F*cked up Life
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Posts: 7155
Location: Rapture
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2006 00:49    Post subject:
dont worry about it dude it will be ok in the end.

troll detected by SiN
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Posts: 1281
Location: Barry - Wales - (UK)
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2006 01:04    Post subject:
You could always move to the UK...The goverment will give you a house and money all for free.
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Posts: 46

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2006 04:41    Post subject:
I've seen stuff like this, and have kept it simple: I don't help out people unless I know them in person, it's a good simple rule.

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Posts: 546
Location: Mein Komput0r
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2006 08:26    Post subject:
It's easy to say "find a job" but people like this guy in a third world country, there are no jobs. That's why they all come to USA.
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2006 08:46    Post subject:
repo1 wrote:
It's easy to say "find a job" but people like this guy in a third world country, there are no jobs. That's why they all come to USA.

yeah, but a job as that aint safe. You can easy lose it
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Posts: 5

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2006 09:41    Post subject:
goodluck mate with getting your life sorted again,

wishing u all the best
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Posts: 2722
Location: In Your Illusions
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2006 10:19    Post subject:
Just start from the bottom, get yourself a really sub standard job I dont care if its cleaning toilets or dealing drugs just start from the bottom of the job ladder even old people 40+ can get a decent 9-5 job here that pays reasonably if you cant get a job your simply not trying hard enough.

Daz99 wrote:
Will I get banned for posting a horse and a nakkid black man?

Godlikez* A Proud Muslim Through And Through.
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Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2006 11:20    Post subject:
so why cant u get money from the state now ???

Unemployed = Get free money
Unemployed with kid = Get more free money
Unemployed with Unemployed wife = Get more more free money
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Posts: 2580

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2006 12:32    Post subject:
As what cartoon said, you should be able to get something Sad

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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2006 12:46    Post subject:
Oddmaker wrote:
As what cartoon said, you should be able to get something Sad

yeah, if Portugal can aford that airport i think they should have enough money to let you live a "life"
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Posts: 3247

PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2006 14:07    Post subject:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
so why cant u get money from the state now ???

Unemployed = Get free money
Unemployed with kid = Get more free money
Unemployed with Unemployed wife = Get more more free money

cause its portugal.

social security is different in all countries

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Posts: 52
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2006 14:11    Post subject:
Her in norway we got a law that some of your debt can be deleted if you got no money, etc!
dunno how that is in your countrey? 2bad, fucked up turn in ur life m8!

Reality is booring...
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Posts: 636
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Jan 2006 14:35    Post subject:
JeanPerrier wrote:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
so why cant u get money from the state now ???

Unemployed = Get free money
Unemployed with kid = Get more free money
Unemployed with Unemployed wife = Get more more free money

cause its portugal.

social security is different in all countries

But every country gotta have some kind of social security right?
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Posts: 54
Location: Portugal, Europe
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jan 2006 00:50    Post subject:
Ronhrin wrote:
deelix: believe me, it is.

I've been silent about my life for a long time, but I just can't take it anymore, I need a solution to my problems, and all of my problems have to do directly or indirectly with money, I've made some mistakes in the past, I'm not saying I didn't because I did, but now I have no solution, I can't even request for a loan, no bank will loan me money, what I need is a way to win money, whatever it would be, lame or not, stupiud or not, my life is hanging on a tiny line, what I need is sugestions, and I honestly am unable to think at the moment.

I hope something comes up... you can always try euromilhoes with a lifted eyebrow. The situation in our country is critical and rapidily detereorating with about 10% of the active population unemployed. I'm 24 years old, and 'im finishing a chemistry degree. Right now i'm working (For free!) like a slave in another college because it is part of my degree. I live with my parents and i have about 400 euros in the bank. that's it... I have a girlfriend and it hurts me i can't live life to the fullest with her and do different things. Almost everything cost money and i still depend of my parents. I've been trying to find a weekend job, but things are fucking difficult. My mom gave me a I.O.U for christmas. (I owe you money!)
I'm sad i dn't have economic potential, but i cant's say im poor. I 'm talking to you so i still have internet, and i still can go to the gym.
My parents always argued about money, so it's kind of pathetic when my dad erupts in screams about some 30 euros that my aunt didnt pay for my grandmother. Shiiit ... How can rich people be unhappy? Fuck you! At the end of college probably i'll sell my body and go abroad so i can work and receive money! heheheh Wink
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Posts: 54
Location: Portugal, Europe
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jan 2006 00:59    Post subject: Re: F*cked up Life
Ronhrin wrote:
My life has crossed the "f*cked up" boundaries, I'm unemployed 6 months ago, my wife has been fired 3 weeks ago, we have returned to her parents house, and they are always pissing us off, we are sleeping with our daughter in the same bedroom that we do, we are full of debts, 2 companies have already put us into court of law to pay our debts, I'm fearing that if this continues we still go into jail and lose our daughter. we can't find any job, I honestly don't know what more can I do.

