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Posts: 817

PostPosted: Sat, 30th Sep 2017 22:51    Post subject:
Both are bad Laughing
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Sat, 30th Sep 2017 23:21    Post subject:
if you play online -> fifa.
if you only play offline modes you can consider pes with mods, vanilla is meh. though fifa even delivers the better offline modes with the journey and career
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Posts: 1097
Location: Prague
PostPosted: Sat, 30th Sep 2017 23:40    Post subject:
I find PES terrible (both gameplay and commentary, etc) this year.

I only play offline. Fifa seems better, but not amazing either ... AI is odd as always, there is like 3 players who have their own styles the rest looks the same, that goes for teams too.

Also the physics just dont work as they should. I got called handball couple times already just because the oposing player moved my guy's hand into the ball path with his head! Very Happy
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Posts: 6015
Location: India
PostPosted: Sat, 30th Sep 2017 23:42    Post subject:
I found PES18 to be very realistic in gameplay this year goal scoring isn't easy you have to work on it , the player movement and ball control is excellent.FIFA 18 is excellent for its Story Mode and fast aggressive gameplay.
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Sat, 30th Sep 2017 23:44    Post subject:
fifa isnt that fast anymore, and thats a good thing.

and scoring in pes is easy as fuck with manual controls, no challenge at all. thats a bit boring. and the pingpong goals are just annoying

and plz never activate handball in fifa, hasnt worked 7-8 years ago when they introduced it and doesnt work now properly
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Posts: 2307
Location: Yes
PostPosted: Sun, 1st Oct 2017 15:21    Post subject:
There a patch to get 60fps cutscenes, freekicks and all that?
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Posts: 11150
Location: The Land of Thread Reports
PostPosted: Sun, 1st Oct 2017 15:26    Post subject:

FPS -> unlimited

Limit it to 60 with your graphic card settings.
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Posts: 7403
Location: Greece by the North Sea
PostPosted: Sun, 1st Oct 2017 15:58    Post subject:
Getting isodemo now. Man, it's going to be at least 10 years since I played FIFA Very Happy Looking forward to it!

There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Sun, 1st Oct 2017 16:26    Post subject:
@Amadeus: What harry said, BUT you need to set it to dx11! (and thats not a problem, performance is better on dx11 and there are no visual differences). so set fps to unlimited in the launcher and activate (adaptive) vsync for the fifa.exe in your driver control panel (if u have a nvidia card i recommend adaptive vsync)

thats sadly a "bug" that comes from the original version of the game -> the ps3 and x360 versions. they ported it over to pc and even implemented that bullshit in their new frostbite iteration of the game
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Sun, 1st Oct 2017 17:09    Post subject:
Il_Padrino wrote:
Getting isodemo now. Man, it's going to be at least 10 years since I played FIFA Very Happy Looking forward to it!

but offline play Sad meh

if someone in here is playing fut, add me "Chris_Knife"
need more people for the leaderboards Very Happy
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2017 03:30    Post subject:
seems like ea finally managed to support the pc properly. they are finally banning people.
of course a proper anti cheat would be still better but i guess that won't happen as long the game is made for consoles with all the p2p stuff etc.

trainers for fut are still there and also working, but it seems like they can't simply quit the game at the beginning anymore like in the last years, so they need to play through the whole match. so still coins but not as fast as before.
also ea sends out warning messages pretty quick if they detect a cheater, if you go on you will be perm banned right away. finally! and this year right from the beginning.

so no more quit cheats, they play atleast through the whole game = no loss for you anymore.
and even if a few cheat and won't get detected they can't produce fast coins anymore, or not like fast in the past, so the market will stay pretty stable for some time.
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Posts: 11150
Location: The Land of Thread Reports
PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2017 14:32    Post subject:
Singleplayer (Career Mode especially) is bugged as fuck though, freezes and crashes happen far too often.
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Posts: 98

PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2017 16:25    Post subject:
harry_theone wrote:
Singleplayer (Career Mode especially) is bugged as fuck though, freezes and crashes happen far too often.

