Diablo 3
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Posts: 9710

PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2017 16:38    Post subject:
not really, some people hope for goblins, but nobody will be pissed of if u close it,just close it urself, but there is two mapos with really good density and packs that u need to learn, not to close
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PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2017 17:22    Post subject:
People better not be pissed at me closing rifts in my solo runs Laughing
Don't know if I found such a dense map yet, but maybe. I have found exceptionally sparse maps though. I'll keep that in mind.

I should learn to spot goblins on the maps I think.

small rant with nothing new to you guys follows.
About the game design though. To me it appears to be extremely simplified. There is no permanent decision anywhere. You have no control over stats (although I admit that this wasn't exactly deep for me back then), skills in D2 seemed more interesting to pick. In fact none of the passive skills of my barber excite in the slightest. But even worse, in this game nothing to do you seems to matter and everything will be determined by items. In my experience, my choices in D2 determined which items I should use, so now its the other way around.

I find this game very disappointing. And since I put so much time into it, I'm disappointed in myself as well Laughing
In fact, before I got RoS I tried running D2 and only technical problems with resolution and the newest patch stopped me. *SIGH*
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Posts: 9710

PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2017 18:00    Post subject:
all i enjoyed of the game was real money auction house, everything else was a dissapointing simplified experience

alltough looking back, the super hardcore difficulty, i actually mis. i would like to try the original game again, a classic server plz Razz
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Posts: 1722
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Thu, 16th Nov 2017 19:25    Post subject:
What I would NOT miss from classic D3 is endlessly rerunning the campaign with the fixed camera transitions before and during bossfights that you had to cancel-cancel-cancel because everyone was so sick and tired of them. None of that crap in D2.

But yeah, finally beating my way through Inferno felt like a true accomplishment. Some of the bosspack affixes could also really ruin your day; being constantly feared away from groups, them perma-locking you in those circles... Blizzard reworked a lot of those mechanics to be more fair and for some of the affixes not to be able to spawn together. Back then you had to have a escape skill that could break freezes or those chained to the ground effects, otherwise gg.

And to that argument that gearing is too easy now: it does require some nuance for the end-game gear, where to roll cooldown-reduction compared to area damage or sometime attack speed is a bit more important than crit chance... but I know what you mean D2 was entirely different. Something like runewords would surely liven up the gearing somewhat.

On the other hand... if I think about it in D2 everyone also only used the same stuff, Enigma was basically mandatory for every class not a sorc, Breath of the Dying for a Sorc Merc, Harlequin Crest, SoJs, Heart of the Oak... Hell, most caster classes geared almost identically (Mainhand HotO, Gloves Frostburn, Boots War Travelers, Amulet Maras, Chest Enigma/Vipermage, Rings SoJ+SoJ, Belt Spidersash, Helmet Harlequin Crest, Shield Lidless Wall/some runeword). And that went for all caster builds (Sorc, Hammerdin, Trap Assassin, Wind Druid, Necro) with maybe one or two items switched out if there was a good class unique.
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PostPosted: Fri, 17th Nov 2017 13:16    Post subject:
Why are the rift guardians so weak? I find that there are always several elites in a run much stronger than it. Very Happy

Is there a thumb rule for a good grift difficulty setting? Like a certain time needed to complete one or something? I currently have 7 minutes left to complete one so I could definitely go higher.

Is there a clever way to obtain legendary crafting materials? Seems worthwhile to have for rerolling legendaries/set items in the cube until you have one you actually like.

Xenthalon wrote:
On the other hand... if I think about it

Well I want to put on record, that I am not really sure why I find D3 disappointing. I am sure that part of my reasoning is nonsense. Laughing

For one thing I really dislike the graphics though. The low polygon count at times very apparent. Too much color, there is hardly anything color neutral. But what annoys me the most is this weird radial fade to some color at the edge of the screen, which can be gray, red, blue or whatever fits the "theme" of a stage. It just robs the game of contrast and there are areas where it doesn't exist in later or the latest act which look much better imo. Since this effect is dynamic you cannot remove it sensibly with reshade or the like.
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Posts: 1722
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Fri, 17th Nov 2017 14:01    Post subject:
Rift guardians start being challenging and actually take up a substantial time of the fight in higher difficulty rifts, around 75+ I'd say.

If you do rifts in ~8 minutes you are spot on difficulty wise, for fast farming you usually do them in 3-5 minutes. Just constantly increase the difficulty if it feels too easy, you'll know when you went too high when stuff takes ages to kill or you get oneshot Wink

Yeah rerolling legendaries takes lots of materials, you really should only do it for the weapons you want for your endgame, then you reroll them a lot to make them ancient with your desirable stats. Maybe also amulets. Reason is that you can gamble all items for 25 blood shards at kadala, rings for 50, with only weapons at 75 and amulets at 100 bloodshards. And the chance to get an ancient armor piece from kadala is ok for 25 shards, whereas for the 75 bloodshards for weapons you first have to be lucky enough to get the right legendary of a pool of all 1h or 2h weapons, and then you have a 1/10 chance for it to be ancient.