I've even tought about making somekind of Million Dollar Homepage (2), but it's just to lame and ridiculous, I believe I have reached the bottom.

I can't even think anymore, I'm completly desperate and still have to give strengh to my wife so she doens't collapse into depression again, I really don't know what can I do!

The only advice i can give you is try to find a job, any job, even if it means diggin graves. About your bills, you can ask support at the wellfare, but they can be assholes and maybe try to take your daughter away. Try talking to DECO and see if they can give you some legal and financial advice. My girlfriend is incredibly romantic and she says that no matter what we will always support each other. That is what you must do, and you can't freak out because that will only upset her even more. If you can, try to get a fucking Cunha somewhere. Don't you have friends, don't your parents have friends? And keep on going... i can only wish you good luck, in a few months i'll be also searching for something.
I hope all the presidential candidates go fuck themselves... well, except Louçã.
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Posts: 54
Location: Portugal, Europe
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jan 2006 01:03    Post subject:
Ronhrin wrote:
deelix: believe me, it is.

I've been silent about my life for a long time, but I just can't take it anymore, I need a solution to my problems, and all of my problems have to do directly or indirectly with money, I've made some mistakes in the past, I'm not saying I didn't because I did, but now I have no solution, I can't even request for a loan, no bank will loan me money, what I need is a way to win money, whatever it would be, lame or not, stupiud or not, my life is hanging on a tiny line, what I need is sugestions, and I honestly am unable to think at the moment.

You seem educated, and you speak proper english. For fuck sake you way above some stupid assholes in our country. Send cv's to all telemarkting companies. Try everything. .... i mean everything.
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Posts: 6428
Location: Paradigms are changeable, reality is absolute.
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jan 2006 01:09    Post subject:
at least you have parents, I don't have parents, all I have is my wife and my daughter, my father-in-law and mother-in-law are always pissing us off, they have money to buy a good car, to go dinner in a restaurant everyday, and they don't help us in anything, the only help they gave us was allowing us to live in their home, but we are going through hunger, our daughter has her needs, and they don't f*cking help us.

as for our country, even I could do better as a prime-minister, that Socrates guy, I hate him.
people are controlled by the media, when Santana Lopes was as prime minister, they were always striking him, he didn't had a chance to make anything, now Socrates is fucking the country in every possible way, and no one says anything.

I can only hope that the presidential elections will solve something, I can only hope that portuguese people vote for the right guy.

I don't know what political party you suport, but I honestly believe that this elections only have one true candidat, Cavaco, the others are a bunch of egocentric retards.
that's what I believe.

I loved Portugal, but now I'm beginning to hate it.

Hope I'll find a way to solve my problems, and hope our country will be great once again

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither
- Benjamin Franklin - 1759

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Posts: 2075

PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jan 2006 01:15    Post subject:
( all I have is my wife and my daughter ) family is all that matters, the rest is just bullshit.

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Posts: 6428
Location: Paradigms are changeable, reality is absolute.
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jan 2006 01:16    Post subject:
Louça would be a great prime-minister, but as for president I believe Cavaco is the more serious and hopefull choice.
But in politics everyone has the right to an opinion.

unless someone support Mario Soares, that guy just pisses me, everytime I see him on TV, just feel like punching him.

YourGod: what I meant is all the family I have left is my wife and daughter, the rest of the family is just ignoring us, they could help us solve our problems, but they choose to criticize us every single day. that's what I meant. Everyday I'm tankfull for the wife and daughter I have, and I love them more than anything in the world, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't even be here anymore.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither
- Benjamin Franklin - 1759

Last edited by Ronhrin on Sat, 7th Jan 2006 01:21; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 54
Location: Portugal, Europe
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jan 2006 01:18    Post subject:
Ronhrin wrote:
this computer cost me €3.000.

I'm aware of the mistakes I've made, my father-in-law keeps on repeating me the same story everyday, I know what I did, I was a stupid fool, but now I'm at the point where I've recognized my mistakes and trully want to solve them.

as for the rest of the money, we just spend it in clothes, things for the house, dinners, traveling and etc.

this moment I feel the most irresponsable person alive and I probably am.

