Tyranny (Obsidian's new RPG)
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Posts: 1435

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 14:16    Post subject:
I started this game, killed the first few mobs...holy fuck the combat is slow, I'm not sure I can enjoy this. Turn-based Final Fantasy combat is way more fun than this.

Attack....watch timer count down for 17 seconds...attack...watch timer count down...wow.
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VIP Member

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PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 15:11    Post subject:
surprised to see that many people not enjoying RTwP combat in this or Pillars, i guess that explains why this system is dying owadays and everything has to be turn-based Sad

Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 15:19    Post subject:
Played for ~5h.
Really enjoying it so far.

The dialogues are fun to read. No idea how some people can say they are boring or offer nothing interesting?
Especially the background story you can get out of your companions is cool.

The combat is okayish. It offers quite a challenge at times on Hard difficulty, and using tactics is needed.

A few things i really dislike are:
- So far is mainly that only randomly text passages seem to be voiced. Not sure if it's some bug, or the devs really were that lazy. Confused
- Fucking small hotbar for all the skills/spells/items.
- Combat AI sucks ass. Instead of using skills, my mages for example often just rush into melee combat.

Last edited by Bob Barnsen on Sat, 12th Nov 2016 15:26; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 481

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 15:25    Post subject:
prudislav wrote:
surprised to see that many people not enjoying RTwP combat in this or Pillars, i guess that explains why this system is dying owadays and everything has to be turn-based Sad

The problem isn't RTwP combat, the problem is that its done terribly in this. Icewind Dale and all the infinity engine games did it well, sure it wasn't balanced all that well and there were issues, but compared to PoE and Tyranny they were godlike, SWKotOR 1&2 also did it well, there just aren't any good recent examples i can think of..
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Posts: 9325
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 15:27    Post subject:
@Bob That's something carried on from Infinity games, where only some text passages where voiced, usually the more important ones. It was the same with Pillars.
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VIP Member

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PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 15:40    Post subject:
@Kezmark: not sure why , but i just dont see that comparison, but it might me the fact that I played most of the infinity games just recently and dont really see tham as godlike compared to Pillars ... i guess thats the missig nostalgia googles
(back in the days I was young and played only BG2 and Torment without understanding a single english word Very Happy)

Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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Posts: 481

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 15:51    Post subject:
prudislav wrote:
@Kezmark: not sure why , but i just dont see that comparison, but it might me the fact that I played most of the infinity games just recently and dont really see tham as godlike compared to Pillars ... i guess thats the missig nostalgia googles
(back in the days I was young and played only BG2 and Torment without understanding a single english word Very Happy)

PFF, i didn't even play any of them (the infinity engine games) on release back in the day, most I played the first time 10 years ago or so and I've played them as recently as 2 years ago, they aren't godlike, in fact I much prefer Fallout 1 and 2 to any of the ie engine rpgs, but compared to the shit that PoE and Tyranny is.. the old IE games seem pretty solid and ye godlike in comparison if I want to emphasize a point.

The combat in Tyranny is really fucking slow, there's no meatiness to the hits or abilities, no feel of impact, its not satisfying, knocking someone back is just like you slid someone gently, it feels bad. The abilities themselves are weak and boring, there's a few here and there that stand out but even they are pretty bland (at least so far). Leveling feels pointless, there isn't enough of a power up and there's nothing fun to look forward to as far as abilities go.
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 15:59    Post subject:
beat the game, fun experience, but won't replay because combat is horrible. after 3 hours i just set it to super easy and then alt tab and browse the internet while the AI auto fight.

will replay once expansion is announced. the paths are supposed to be different enough to make replaying more fun, but i rolled a high lore character and couldn't resist the gain trust then betray everyone and seize power for myself temptation so now i think i just did the best path

or maybe i'll side with the rebels next playthrough when an expansion is announced

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 17822
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 16:18    Post subject:
Bob Barnsen wrote:

- Combat AI sucks ass. Instead of using skills, my mages for example often just rush into melee combat.
Laughing sounds like a bug not a 'feature'.
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Posts: 2610

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 16:19    Post subject:
AKofC wrote:
beat the game, fun experience, but won't replay because combat is horrible. after 3 hours i just set it to super easy and then alt tab and browse the internet while the AI auto fight.

will replay once expansion is announced. the paths are supposed to be different enough to make replaying more fun, but i rolled a high lore character and couldn't resist the gain trust then betray everyone and seize power for myself temptation so now i think i just did the best path

or maybe i'll side with the rebels next playthrough when an expansion is announced

I went with Disfavored for a while.... my ending with them surprised me a bit, so i will do another playthrough but on super easy as you said (the combat is just too boring).

