"Mafia" 3
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Posts: 8061

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 17:10    Post subject:
This is the worst optimized turd I've tried in a very long time.

Everything on the lowest and I get 32 FPS. Meanwhile, on this PC, GTA V never dropped below 60, Witcher 3 ran at 45-60 and Mad Max was locked at 60, none of them even close to the lowest settings and all of them looking at least a generation newer than this game. Good stuff.

Guess I'll put this in the backlog and try it again if they ever bother patching it further.
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Posts: 14059
Location: Balkans
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 17:23    Post subject:
StrEagle wrote:
soo.. 30fps is 30, 60fps is 60, unlimited + vsync = 60fps Confused

I get 50-70fps on 980Ti on 1080p res

game still doesn't want to go over 60fps with vsync on 120hz monitor

Lutzifer wrote:
and yes, mine is only average
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 17:34    Post subject:
I finally installed the beast this morning, the first impressions are just as shocking as I imagined, maybe even worse.
It's a genuine, almost comical disaster of epic proportions, both technically speaking and in terms of design itself, the awful performance is only a small piece of the puzzle here, go figure. This game is powered by the most bizarre engine that I've ever seen, it's like nothing else out there, and definitely not in a good way. Laughing

The lighting/weather system can go from decent to utterly ridiculous in the span of one second (literally!), as if there was an invisible stalking divinity sitting up in the sky with a trollface, playing with the curtains and holding a watering can, with the heavy brown-orange palette and skyboxes that seem coming from a post-apocalyptic scenario (they remind me of Stalker's blowouts, only here they happen every minute).
There are low-res textures everywhere, fairly rudimentary models, animations that suddenly go from ok to abysmal (frames are missing and/or badly cut -> with the most hilarious outcome being the "sack of potatoes" effect when you punch NPCs xD), and the cherry on top of the shitpie, all the heavy post-processing effects with strong vaseline'd AA + a huge amount of chromatic aberration. There is no way such a game can be so demanding, it doesn't offer anything that justifies it, it bloody reminds me of Driver Parallel Lines from 2006 (and I'm not joking).

The only way to partially get rid of the massive blur is to use the 'low' AA (which I believe is FXAA only), along with Reshade's sharpen filter as already mentioned. High details are a no-go for me unless I want 30fps, so I settled for medium, which gives me 45ish fps (they both look equally as bad, so there's no problem), at 1080p...or so they say...it's a Hangar mystery really.
A 2016 game looking like this (I didn't even cherry pick them, there are even worse ones)

Mind Is Full Of Fuck

As far as I'm concerned, if we exclude the facial animations, Mafia 2 definitely does look much better than this, especially when it comes to the image quality and lighting.

I cannot comment on the story/writing and missions' variety yet, but from the couple of missions and hours spent roaming with the car and shooting people, the gameplay is a huge sad trombone as well.
The AI is simply ridiculous. It has wrong reaction times or..no times at all, and stealth is possibly the most laughable aspect of it, which is a big achievement per se: all you have to do is press a button and the awesome takedown happens, and don't worry, nobody will see that because every single thug has the same audio-visual reactivity of a mole (I'm playing on Hard, well "Hard"). The police offers similar reactions, it's like being in a Benny Hill movie.

The driving itself is disappointing too, very drifty even on "simulation" and clearly designed to be arcade-friendly, there's no fuel management, no repair system, the damage system is forgiving. The collisions in general are very bizarre and approximative, because the game doesn't use a proper physics engine (almost like Watch Dogs), and everything feels neanderthalian if compared to GTA, or Mafia 2 itself. All these issues can't just be fixed with a patch, most of them are design decisions (wrong ones), we need an exorcist here. And of course, the invasive HUD with huge markers, a nextgen trademark.
The shooting is perhaps the only aspect that doesn't suck (along with the soundtrack), though it's impossible to salvage the game at this point. I'll keep playing and try to finish it, hoping that the story at least will be alright, but what a damn shame. Okay
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Posts: 10818
Location: Strawberry fields
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 17:46    Post subject:
lol the guy has the "I never asked for this look" Laughing

steam: Drowning witch
uplay: Haxeety
game completion log:
rig: http://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/2090866
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Posts: 4638
Location: Birthplace of the necktie.
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 17:55    Post subject:
Ixi can you get yourself elected as a sort of a Godfather of videogames, where all these devs would have to get your approval before they could release their games?

i7 4790K @ 4.6GHz- Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 3 - 980 WF3 \o/ - 16GB Corsair - WD 4TB - Mountain of SSDs - Dell UltraSharp U2414H 24''
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 17:55    Post subject:
Drowning_witch wrote:
lol the guy has the "I never asked for this look" Laughing

Haha yeah, he probably thinks he's inside a Truman Show with the weird stuff happening around him:

(This is just the 1% of what I encountered xD)

vaifan1986 wrote:
Ixi can you get yourself elected as a sort of a Godfather of videogames, where all these devs would have to get your approval before they could release their games?