Ok you made a lot of mistakes. you owe about 53000 euros, ok it could be much much worse.
You basically overspent the family budget and contracted debts to pay debts. But you seem still young and without a question you got to speak with DECO. I believe they ahve an office for these situations and you must speak with them.
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Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jan 2006 01:26    Post subject:
why dont u declare yourself bankrupt.

you can do that here.. all of your debt is wiped.

It just means u have some restrictions for the next 5 years.

You still didnt say anything bout the state helping u ... why dont u move country and find a job there..

Yiou could always come here (New Zealand) ... beautiful place... lowest unemployment rate in the world.. one of the lowest (if not the lowest crime rate) ....etc etc etc

we have SHITLOADS of jobs here at the moment... like ..... heeeaapps
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Posts: 6428
Location: Paradigms are changeable, reality is absolute.
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jan 2006 01:28    Post subject:
I will try to talk with them, I fear what the outcome might be, but I'll talk with them, I honestly don't know anyone in the same situation than me, that has been able to solve it, without going to jail or loses his family, that's why I'm so desperate.

but I'll try to solve this with all my strengh, If I'll fail, I already talked to my wife.

we have a friend couple in South Africa, and I know they will support us with everything they have, in a ultimate situation we just go there and live there for a while until we earn enough money to restart our life.

Cartoon: New Zeeland, I've heard it's almost impossible to migrate to your country, don't know if that's true though, that's what I've heard, (there is no bankrupt system in Portugal)

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither
- Benjamin Franklin - 1759

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Posts: 2075

PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jan 2006 01:33    Post subject:
YourGod: what I meant is all the family I have left is my wife and daughter, the rest of the family is just ignoring us, they could help us solve our problems, but they choose to criticize us every single day. that's what I meant. Everyday I'm tankfull for the wife and daughter I have, and I love them more than anything in the world, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't even be here anymore.

I agree, no matter how bad things look, it is always beautiful with family.
Hang in there, things always get better.

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Posts: 54
Location: Portugal, Europe
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Jan 2006 02:50    Post subject:
Ronhrin wrote:
at least you have parents, I don't have parents, all I have is my wife and my daughter, my father-in-law and mother-in-law are always pissing us off, they have money to buy a good car, to go dinner in a restaurant everyday, and they don't help us in anything, the only help they gave us was allowing us to live in their home, but we are going through hunger, our daughter has her needs, and they don't f*cking help us.

as for our country, even I could do better as a prime-minister, that Socrates guy, I hate him.
people are controlled by the media, when Santana Lopes was as prime minister, they were always striking him, he didn't had a chance to make anything, now Socrates is fucking the country in every possible way, and no one says anything.

I can only hope that the presidential elections will solve something, I can only hope that portuguese people vote for the right guy.

I don't know what political party you suport, but I honestly believe that this elections only have one true candidat, Cavaco, the others are a bunch of egocentric retards.
that's what I believe.

I loved Portugal, but now I'm beginning to hate it.

Hope I'll find a way to solve my problems, and hope our country will be great once again

Probably your in-laws hate you because you´re married with there daughter, and they are pissed with you're wife because she is with you. Taht's why you must pull youselfs together. About politics: Socrates, i'll take a step back and look at the big picture. Santana was without a doubt a very incompetent politician, who could be voted the best person to build a nightclub, and impregnate women. Durão Barroso is a fuckhead who thinks is special, but he doesn't has the proper balls to take important decisions. Guterres was a very weak prime minister incapable of taking a decision. How can he be responsable for the ONU refugees? Soares is an old geezer who should go home and sleep. Cavaco is a bastard. Why? He can't look anyone in the eyes, who accuses him of something, the man called the police to break off workers strikes and to beat college students in demonstrations. It's true we lived much much better in 93 , but there was alsos more money, and less globalization and still more industries.. Then there was a complete waste of resources in shit, without investment in key areas. Now , 2006 we're pretty much fucked, and we're living like shit because socrates took desperate measures. I don't agree with the deciions this goverment has taken like the TGV and i believe there are alot of fuckheads in the goverment. I don't blame socrates for the crisis, i blame all the shitty politicians that we had since joining the EU. I have a college deree and thre are 0 jobs for people for me . High corruption low investment in R&D because it brings no money.
I could talk all night.....
I wish you my best of luck, and do consider all ypur options. When you come through you may lose your in-laws , but you have ained a loving family for life
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Posts: 8823
Location: South Pacific Ocean
PostPosted: Sun, 8th Jan 2006 09:12    Post subject:
Qemko man.. do you have a enter key ? Razz
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Posts: 2866

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Jan 2006 11:07    Post subject:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
why dont u declare yourself bankrupt.

you can do that here.. all of your debt is wiped.