Still pissed about the overall ending though.
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Posts: 5086

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 17:11    Post subject:
Not started yet is the combat ok if i don't use any AI at all? Can it even be disabled? I really hate AI in RPGs and rather micromanage everything myself.
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 17:24    Post subject:
Yes you can disable AI completely. They just stand there and get raped, unless you give commands.

Which i have to do anyways with AI enabled. As like i said, my companions rarely use skills and just auto attack.

Enthoo Evolv ATX TG // Asus Prime x370 // Ryzen 1700 // Gainward GTX 1080 // 16GB DDR4-3200
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Posts: 481

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 17:24    Post subject:
tet666 wrote:
Not started yet is the combat ok if i don't use any AI at all? Can it even be disabled? I really hate AI in RPGs and rather micromanage everything myself.

Don't worry, you pretty much have to micromanage in you want to do anything, the AI is terrible.
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 17:36    Post subject:
xxax wrote:
AKofC wrote:
beat the game, fun experience, but won't replay because combat is horrible. after 3 hours i just set it to super easy and then alt tab and browse the internet while the AI auto fight.

will replay once expansion is announced. the paths are supposed to be different enough to make replaying more fun, but i rolled a high lore character and couldn't resist the gain trust then betray everyone and seize power for myself temptation so now i think i just did the best path

or maybe i'll side with the rebels next playthrough when an expansion is announced

I went with Disfavored for a while.... my ending with them surprised me a bit, so i will do another playthrough but on super easy as you said (the combat is just too boring).

Still pissed about the overall ending though.

yeah, i guess they ran out of budget. you can tell by act 3 and the simple maps where you face the archons. whereas the old walls had a more annoying and complex multi screen design.

i suppose that went more towards the possible results from all the options / choices you do.

but also i think we should have at least met kyros. confirm the whole he/she thing.

maybe next game will be a prequel where you play kyros before ascension hence the he/she

Oh also could you pm me the Dishonored ending, or any notable forks in the path? just spoiler tag it, thanks! Just want to see what I'm missing. Intrigued with the "my ending with them surprised me a bit" part of your comment.

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 866

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 18:37    Post subject:
I can't get into this at all. It just seems like Pillars of Eternity but worse in every way, feels like it should have come out before PoE.

I didn't like the story in PoE but at least the writing wasn't terrible, this is just awful writing. Every character is the same as every other character on their respective faction. I don't understand how I'm the Fatebinder and ultimate authority second to this god/emperor/deity thing and I don't know a goddamn thing about anything, and everyone gives me shit before grudgingly ceding to my authority.

It gives me a new appreciation for PoE
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Posts: 26310

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 19:06    Post subject:
hailey wrote:
I can't get into this at all.

Same here, even though i like the idea and lore, it just doesnt make me play it, feels like a low budget addon; i liked poe so maybe im just not in the mood right now for this, uninstalled it for a later playtime
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 19:10    Post subject:
So, possible to have a wild sex romance with Verse?
Or really no romancing in this game? Sad
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 19:29    Post subject:
I also get a veeeery budget vibe here. Like the main force did the lore and writing, and everything else was left to interns. Could this be a cash grab for a big project they're working on?
I'm a long time Obsidian fan, but this game is just fail. I didn't like PoE since I thought it was boring, but at least it had the AAA feeling. I really feel like I'm playing a game made by amateurs.
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Posts: 2227

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 19:31    Post subject:
I'm surprised I'm the opposite in this. I really appreciate PoE, but can't for the life of me get into it after giving it 4 tries since beta. I just don't care for the setting and premise, nor did I care for my character's ability to read memories or whatever it is. I also don't care for the companions because the setting is just so mundane at a glance. "Oh its an elven mage, where have I seen one in a rpg before?" Your character is also a nobody somehow given some frankly boring special powers, I just could get into it. Not to mention it doesn't really offer much options to roleplay.

