there is no cheats for pop 3 ?
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Posts: 3

PostPosted: Tue, 6th Dec 2005 20:27    Post subject: there is no cheats for pop 3 ?
or a trianer ?
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Posts: 3607
Location: Poland / USA
PostPosted: Tue, 6th Dec 2005 20:56    Post subject:
Special 2nd hand weapons.
Get your dagger out, throw away any secondary weapon you have, pause the game and enter the code (In the pause screen).

Try to keep an even rhythm (Press up, down once to hear a good rhythm, press again when the sound stops).

NOTE: Sometimes you need to first unlock a Chainsaw for the other codes to work.
NOTE: You don't have to actually complete any modes to *use* the codes.
Code   Effect
Left, left, right, right, up, down, down, up, up, down   Baby Toy Hammer (I think you get the code from Easy mode)
Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, up, down, up, down   Chainsaw (Gotten by completing Hard mode)
Up, down, up, down, left, right, left, right, up, down, up, down   Swordfish (Code distributed with premium version)
Right, left, right, left, down, down, up, up, up, down, up, up, down, down   Telephone of Sorrow (Gotten by completing Medium mode)

If you need a health cheat, then i doono.
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Posts: 94
Location: U.S.A.
PostPosted: Thu, 8th Dec 2005 06:05    Post subject:
Use TSearch right now. I used it to have infinite sands, but couldn't figure out what hex value was for the life bar. It's really not that hard to use.
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Posts: 11000

PostPosted: Sat, 10th Dec 2005 06:09    Post subject:
There is a trainer available now.

1 and 2 are still amazing.
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Posts: 2

PostPosted: Sat, 10th Dec 2005 10:22    Post subject:
where plz can you attach the trainer ???
plz plz plzzzz
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Posts: 94
Location: U.S.A.
PostPosted: Sat, 10th Dec 2005 21:18    Post subject:
That plus 4 trainer does not work. Even the "fixed" one does not work either. Supposedly, you must restart the game till it does work and that could be 20 or more times. Not worth it. Just use TSearch to find the values yourself and it's faster. Problem is, since it uses DMA the values change everytime you restart the game. That's probably why no working trainer has come out yet.
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Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sun, 11th Dec 2005 23:03    Post subject:
since sf3.5 protection, no trainer came out anymore. anti-debug crap tooooooooooo strong.
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Posts: 130

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Dec 2005 18:35    Post subject:
f*ck SF!
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Posts: 179

PostPosted: Wed, 14th Dec 2005 00:21    Post subject:
There is a +4 trainer at but it doesn't work for me Sad . If anyone gets it to work pls post.
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Posts: 8

PostPosted: Wed, 14th Dec 2005 20:18    Post subject: trainer
until someone does a patch for the .exe
there will not be a decent trainer out. as winge has perfectly described "anti-debug crap tooooooooooo strong"..meaning no debugger no trainer as yet
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Posts: 285

PostPosted: Mon, 19th Dec 2005 13:35    Post subject:
winge wrote:
since sf3.5 protection, no trainer came out anymore. anti-debug crap tooooooooooo strong.

meh its rather easy

how to attach debugger on StarForce & SafeDisc games
you need to get the PEProcess of the game and then (when you are using WinXP) u have to add BC to it and set the next 4 bytes to 00..
So let's say your PEProcess is:
add BC to it:
and then set the bytes to 00 and you can attach the debugger

I teleported home one night
With Ron and Sid and Meg.
Ron stole Meggie's heart away
And i got Sidneys leg.
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Posts: 18053
Location: .NL
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Dec 2005 02:47    Post subject:
i'm happy that there is no trainer for this game ,so u all cheating bastards learn to play a bit Twisted Evil
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Posts: 2405
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Fri, 23rd Dec 2005 11:07    Post subject:
this game is not that hard
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