Seems the game has some performance issues going by reviews and forum posts but eh it's beta and they did take a older Cry-Engine build and customized it further so probably nothing new there, reviews are a bit mixed but it seems it's getting some more negative rating ones now that people have spent some more time in-game besides the obligatory minimum for posting a review.
GW1 was absolute garbage, GW2 was still shit but a bit better, GW3 could have been the one to finally be at least decent. I guess I thought the trend was heading up, not down, looks like I'm wrong. I mean we all know the performance is going to be garbage when in their own trailers it runs horribly. But it seems their incompetence in programming decent AI and debugging is still there, after 3 FUCKING GAMES + Lords of the Fallen. For fuck's sake they could stay afloat after 3 poorly received games, the least they could do is invest in better programmers and deal with the worst aspects of their previous failures.
Instead they went over ambitious like they have earned it.
I just killed myself while checking out the damage model, 2 shots to the tire of a truck (doesn't inflate), 1 shot to the mirror (doesn't break or fall off) and then 3 shots to the driver window (simple bulletholes) and boom the car exploded all done with the silenced pistol btw.
- Muddy graphics
- Car controls suck
- narrow FOV that cant be changed
- Climbing animations are so erratic
- Restarting at a checkpoint for some fucking reason marks every enemy then?!
- Also after doing part of the mission and dieing, when i restarted at a new checkpoint it was nearly directly of an enemy
This series really is crap. Maybe i will still try the isodemo in a year or so.
Oh and i forgot another "feature":
- Zooming in and out has some retarded motion blur attached to it, and FPS also go down from 60 to ~30 every time you zoom in/out
Enthoo Evolv ATX TG // Asus Prime x370 // Ryzen 1700 // Gainward GTX 1080 // 16GB DDR4-3200
I kinda like the 'muddy' look of the world and, overall, I could be interested in the game. I am so fucking tired of bright, colored, high-contrast, rainbow derp graphics... !
Game ran almost perfect on my system (all maxed out, only shadows on medium). "Almost", because I too had that zoom stuttering.
Would keep an eye on this, but Denuvo won't let me, so... I guess it's au revoir until CPY gives us a isodemo to try before buying.
Horrendous performance, a dozen equipment wheels where I constantly forget what's the freakin' heal button because I have other 20 binds (which is not a bad thing if done right) that activate 20 other individual things (again, not a bad thing if done right). The FOV makes my head hurt, the head bobbing makes my head hurt, the 3 steps I have to take to save settings makes my head hurt, the oblivious but obviously using xray goggles AI makes my head could have been a good game, but it really isn't. Perhaps using Cry Engine wasn't such a great idea.
R7 2700x @4GHz / MSI B450 Tomahawk / beQuiet! Dark Rock 4 / 32GB @3000 MHz / MSI RTX 2060 Gaming Z / Samsung 850 EVO 250GB / Western Digital 1TB / Fractal Design Meshify C Dark / SuperFlower Leadex Gold 650W / DELL whatever 27 inch IPS
Damn, it's a CI game alright. As per tradition, the CImen give absolutely zero fucks about proper coding, and this one indeed isn't the exception. A technical monstrosity that despite using the Cryengine 3, looks and runs considerably worse than the four years old Crysis 3
The LOD management comes straight from the early 2000s, coupled with hit and miss first person animations, rough (really rough) movements, cromatic aberration, fixed low FOV and a mental performance that always plummets near the objective zones no matter the setting used. The AI is bipolar as well, enemies either have no clue or magically know your exact position heading to it like a flock of triggered parrots, the open world Far Cry-like structure is static and mostly a gimmick that forces you to use fast-travel instead.
And yet, you know what, in my opinion this is still a better Ghost Wa..Recon..ish game than Ubisoft's ludicrous attempt, which tells a lot about the 'quality' of that thing. Both sneaky sniping and gunblazing can be entertaining in a vintage way (the game gives you freedom to do whatever you want, unlike the previous Ghost Warriors), the Cold-War atmosphere is far better than the silly machogringo latino one, and despite the derp nextgen tags and all the arcade modern usual aberrations it's got a more 'serious' feel to it. Nowhere near being a simulator (that goes without saying) and pretty much broken, but it's not that terrible. Worth an isodemo when it comes out.
I think it was decent. I didn't have any expectations going in, but it wasn't horrible. Sure it's full of glitches (especially visual), the animations are choppy and the production value is not the greatest, but the level design seems ok, you die fast and there is an internal economy that makes you pay for your mistakes, even if just a little. I haven't played anything from CI Games aside of Lords of the Fallen, but I think there is plenty of time to fix some of the more obvious issues we've seen during this beta weekend.
What scares me the most is the map size, it looks really small and I'm afraid certain areas will be reused for main missions, TPP style.
“We’ve worked tirelessly creating a whole new Sniper Ghost Warrior experience set in an ambitiously crafted open world new to the series,” said said Marek Tyminski, CEO of CI Games.
“While it’s an unfortunate decision to delay the game one last time, we believe these final changes will result in a better experience for players worldwide on day one. Thank you for your patience – we know the wait will be worth it.”
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