Sounds like the only thing he is really happy with what CBS made is that they kept his concept of having a black woman as lead.
He wanted a different type of show, different director, different budget, more complex storylines, different uniforms, ...
TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
" nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"
They still could use his Anthology idea which I always thought would be great for Star Trek as you might even be able to get some of the older actors back for a Mirror Universe season of episodes or stuff beyond the last Next Generation film.
Since it is Star Trek I will watch it but I have a feeling it will end up more like Enterprise where it retcons stuff we already know because they think people probably just forgot over time.
I hope they won't have cameos and whatnot, I won't like that at all. Let it win or fail on its own, don't introduce Patrick Stewart or someone else from out of nowhere just to pull in the old crowd.
I hope they won't have cameos and whatnot, I won't like that at all. Let it win or fail on its own, don't introduce Patrick Stewart or someone else from out of nowhere just to pull in the old crowd.
EP1 down. So-so. Acting is between ok and over-dramatic, visuals are too Abramsverse-esque, klingons look over-designed, and more distracting tilt-cam action than Battlefield Earth FFS.
Kinda liked that dealing with an alien culture require thinking like them and not imposing human ideals on the situation (even if we didn't see if it would have worked or not :/ ). Other than that it just feels pretty meh.
EP2 down. Pretty much all action. It was ok. Flashy visual overload with very little thought going into the story and character interactions. Pretty much the Abramsverse serialised, as expected.
Judging by the preview of the season it tries to push the franchise further away from the anomaly-of-the-week format and more down the over-arching-story route. Might be ok, I guess, but this ain't no DS9. The main character might be drop-dead gorgeous, but I doubt I'll feel as emotionally invested in her journey as I was with anyone on any of the previous shows (I skipped ENT after hearing how abysmal it was, so I leave that one out of the equation ).
I liked it, but I must admit I never thought ST was brilliant to begin with. Characters need time to grow in a show, I didn't immediately like the characters in the old ST series either. Good start, I'm just glad someone is trying to do a proper scifi show.
My god if this show is slow.
The Klingon part especially: time bends when they're talking.
Good, would be fantastic to have some "old school" sci-fi again, where you dont see pointless action from the first second, and actually take time to develop the character and the show. Unfortunately most people dont have the patience for that anymore, and results in a cancelled show.
The old star trek series often spent a few seasons developing before any actions. DS9 and Voyager in particular, where TNG never really had any actions minus the Borg encounters. Rewatching TNG as i write this.
It wasn't bad, wasn't great either. It has potential and hopefully it improves as it goes on. The little preview at the end of second episode shows some potentially interesting developments.
I do hope they spend a bit more time on the character development and less flash. It seems that there could be some interesting characters. The lead isn't bad but I'm very hopeful for Jason Isaacs. I also hope the explore more of the universe rather than just focusing on the Klingon storyline, which I don't find very intriguing.
In fact in general I don't find the new Klingons intriguing. I don't mind some change but they did it for the worse. Their faces lack expression and distinct features, their dialogue is exceptionally boring (they somehow managed to make the Klingon warrior culture boring) and finally their ship design is really not my cup of tea. I generally don't like the "organic" look in sci-fi, but that might be just me.
Talking about visuals, the practical part is good. They've obviously pumped a lot of money into the sets, costumes and makeup. Pretty much all the aliens look good, except the damn Klingons. The CG part of the visuals is another story, way too much bloom and for some reason also they are very blurry. It's very hard to see any details and in general I'm not impressed.
CBS certainly pumped a lot of money into this show, certainly hoping to reach GOT level of sucess. While I hope the show remains on the air, keeping up with this much budget it will take very high ratings. And although the pilot seemed to do pretty well it remains to be seen how many of those viewers stay, and sci-fi in general has a problem attracting and maintaining a mainstream audience, even if it's Star Trek.
I think they might have based much of this of the scrapped ST: Klingons that had been in projects some time ago.
sar·casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
Mediocre stuff that only has more potential to go worse than better.
Far too much is wrong in these two episodes to hope for better. Visuals are cheap/tacky, almost an ASUS RGB Nation commercial. Acting is bad, might be okay with better dialogue maybe. I dunno, it all feels like decisions were made with the current climate in the US rather than out of a greater vision.