This on the other hand. Really like the setting, it is very simple on the surface, quick to get into, and the political situational is just so simple to understand. I also love conquest mechanic to let us setup the premise through my own choices. I know some complain that this is poor because you don't know what's the consequences going to be, but I like that, it is more immensive, it makes more sense to me. Definitely prefer this over the options given in character creation in PoE.

I also like that the Fatebinder is someone with influence, and that NPC do treat you as one. And with power you get to abuse it very early in the game. This is the opposite of games like Elder Scrolls where title aren't mean shit. Here in Tyranny, I get to roleplay as someone with power, and I can to choose how I use it.

Another thing is that the game shows you very early that there are different paths in this game. That there are at least two factions you can side with, maybe three. Which of course further down they do confirm that there are more than 2 paths. PoE never really gave me that.

Combat-wise I also prefer this over PoE, it is simpler, requires less interaction to make work.

I know, basically I'm saying this is a far more dumb down game with less than subtle power fantasy, but I think it did it right and I much prefer this game over PoE, and Wasteland 2 for that matter. To me, this is basically Alpha Protocol but CRPG.
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Posts: 92

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 21:21    Post subject:
prudislav wrote:
surprised to see that many people not enjoying RTwP combat in this or Pillars, i guess that explains why this system is dying owadays and everything has to be turn-based Sad

Well, much like PoE this is a visual mess in combat, its just annoying to try and understand the situation at times. It is tactical, but it doesnt feel that way because its hard to tell(for me at least) if some clutch victory was the result of my smart actions or pure chance, The challenge is a bit too much at times on PoTD, sometimes i just dont see any way to win with proper tactics. But this is even more true about PoE.
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Posts: 2610

PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 22:30    Post subject:
AKofC wrote:
xxax wrote:
AKofC wrote:
beat the game, fun experience, but won't replay because combat is horrible. after 3 hours i just set it to super easy and then alt tab and browse the internet while the AI auto fight.

will replay once expansion is announced. the paths are supposed to be different enough to make replaying more fun, but i rolled a high lore character and couldn't resist the gain trust then betray everyone and seize power for myself temptation so now i think i just did the best path

or maybe i'll side with the rebels next playthrough when an expansion is announced

I went with Disfavored for a while.... my ending with them surprised me a bit, so i will do another playthrough but on super easy as you said (the combat is just too boring).

Still pissed about the overall ending though.

yeah, i guess they ran out of budget. you can tell by act 3 and the simple maps where you face the archons. whereas the old walls had a more annoying and complex multi screen design.

i suppose that went more towards the possible results from all the options / choices you do.

but also i think we should have at least met kyros. confirm the whole he/she thing.

maybe next game will be a prequel where you play kyros before ascension hence the he/she

Oh also could you pm me the Dishonored ending, or any notable forks in the path? just spoiler tag it, thanks! Just want to see what I'm missing. Intrigued with the "my ending with them surprised me a bit" part of your comment.

I'm doing a rebel playthrough now, i'll tell you how much changes on my previous experience
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64932
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Sat, 12th Nov 2016 22:31    Post subject:
Finally found some hours to play the game this afternoon, it is certainly a strange wild beast. Not a terrifying one though, as I'm enjoying the ride despite the fairly limited scope and somewhat 'static' way of interacting with the world.