We wouldn't be seeing many games being released then Sad (although, maybe it's for the best)

Random creations of an insane mind / Screens from Bulgaria [Early Access]

Last edited by ixigia on Sun, 9th Oct 2016 18:17; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 233

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 18:04    Post subject:
well the second pic is the clouds moving infront of the sun.
kinda cool idea but its done poorly

Last edited by freeb0y on Sun, 9th Oct 2016 18:08; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 18411

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 18:07    Post subject:
Is this game just a block by block "story" mode thing that repeats doing the same thing in each suburb of the map over and over? Seems like it is.
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Posts: 866

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 18:07    Post subject:
The game is total garbage on every level. Design, performance, everything is just awful. Feels like a shovelware GTA clone but it's supposed to be an AAA title.

All the cutscenes that aren't acted is just two models standing there talking to eachother. When you take out a spot and all the cars pull up and guys robotically all get out of the car at the same time. It's seriously like GTA3 level of execution.

The AI, the open world that is completely devoid of anything. None of this would have been good 15 years ago let alone today. Add to the fact that it looks like a xbox 360 launch title and runs like complete shit. There's nothing good about this game
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Posts: 5666
Location: Israel.
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 18:09    Post subject:
moosenoodles wrote:
Is this game just a block by block "story" mode thing that repeats doing the same thing in each suburb of the map over and over? Seems like it is.

Pretty much, yes.

Take out small fish, do enough damage to lure out the middle man, take him out, take out guy at the top.

Repeat for every section until the end.

"I think Call of Duty resonates because it's believable and relatable," Sledgehammer Games cofounder Michael Condrey says.

Believable and relatable...Yep, sounds like Call of Duty
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Posts: 1295

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 18:12    Post subject:
Objective window in upper left corner and map does not scale in other resolutions, so friend is playing @1366x768 and objective window and map are almost in middle of the screen, i really really can not believe in those guys.

Why walk, when you can ride.
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Posts: 233

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 18:14    Post subject:

problem solved Laughing
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Posts: 2356

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 18:24    Post subject:
freeb0y wrote:
well the second pic is the clouds moving infront of the sun.
kinda cool idea but its done poorly

Yeah, it's a cool concept but they fucked up in two ways it looks like:
1) The clouds move far too quickly. It instead looks like someone is opening/closing a shutter instead of clouds moving around.
2) The difference in lighting is too strong. It shouldn't get so dark.

If they find a way to tweak those two things, it wouldn't be so distracting. Might even look really pretty.
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Posts: 9881
Location: Outhouse
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 18:34    Post subject:
ixigia wrote:
Drowning_witch wrote:
lol the guy has the "I never asked for this look" Laughing

Haha yeah, he probably thinks he's inside a Truman Show with the weird stuff happening around him:

Now I wanna install this and dropkick some black women too. Just to combat the "white guilt" and "political correctness" "injections" this game forces on you around every corner. That's propably where the budget went. Some ex-Bioware writers. Certainly did not went into the technical side of this game Laughing

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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 20:01    Post subject:
And another one:

Just crazy how many details from back then are missing.

Last edited by Bob Barnsen on Sun, 9th Oct 2016 20:12; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 2602
Location: Tic Tac
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 20:11    Post subject:
This game is a joke . a shame ... refund my isocopy !!!

Are You Serious
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Posts: 11150
Location: The Land of Thread Reports
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 20:12    Post subject:
Bet the original devs would've put in at least half of those features Sad
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Posts: 10818
Location: Strawberry fields
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 20:15    Post subject:
mafia 1 was so ahead of its time, the city still holds up compared to todays game in the genre.

steam: Drowning witch
uplay: Haxeety
game completion log:
rig: http://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/2090866
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Posts: 9614
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 20:44    Post subject:
Teniak wrote:
refund my isocopy !!!