The interesting bit was Klingons being Klingons (in their being, look is still daft) and the federation mantra not working on them. Ofcourse some bits were overly done... like they needed to explain it to a toddler.
Mediocre stuff that only has more potential to go worse than better.
Far too much is wrong in these two episodes to hope for better. Visuals are cheap/tacky, almost an ASUS RGB Nation commercial. Acting is bad, might be okay with better dialogue maybe. I dunno, it all feels like decisions were made with the current climate in the US rather than out of a greater vision.
The interesting bit was Klingons being Klingons (in their being, look is still daft) and the federation mantra not working on them. Ofcourse some bits were overly done... like they needed to explain it to a toddler.
bullshit science.
aggro science ->
hey let's send an astronaut to the unknown object instead of a unmanned drone
main characters being bitches and being passive aggressive
wtf was up with that dude that confused the med bay with the prison. biggest bullshit ever
And what about the highest directive of the starfleet not to get involved with lower species (getting a water fountain to werk really?!?!
as an analogy
This is the fast and furious of star treks or
the consolized bastard version of rpg games etc etc
the disgusting blue uniforms, the shitty intro, the lotr urukhai klingons, its like fucking swj gender neutra whateverl people got their hands on the license and sodomized it for a hundred years
its like lord of the ring mixed with battlestar galactica outfits and god knows what else
I was just restartig my nth rerun of TNG a couple daya ago and now, seeing this, I am dissapointed.
I don't want more of that Abrams crap. Instagram filter using hack, Klingons looking like rubber mask wearing something and the typical over the top drama between characters.
I want my REAL Star Trek.
Cheesy pseudo science-fiction with Q and what not.
I remmeber how some episodes of star trek the next gen would play out only on the bridge. Where picard would talk to the greenwcreen infront of him negotaiting peace or some kind of understanding with an almost omnipotent alien or even the Q episodes. The actors would just carry the whole episode on their own . This series doesnt have any kind of such potential
Why wouldn't this series have that kind of potential? You've only seen two episodes. I re-watch scifi series regularly simply because there isn't much good scifi these days, all ST shows have a dorky and relatively crappy start. While I didn't think the first ep was very good, the second ep had a lot of potential. They seem to care about the details, which I love. Yes they have changed much, but I'd rather have change than a re-hash of the old series.
Go re-watch the old series I'd say, they all needed a season at least to get in the groove. I'm just hoping this one didn't spend most of the budget on just two episodes.
Plus we didn't even meet most of the cast since the series takes place on another ship that wasn't even shown yet. It's way too early to judge the whole thing.
Only watched the first ep and its miles better than what enterprise was, even though ST was always a bit campy, i thought enterprise wasnt "bad" camp, this is on the abrams vein but still retaining a bit of the old shows.. its quite good imo.
The production alone is off the charts, even better than the expanse imo, it has this nice sci fi look without going overboard like the abrams movies.
Im just glad we got something like battlestar galatica to see, but its too soon to judge the story rly, galactica, even though i loved it, took ages to get anywhere in the first season.
I must also be in the minority who liked the first two eps.
It was basically a prologue, they haven't even started the main storyline yet. Still waiting for the introduction of the new ship and some of the new characters. So if there is a budget drop, it should happen around s01e05, we will see.
I think the dialogue was fine, some of the technobabble actually made sense this time, other than in old Star Trek shows. Visually it was also pretty good.
Now The Orville - that is eerily close to the old ST shows in some regards, almost like a copy sometimes. Some of the humor is not really my style though, especially the divorce jokes are just fucking lame.
We'll see where it goes, but I see potential in those two very different shows.
I was surprised by this show, after the enterprise, and SG-Universe failures i was afraid this would be another terrible reboot, but it had as much star trek feel as can be expected so many years after the 3 "originals" (not including TAS). Even the intro music was very much inspired by earlier star trek.
The blue uniforms aren't much of an issue for me, as this is before TOS where they had the standard gold, red and blue uniforms, but i'm glad to see they included gold in the captain and commanders uniform. I don't recall seeing an engineer, but I hope they will have red strips.
Klingons looked fine, they way they spoke sounded a bit off though, can't really place whats wrong.
Why the fuck you would have two female officers, a captain and a commander no less, attack a Klingon ship is beyond me. You need a full security team to defeat Klingon's.
sar·casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
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