Personally I'm finding the story and writing interesting (more than Pillar's). It's nothing brilliant or impressive, and the evilness seems to be more of a domesticated one, but the conversations and different outcomes are decently elaborated, there is a lot of lore to read which is good for a change.
It all revolves around the two parties, almost like the elections Laughing, with the Scarlet Chorus vs Disfavored democrats, thankfully though there isn't a bad vs good system in place, as behaving like an ass and gaining fear and/or wrath only opens up different options instead of punishing you.
There are indeed lots of stronk womyns too Cool Face

The companions are alright so far, same for the overall design (not too inspired, not bad either), the UI is rather clumsy, and the combat system itself...well, it's more marmite than usual: PoEish, only slower and with some changes, like cooldowns on abilities, a customizable combo system, and slower pace. I don't dislike it, although deactivating the companions' AI is actually not a bad idea to avoid the familiar clusterfuck effect.

It's a flawed experience, but I'll most definitely keep playing to see if I can unleash some genuine wrath, and perhaps discover Kyros' gender..tranny or not tranny?
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Posts: 3616
Location: Brasov
PostPosted: Sun, 13th Nov 2016 00:45    Post subject:
Mister_s wrote:
I also get a veeeery budget vibe here. Like the main force did the lore and writing, and everything else was left to interns. Could this be a cash grab for a big project they're working on?
I'm a long time Obsidian fan, but this game is just fail. I didn't like PoE since I thought it was boring, but at least it had the AAA feeling. I really feel like I'm playing a game made by amateurs.
Normally I wouldnt care less about the graphix but this and Endless Legend i think are the only games where horrible textures can ruin the game. And that UI... there's Unity for you..

ASUS TUF B550M-PLUS | RYZEN 5600x | RTX 3060TI | 16GB DDR4
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Posts: 2356

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Nov 2016 02:06    Post subject:
Are the precious stones used for anything special? Or simply vendor trash?
I remember they were used for crafting in PoE, but here I'm not seeing a particular use for them. Just want to make sure it's safe to sell them.
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Nov 2016 11:14    Post subject:
Does this get better after the first few hours, or is this it? I'm not getting drawn in and I have too many games to play.
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Posts: 5086

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Nov 2016 11:27    Post subject:
Vikerness wrote:
Mister_s wrote:
I also get a veeeery budget vibe here. Like the main force did the lore and writing, and everything else was left to interns. Could this be a cash grab for a big project they're working on?
I'm a long time Obsidian fan, but this game is just fail. I didn't like PoE since I thought it was boring, but at least it had the AAA feeling. I really feel like I'm playing a game made by amateurs.
Normally I wouldnt care less about the graphix but this and Endless Legend i think are the only games where horrible textures can ruin the game. And that UI... there's Unity for you..

There it is again the art design isn't great so the engine is to blame no not the designer who made this crap it's the engine wtf... Laughing
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Nov 2016 11:28    Post subject:
Mister_s wrote:
Does this get better after the first few hours, or is this it? I'm not getting drawn in and I have too many games to play.

well if you beat chapter 1 and still don't like it, well probably not gonna do anything for you.

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Nov 2016 11:33    Post subject:
tet666 wrote:
Vikerness wrote:
Mister_s wrote:
I also get a veeeery budget vibe here. Like the main force did the lore and writing, and everything else was left to interns. Could this be a cash grab for a big project they're working on?
I'm a long time Obsidian fan, but this game is just fail. I didn't like PoE since I thought it was boring, but at least it had the AAA feeling. I really feel like I'm playing a game made by amateurs.
Normally I wouldnt care less about the graphix but this and Endless Legend i think are the only games where horrible textures can ruin the game. And that UI... there's Unity for you..

There it is again the art design isn't great so the engine is to blame no not the designer who made this crap it's the engine wtf... Laughing

It's a bullshit engine, simple. I wish it'd die an horrible death.
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Sun, 13th Nov 2016 12:10    Post subject:
So i arrived at Ironhaul Trail at the bridge (before Lethians Crossing).

Because of my decisions during Conquest Raetommon is not really friendly to me.
That Welby chick isn't helping either.

Already did all the possible dialogue options, but he won't let me pass. Only option is to select "attack". But the boys rape me. Embarassed

Is starting a fight and killing everyone there the only option, or is there some hidden entrance to Lethians Crossing?
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Sun, 13th Nov 2016 14:21    Post subject:
i booted them out of the crossing in the conquest mode, but i was a high lore character so i may have been able to talk my way through

Gustave the Steel
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