I am looking for an app that does global keylogging on programmable keys, e.g. Scroll & PageDown or whatever, as the user defines.
For each key press of the selected keys, the timestamp needs to be logged.
Example output / textfile:
1495485782.899323100 Scroll
1495485795.460927500 Scroll
1495485803.910341300 PageDown
1495485811.485876400 Scroll
1495485819.394208800 PageDown
And so forth.
Timestamp should be in unixtime with sufficient precision (milliseconds is OK, above example is nanoseconds, although the actual meassuring precision probably isnt).
Chop chop!
"There will be no end to the troubles of humanity, until philosophers become kings, or kings become philosophers.", Plato.
"Hyperbole will destroy us all.", Matt Dillahunty.
"The hyperbole, the demonization of the other opinion and the unwillingness to even read the opposing opinion destroys the so important political discussions necessary for the well functioning of society.", Couleur