I had this too, at least during cutscenes. Helped setting Fifaconfig to DX11 instead of Auto/DX12
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Posts: 11150
Location: The Land of Thread Reports
PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2017 16:27    Post subject:
That's for random crashes, but the Career Mode is still bugged as fuck and freezes, that has nothing to do with DX. Don't have it in any other mode than Career.
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Posts: 29148
Location: The land of beer and porn
PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2017 16:31    Post subject:
works fine here hen DX12 is disabled
Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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Posts: 11150
Location: The Land of Thread Reports
PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2017 16:46    Post subject:
Once I exit Career, the background gets blurry and the logo animation keeps going, before I eventually have to exit the game the hard way.

Fucking EA, Career mode is super unplayable. Of course, the Yarr version probably doesn't have that issue. Laughing
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Posts: 7403
Location: Greece by the North Sea
PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2017 17:02    Post subject:
Nope, (player) career mode plays fine Laughing

There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in.
Truly gone fishing.
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Posts: 11150
Location: The Land of Thread Reports
PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2017 17:42    Post subject:
Well I have seen several reports of Manager Career being bugged if you do too many transfers and such, and the issue keeps coming back.
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Posts: 80

PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2017 18:49    Post subject:
harry_theone wrote:
Well I have seen several reports of Manager Career being bugged if you do too many transfers and such, and the issue keeps coming back.

This bug happened to me too, for me only "fix" is to avoid that player sold is in the 11 on the pitch, if u put him in bench bug is gone, hope i'm clear , try it.

MY PC: nzxt phantom 630 - i7 4790k - asus z97-a - 8x4 g.skill 2400 ddr3 - gigabyte 2080 ti - 840 evo 500 gb + wd 1tb + wd 3tb - corsair hx 850w - AOC AGON AG271QG - g15 gaming + mamba
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Posts: 24883
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2017 19:01    Post subject:
harry_theone wrote:

Fucking EA, Career mode is super unplayable. Of course, the Yarr version probably doesn't have that issue. Laughing

So far nothing going wrong in the yarr version.

Though I have to say... geezes, can they put some more effort in the cutscenes. They have moments where they look awful (instead of just bad ).

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Posts: 11150
Location: The Land of Thread Reports
PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2017 19:07    Post subject:
Figured so ^^

spidermind79 wrote:
harry_theone wrote:
Well I have seen several reports of Manager Career being bugged if you do too many transfers and such, and the issue keeps coming back.

This bug happened to me too, for me only "fix" is to avoid that player sold is in the 11 on the pitch, if u put him in bench bug is gone, hope i'm clear , try it.

If you tell me that fixes it for you, I believe you. Cheers mate, hope they fix it quickly.
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Posts: 558

PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2017 19:57    Post subject:
I had lots of problems with career mode in the trial but it's been fine since. Maybe I just got lucky Confused
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Posts: 96

PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2017 23:15    Post subject:
Haven't noticed much problems with career mode on the isodemo, running pretty smoothly. I have however encountered a "bug" during negotiations. I offered a player a new contract, slightly above his current pay, and they counteroffered with 20k less then he was making. Very Happy Saying they couldn't possibly go lower then that. Laughing

Kind of like FIFA 18 offline so far. But it certainly still requires some tinkering with sliders to make the most out of it. AI takes way too many shots this year, at first I was fine with it as they used to never shoot from outside the box or so. But now they shoot from anywhere and no matter how their body is positioned (basically some impossible shots in there). And teams still mostly play the same, especially last 20min of the match where everyone seems to become superhumans, closing down like crazy and running around like it as well.

But I did notice some difference during the pre-season tournament. One of the teams I played it was quite obvious you could exploit the flanks. Others, not so much. But I wish they were speaking some bigger truth when they say there is more difference between how teams play.
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Posts: 558

PostPosted: Mon, 2nd Oct 2017 23:54    Post subject:
Strangest bug I've had so far was a referee with black arms and legs and a pasty white face Very Happy
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Posts: 6015
Location: India
PostPosted: Tue, 3rd Oct 2017 06:54    Post subject:
Played till chapter 4 in journey mode no crashes nothing but the game is goal fest scoring hatrick in every other game
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Posts: 13997

PostPosted: Tue, 3rd Oct 2017 12:21    Post subject:
first update is online for pc, nice to see ea really listens to the fans (sometimes). i highlighted the important stuff

Hey FIFA Fans!
The first title update for FIFA 18 is now available on PC.
This update includes the following changes:

Added the following in FIFA Ultimate team:
New functionality to Champions Channel including missed shots and hidden timeline.
Addressed the following in FIFA Ultimate team:
An issue with the extra time display on the Champions Channel timeline.
An issue with locked EASFC catalogue kits on opponent teams in Squad Battles.
An issue where the crowd would have incorrect flags when the home team is wearing a certain kit.
An issue where a player could crash when watching a FUT Champions Channel match.
An issue where players could control the goalkeeper in FUT Single Player modes.
Changed Matches Remaining to Attempts Remaining in FUT Champions Daily Knockout Tournament.
Changed the Possible Points text in Squad Battles to Projected Match Points.
Updated loan player portraits in the EASFC Catalogue.
Visual improvements to some FUT item types.

