, I never could get into grand strategy, but I think the most complicated series of them all will be good starting point for me.'
You've got to give it to him. 'Oh, I never could get into grand strategy, but I think the most complicated series of them all will be good starting point for me.'
It's not like he would know since he couldn't get into them. Besides I think Crusadar Kings is probably more complicated especially for those who don't actually know much of history and post-Roman European politics. Angryjoe does seem all that bright nor knowledgeable of a person, I don't think he can play grand strategies.
Hopefully they wont go and change balance too much before the launch. That vid is all I need from hoi4. I never was too interested in hoi3 only because it felt too scripted at times, and too focused on big powers. I love it that they've implemented non historic option, and made smaller nations playable without the need to revert to cheap tricks.
Hopefully they wont go and change balance too much before the launch. That vid is all I need from hoi4. I never was too interested in hoi3 only because it felt too scripted at times, and too focused on big powers. I love it that they've implemented non historic option, and made smaller nations playable without the need to revert to cheap tricks.
Well I mean as a small nation, being cheap and crafting is pretty much the only options you have. But if by cheap you mean exploiting the ai, then I think its the same as exploiting human mistakes in real life. There's plenty of stories of major powers losing battles against much lesser nations due to stupidity, poor management and planning, etc.
They're already waiving dlc's around. Extra music dlc's, and custom 3d tanks for the middle edition. Also, free unannounced dlc's for the most expensive one. Apparently not for cosmetic dlc's after all, but still.
And what's the deal with Poland dlc? The nation that got steamrolled the first gets a custom focuses tree, while the more viable nations like Finland and Yugoslavia are left with generic one.
They're already waiving dlc's around. Extra music dlc's, and custom 3d tanks for the middle edition. Also, free unannounced dlc's for the most expensive one. I'm hoping those aren't for the cosmetic dlc's.
And what's the deal with Poland dlc? The nation that got steamrolled the first gets a custom focuses tree, while the more viable nations like Finland and Yugoslavia are left with generic one.
Probably because it is more interesting to play as Poland preciously because they get destroy first.
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