It just means u have some restrictions for the next 5 years.

You still didnt say anything bout the state helping u ... why dont u move country and find a job there..

Yiou could always come here (New Zealand) ... beautiful place... lowest unemployment rate in the world.. one of the lowest (if not the lowest crime rate) ....etc etc etc

we have SHITLOADS of jobs here at the moment... like ..... heeeaapps

He wouldn't be able to get into your country, would he? I don't know what the guy's background is, but New Zealand has one of the strictest immigration policies on the planet.
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Posts: 2866

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Jan 2006 11:39    Post subject:
Ronhrin wrote:
at least you have parents, I don't have parents, all I have is my wife and my daughter, my father-in-law and mother-in-law are always pissing us off, they have money to buy a good car, to go dinner in a restaurant everyday, and they don't help us in anything, the only help they gave us was allowing us to live in their home, but we are going through hunger, our daughter has her needs, and they don't f*cking help us.

as for our country, even I could do better as a prime-minister, that Socrates guy, I hate him.
people are controlled by the media, when Santana Lopes was as prime minister, they were always striking him, he didn't had a chance to make anything, now Socrates is fucking the country in every possible way, and no one says anything.

I can only hope that the presidential elections will solve something, I can only hope that portuguese people vote for the right guy.

I don't know what political party you suport, but I honestly believe that this elections only have one true candidat, Cavaco, the others are a bunch of egocentric retards.
that's what I believe.

I loved Portugal, but now I'm beginning to hate it.

Hope I'll find a way to solve my problems, and hope our country will be great once again

Sorry to hear about your current situation. First off, be glad that your in-laws have taken you in and you have a roof over your head. You would be in a much worse situation without them. Having said that...

1) How will your father-in-law lose his house if you can't pay your debts? Did he co-sign for you? On every debt? You said they were wealthy...not wealthy enough to take care of the debt if it falls to them? Could they not take out loans if they must?

2) I did a bit of digging and it appears that there is bankruptcy law in Portugal. You might want to contact an attorney (many won't charge you for a brief chat over the phone, or perhaps you can find an attorney in Portugal who will work for low cost/pro bono) and ask about it. There are plenty of attorneys who specialize in bankruptcy law, and even a chat with a secretary at a bankruptcy law firm would give you an indication if they could help. Go down to your local library and study up on it before giving it up as an option. In the USA, you'd be able to get rid of most of those debts through bankruptcy although your father-in-law might be stuck depending on how much of the debt he would then shoulder.

Take a look:
"A further important aspect concerns the compensation of creditors when
individual insolvent debtors are given the option of release from some of their
debts in order to permit their economic rehabilitation. The principle of economic
rehabilitation, a “fresh start", is thus enshrined in the so-called regime de
exoneração do passivo restante" (remaining debt waiver scheme), which
basically consists of individual debtors being given a waiver on debts from
insolvency which were not paid during the insolvency process or the five years
after completion of the process provided that, during that period (the cessation
period), the debtor remains bound to pay off any insolvency debts which remain
outstanding. At the end of this period, once the debtor has met all his
commitments to his creditors, a despacho de exoneração releases the debtor
from any debts still outstanding. An assessment of the requirements imposed
on the debtor and the behaviour required of him will then determine whether
there are grounds for granting him this waiver, following which he may be fully
reincorporated into economic activity."

Also: http://www.iapmei.pt/iapmei-leg-03.php?lei=2013
See Article 8: Exoneração do passivo de pessoas singulares

3) How much education do you have? Are there jobs in your field available in nearby countries (Spain for example)? Your wife? You know English...are there any international firms nearby or companies that could use a webmaster who can translate into English?

4) How do you figure you could go to jail?

Don't give up hope, there are always options. People make mistakes all the time, but the real test of a man is to learn from his mistakes and overcome them. Keep looking for a job, too...it only takes one success to get you back on the road to recovery. See about the bankruptcy law...there may be hope there.
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PDIP Member

Posts: 32062
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 8th Jan 2006 11:41    Post subject:
YourGod wrote:
( all I have is my wife and my daughter ) family is all that matters, the rest is just bullshit.

what the fuck.. mom and dad to...? if their alive tho..
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Posts: 228

PostPosted: Sun, 8th Jan 2006 12:23    Post subject:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
Qemko man.. do you have a enter key ? Razz

He had to pawn it!!

Cant wait for the paypal account posting..
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Posts: 123

PostPosted: Tue, 10th Jan 2006 02:01    Post subject:
Lottery is the answer to your problems muhaahahha

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