“For the avoidance of doubt, in consideration of [Roberts Space Industry’s] good faith efforts to develop, produce, and deliver the Game with the funds raised, you agree that any Pledge amounts applied against the Pledge Item Cost and the Game Cost shall be non-refundable regardless of whether or not RSI is able to complete and deliver the Game and/or the pledge items.”
Nice, eh? Lawyers definitely high fived themselves after writing this masterpiece
I am the Lord thy Developer and Redeemer of genre!
Thou shalt have no other developers before me!
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image!
Thou shalt not take the name of the Roberts thy God in vain!
Remember the Star Citizen, to keep it holy!
Honour the Fund and pledge thy money now!
Thou shalt not be a toxic detractor!
Thou shalt not commit adultery with other space sims!
Thou shalt not refund!*
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy Space Citizen nor Chris Roberts!
Thou shalt covet all the ships thy Cloud Imperium Games sells!
Ye shall erect these positive opinions which I command thee upon Mount Comment!
*Changed to 'Thou shalt not refund regardless of whether or not RSI is able to complete and deliver the Game and/or the pledge items' in Sandy Gardiner's translation of ToS Bible, June'16.
The best part is that according to the rest of the article, the TOS did allow for a refund, but since right now they know full well they will never produce the kind of game they promised (and built a religion around) it has been changed.
With kickstarter you fund something once, maybe it'ts good, maybe it's bad, maybe it fails and the devs have to refund your money(as the latest news will tell you). But this? How many years have they been living off the money of hopefuls (117 MILLION dollars up to now...INSANE! And they probably optimised their taxes, this is a gift/handout after all), and giving a pittance in return?
“For the avoidance of doubt, in consideration of [Roberts Space Industry’s] good faith efforts to develop, produce, and deliver the Game with the funds raised, you agree that any Pledge amounts applied against the Pledge Item Cost and the Game Cost shall be non-refundable regardless of whether or not RSI is able to complete and deliver the Game and/or the pledge items.”
Nice, eh? Lawyers definitely high fived themselves after writing this masterpiece
I write that kind of stuff everyday at my job
Epsilon wrote:
Meanwhile the people of that generation will call those guys relics, and not move with the times when everything is auto fucking.
HR Management and top tier contractual writings/decisions.
Man the kind of hidden meanings we have to put in the contracts, sometimes make them seem like a puzzle themselves.
Though job, but hey everyone likes (needs?) to have a work contract, that is.. if you are not the Boss. In that case you are the job.
Epsilon wrote:
Meanwhile the people of that generation will call those guys relics, and not move with the times when everything is auto fucking.
According to german magazin PC Games, 2.7 will add amongst other things procedural planets
2.7 will bring procedural planets and you will be able to travel the whole stanton system and all planets and moons can be directly approached down to the surface.
- They say the new lighting system as part of the procedural planets build looks much more natural.
- They say that approaching the planet looks and technically feels better than with Elite Dangerous.
- You can land anywhere manually, automatic landing gets you to fixed positions i.e. landing zones.
- Microtech and Hurston come in follow-up patches after 2.7
- They aim to have Stanton fully playable i.e. with all stations and landing zones (according to CR about 40 locations) by end of 2016
- There will be more jobs and missions as well.
- Trading will be in by then
- Chris describing that missions accepted up in space stations could lead you eventually down to planet surfaces, not clear if this is going to be in with 2.7 but seemingly something SQ42 will benefit from.
- Planets and moons are revolving around suns, with naturally simulated day and night cycles.
- When flying over the ocean they were noticing that the horizon had a correctly simulated curve.
- Trees and Animals seemingly are planned (edit: doesn't seem to be in with 2.7, sorry) - they have them seemingly setup in pre-made templates they call eco-systems - these can be brushed over the planet surface, some magic blends the transitions to make it look naturally and consistent.
- Planetary surface and topograhy details are controlled by a dynamical LOD system.
- Some pop-up was visible during the planetary approach but they described it as impressive regardless.
- They were also impressed with the cloud system, which wasn't just a simple texture layer but seemingly is described what I assume would be volumetric, i.e. they have deepth and height and impact visibility, leading to mountain crests piercing through clouds and valleys being covered.
- They are writing that there isn't any artificially restricted view range, visibility is rather a result from the volumetric calculation of the athmosphere.
- Parallax-Occlusion maps with dynamic tessellation is used for the surface details.
- GTX 980 was used with 100 fps on the planetary surface, so performance seems to be pretty good already, sorry, that was just editor performance - in-game performance was 45fps
- Some stuff about the subsumption-AI saying NPCs might have hobbies and a virtual mind, allowing them to remember the player or be influenced in his opinions by the player. To avoid performance issues, they seemingly control the update cycles for NPC AI based on player proximitiy i.e. update cycles go to 1hz instead of 60hz if no one is around.