Having similar feelings.

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Posts: 4429

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 21:02    Post subject:
Yeah, well, the grindy side mission shit is killing it for me... Too bad, as I liked the story.
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Posts: 2187
Location: Wrong_Timeline
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 21:09    Post subject:
Same for me, story and shooting seems good and feels nice, but the rest ......... Reaction

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man. Reaction
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VIP Member

Posts: 34514
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 21:17    Post subject:
Drowning_witch wrote:
mafia 1 was so ahead of its time, the city still holds up compared to todays game in the genre.

Wonder if any game would ever go back to the 1920's - 1930's period what with the slow clunky cars and whatnot, would be fun with a updated but faithful remake of the first game but that probably won't happen.
(Well there were some more impressive vehicles too of course but you had to work for those as they were fairly rare and not the easiest to steal as I remember it, well outside of the free-mode thing at least.)
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Posts: 26310

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 21:25    Post subject:
so watch dogs 2 will be the better game after all, who would have thought Aww Yeah

btw how was the game received on derpsoles, any info about that?
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Posts: 34514
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 22:29    Post subject:

Unfortunate that most cutscenes are pre-recorded (And compressed, in .bik v1?) but that one's kinda funny although probably way out of context. Very Happy
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Posts: 1753
Location: Somewhere in the Portuguese Colonial Empire
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 22:39    Post subject:
freeb0y wrote:

problem solved Laughing


@Ixigia: Nice review. Now you got two choices or:

moosenoodles wrote:
Is this game just a block by block "story" mode thing that repeats doing the same thing in each suburb of the map over and over? Seems like it is.

Pretty much, yes.

Take out small fish, do enough damage to lure out the middle man, take him out, take out guy at the top.

Repeat for every section until the end.

or do as point 1 above. Embarassed

Epsilon wrote:
Meanwhile the people of that generation will call those guys relics, and not move with the times when everything is auto fucking.

EyePatchLives wrote:
Press X to tame beasts. YOU ARE DA BEASTMASTER!!!
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Posts: 10818
Location: Strawberry fields
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 22:48    Post subject:
troll season is open. Laughing

steam: Drowning witch
uplay: Haxeety
game completion log:
rig: http://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/2090866
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 22:59    Post subject:
Just completed it... wow, 27 hours. Most of you know how I play games, so iv been doing missions non stop without much exploring just for the fuck of it. And its one of those games you have to take over territories to progress further with main missions and so on. It kinda makes sense that you have to take out the underbosses to move up to the lieutenants, but omg it takes time. It feels a little repetitive at times, but its up to you how you do it...

Anyway, I tried to make both Cassandra, Buke and Vito happy for a long time, but that bitch Cassandra is never satisfied . So, when I took her out I just went with Vito to get max benefits. If I could do it again, I might actually have gone with Cassandra or Buke just because their special weapon is better. That ship has sailed tho Sad

Btw, that river boat mission that have been shown so many times are actually one of the last missions.

For those of you who have completed the game, two questions

Story 9.5/10
Sound 7/10 (feel like an expert on 67-68s hits now Laughing )
Gfx 7.5/10 on other peoples PCs, 3/10 on mine Sad

It had some strange bugs at times, like all of a sudden I wasn't allowed to confront someone using "E". Don't know why, but connected the 360 controller and holding down X actually worked Laughing
And Clays jacket keeps jumping awkwardly in some sceens. Like some sort of physics bug. Seen that happen to a few other characters too.
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 23:09    Post subject:
Bob Barnsen wrote:
And another one:

Just crazy how many details from back then are missing.
Well the cops response seems appropriate for typical US cop. The white guy gets a ticket or is locked up and the black guy immediately shot Cool Face

Apart from that all this video did to me was that I want to replay the original Mafia game Very Happy

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Posts: 18881
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PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 23:14    Post subject:
I just played 8 hours today, loving it so far. Yeah, the game is a mess technically, but there's a diamond underneath.
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Posts: 1021

PostPosted: Sun, 9th Oct 2016 23:28    Post subject:
Yeah it got alot of technical issues but the game is awesome. I love it, story is great! I didnt expect alot from this game but it delivers aside from the technical issues. Its no GTAV but its very good.
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