Addressed the following in Gameplay:
Tuned goalkeeper reactions in certain situations.
Tuned down the difficulty for Amateur and Semi-Pro difficulties.
Reduced shot accuracy and slightly increased goalkeeper reaction times in certain in-game situations.

Added the following in The Journey Hunter Returns:
Icons in cinematic scenes to indicate the user-triggered action.
Triggered actions are: Personality, FIFA 17 Result, Match Result, Key Decision, Player Performance, Team Performance, Partnership Rating
Addressed the following in The Journey Hunter Returns:
An issue where the player could crash during a cinematic in Chapter 5.

Added the following in Career Mode:
Added option to delegate contract renewals.
Allow users to renegotiate contract with a player whose release clause has been paid.

Addressed the following in Career Mode:
An issue where users could use a loaned player as part of a transfer deal.
An issue where Breaking News weren't getting refreshed.

Addressed the following in Online Modes:
An issue in Pro Clubs where a player could return to an invisible lobby after a match.
Enabled the opponent indicators in online matches.
Improvements were made to the kit clashing logic.

Audio / Visual / Presentation Changes:
Adding this season’s authentic Bundesliga broadcast package.
Addressed multiple minor audio issues.
Improvements to the goal net animations.
Thanks to those who’ve provided feedback. Throughout the course of the FIFA 18 season we'll provide you with more information and updates if and when they become available.
The FIFA Team
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[Moderator] Consigliere

Posts: 64926
Location: Italy
PostPosted: Fri, 6th Oct 2017 02:28    Post subject:
This Fifa really is a peculiar beast. It's still plagued by all the traditional problems of the series (including the lack of plausible and varied playstyles as SaberBlade mentioned), but I'm finding it more enjoyable than I thought when it comes to the offline experience.
On rigorously full-manual, slow speed, edited sliders so that more randomness comes into play (higher chances of first touch errors for both the sides, the CPU's perfect passing being gimped, overall acceleration toned down a bit, etc.) the game has its moments and quite a good amount of physicality/unpredictability. Granted, the midfield is still almost useless, the end to end action gives plenty of unrealistic Captain Tsubasa scenes and players often look like panicking ants, but overall Everything Went Better Than Expected

Last year's edition was probably my least favourite one in the modern era (had good hopes for the Frostbite switcharoo but the expected jump didn't happen - on the contrary, it went backwards), whereas the poor crippled and utterly ugly PES on PC saw his best rendition since the golden times in my opinion. That one is still my favourite post-6 PES, since while the Seasono 2018 version finally received the care that it deserved in terms of visuals, it also brought back some big issues (AI abusing the through pass, very poor reactivity overall, extremely rare fouls) which made me raise an eyebrow like Ancelotti. Football games are a sad state of affairs Razz Sad

Janz wrote:
doctor+ as always to the rescue

looks amazing with the lod mod

Thanks, that's very needed Very Happy, it does look good indeed. I can afford downsampling, reshade and yer lod fix without any framerate problems: Screens pls

It's a shame that the game lacks consistency in terms of lighting and especially the faces, some stadiums and teams received an incredible attention (Real Madrid for instance, but also the entire EPL is really well modeled), whereas others have wonky renditions with shiny effects and alien faces (the Serie A is particularly affected by this). Oh well, I can already see Fifa 19 fixing these whilst going backwards with the gameplay so that they can "re-improve" it again in the 20 version Cool Face
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Posts: 2378
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Oct 2017 12:54    Post subject: I have left.
I have left.
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Posts: 29148
Location: The land of beer and porn
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Oct 2017 19:00    Post subject:
Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Sat, 7th Oct 2017 19:06    Post subject:
Why Denuvo Downgraded to v4.5?

I don't think it's matter though, It would have been cracked already either way...

"Fuck Denuvo"

Your personal opinions != the rest of the forum
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