Because 45fps is something to be proud of? Fucking useless profiteering greedy cuntfaces.
Anyway I bet £50 that most of the stuff mentioned will be missing or utterly crippled in some way. Procedural planets, yes that will be in, but that's hardly groundbreaking now us it.
Playing Valheim every weekday at 10pm GMT - twitch.tv/kaltern
Follow me on Twitter if you feel like it... @kaltern
Because 45fps is something to be proud of? Fucking useless profiteering greedy cuntfaces.
Anyway I bet £50 that most of the stuff mentioned will be missing or utterly crippled in some way. Procedural planets, yes that will be in, but that's hardly groundbreaking now us it.
Have you seen the graphics?
Procedural planets is actually pretty rare and rarely done properly.
There aren't exactly a lot of similar games where you can say they've done a great job of it.
But then I don't know why I am responding to a troll
Great stuff, clap clap. It's not like a 3d person couldn't do this in a couple hours at most. It's a fucking textured surface, there's nothing special about them. Let alone talking about "playable". They have to show a lot more after the shitshow they pulled. If they want to be measured by certain standards, they'll have to deal with that.
Because 45fps is something to be proud of? Fucking useless profiteering greedy cuntfaces.
Anyway I bet £50 that most of the stuff mentioned will be missing or utterly crippled in some way. Procedural planets, yes that will be in, but that's hardly groundbreaking now us it.
Have you seen the graphics?
Procedural planets is actually pretty rare and rarely done properly.
There aren't exactly a lot of similar games where you can say they've done a great job of it.
But then I don't know why I am responding to a troll
Do you only wake up when I post or something?
And as for your pointless comment. Procedural graphics have been around for a very long time - first game I played with 3D procedural graphics as The Sentinel (1986), and has been used in gaming history many, many times.
Modern games with such tech is of course Elite Dangerous, No Mans Sky, Space Engine, Limit Theory (if that hasn't also become Scamware). There is also a couple of Unity plugins for producing procedural worlds which just a few lines of code.
This is not new and special technology. It is just another selling point for something that will never be developed.
To give some context, No Man's Sky was initiated, produced and published all within LESS time that SC has got to the state it is in now. By a tiny team compared with SC's.
Now, a friendly warning. Your post is obviously designed to incite myself and others into responding with aggression. Next time you try it, I will report you, and I would imagine you will be banned for deliberately inciting trouble. I would much prefer a discussion, assuming you can bring something to actually discuss to the conversation rather than baiting comments.
Playing Valheim every weekday at 10pm GMT - twitch.tv/kaltern
Follow me on Twitter if you feel like it... @kaltern
Has the ability to use mouse buttons as modifiers been added into the Forever Alpha yet? I don't feel like downloading 30 gigs to find out.
For example, in Elite Dangerous, if I hold down Mouse4 (one of my two thumb-buttons) my Throttle Up and Throttle Down keys become Strafe Up / Strafe Down. Wasn't able to map it like this in SC last I checked, could only use other keyboard buttons as modifiers, which is unacceptable.
I can never be free, because the shackles I wear can't be touched or be seen.
i9-9900k, MSI MPG-Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon, 32GB DDR4 @ 3000, eVGA GTX 1080 DT, Samsung 970 EVO Plus nVME 1TB
What I find funny is that I swear early on they said they would not be using procedurally generated planets because they were going to hand craft everything. That was why they were only going to have a few systems rather than a lot so it would feel more "real" to the player. (ahh, procedural generation was added as a stretch goal over two years ago long after I quit following this shit-show closely)
If they can't get this pig running at decent frame rates in space, there's no way they're going to maintain respectable rates on planets. Like any developer, they only show what they want people to see.
What's more hectic and thrilling than landing a $1k spaceship on a procedurally generated flat land of 4K textures and rocks, with 10^9 combinations available in terms of size and colours. Just the time to gaze out of a porthole at the extraterrestrial environment, buy the disposable Flag Assembly Kit ($165), plant it and go back to the base bar in a chest-thumping manner xD
Just read that they HOPE to have ONE system fully playable by the end of 2016. That's four planets and their moons plus whatever else they put in there. I imagine some stations or something. Ouch.
Cloud Imperium has released a new video, showcasing Star Citizen’s new atmospheric flight system. As the team noted, ships that look like they can take advantage of it will handle better than those that don’t. In other words, more aerodynamic ships maneuver better because of how the handle drag, and they can roll and pitch better in atmosphere than in space. This feature certainly sounds cool, so be sure to watch the video after the jump!
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