So rule of thumb is: upgrade from rare/reroll weapons in the cube to get desired ancient, gamble for rest at kadala. There's also this handy chart for how many bloodshards/deaths breaths it takes on average to get your desired item.

For materials do a bunch of public rifts at t10, with clear times of about 3 minutes you pull about 5 legendary mats per run.
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Posts: 1433

PostPosted: Fri, 17th Nov 2017 22:18    Post subject:
Get all the gear pieces you need, get all of them again but ancient versions so you can put stat gems into them, then find primal ancient versions of all the gear and put stat gems in them as well...

That's the goal for gear.
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Posts: 587

PostPosted: Sat, 18th Nov 2017 03:42    Post subject:
game was worth grinding when rmah existed
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Posts: 3542
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Sat, 18th Nov 2017 11:03    Post subject:
RMAH was the only good thing in this game yeah.

Felt so nice botting for the first few months for easy extra 2-3k/month doing nothing really. Game definitely paid itself off lol.
Although I think I even bought the game with WOW gold back then.
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Posts: 2356

PostPosted: Sat, 18th Nov 2017 11:08    Post subject:
Stige wrote:
RMAH was the only good thing in this game yeah.

Felt so nice botting for the first few months for easy extra 2-3k/month doing nothing really. Game definitely paid itself off lol.
Although I think I even bought the game with WOW gold back then.

Possibly if you traded it to a player in exchange for the game, otherwise I believe the WoW Tokens + Blizzard Balance didn't exist yet. It's possible you instead got the game for free with the annual subscription promotion they temporarily had.
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Posts: 3542
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Sat, 18th Nov 2017 11:21    Post subject:
Kanint wrote:
Stige wrote:
RMAH was the only good thing in this game yeah.

Felt so nice botting for the first few months for easy extra 2-3k/month doing nothing really. Game definitely paid itself off lol.
Although I think I even bought the game with WOW gold back then.

Possibly if you traded it to a player in exchange for the game, otherwise I believe the WoW Tokens + Blizzard Balance didn't exist yet. It's possible you instead got the game for free with the annual subscription promotion they temporarily had.

Naah, I bought it for gold from another player, just like I did all my gametime, expansions and stuff back then.
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PostPosted: Sat, 18th Nov 2017 16:13    Post subject:
Xenthalon wrote:
Rift guardians start being challenging and actually take up a substantial time of the fight in higher difficulty rifts, around 75+ I'd say.

I might never experience that then Very Happy

Xenthalon wrote:
If you do rifts in ~8 minutes you are spot on difficulty wise, for fast farming you usually do them in 3-5 minutes. Just constantly increase the difficulty if it feels too easy, you'll know when you went too high when stuff takes ages to kill or you get oneshot Wink

Cool! Obviously I can recognize the way too easy and hard. "Optimal" efficiency wise is a whole different ball game.

Xenthalon wrote:
Yeah rerolling legendaries takes lots of materials, [...]
For materials do a bunch of public rifts at t10, with clear times of about 3 minutes you pull about 5 legendary mats per run.

I'll keep that in mind. Probably won't do multiplayer runs with strangers though, will have to take the speed hit there then and just do rifts as normal Smile

thank you very much.

Also, can followers be useful in end game?
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Posts: 2315
Location: Austria / Finland
PostPosted: Sat, 18th Nov 2017 16:49    Post subject:
Nui wrote:
Xenthalon wrote:
Rift guardians start being challenging and actually take up a substantial time of the fight in higher difficulty rifts, around 75+ I'd say.

I might never experience that then Very Happy

Xenthalon wrote:
If you do rifts in ~8 minutes you are spot on difficulty wise, for fast farming you usually do them in 3-5 minutes. Just constantly increase the difficulty if it feels too easy, you'll know when you went too high when stuff takes ages to kill or you get oneshot Wink

Cool! Obviously I can recognize the way too easy and hard. "Optimal" efficiency wise is a whole different ball game.

Xenthalon wrote:
Yeah rerolling legendaries takes lots of materials, [...]
For materials do a bunch of public rifts at t10, with clear times of about 3 minutes you pull about 5 legendary mats per run.

I'll keep that in mind. Probably won't do multiplayer runs with strangers though, will have to take the speed hit there then and just do rifts as normal Smile

thank you very much.

Also, can followers be useful in end game?

Well, you can get them to be invulnerable, thus they would act as a small buffs / cc, or you can get them an item which causes them to get all the skills. I'm not aware that you could have a build where they would be actually good damage dealers (though I can get items which allows you to get all of them + all kinds other items which buff your pets (companions count as pets)
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Posts: 603
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Sat, 18th Nov 2017 18:21    Post subject:
Only useful option for followers is to give them the invulnerable token, give them unity ring and the rest of the items is for crowd control (CC). All items should have a cooldown reduction and attack speed roll on them.
Followers are NEVER damage dealers, only CC and meat tanks.

In general most usable follower is the templar with his three heal skills.
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PostPosted: Sat, 18th Nov 2017 19:53    Post subject:
So no super crazy items for them then. Never liked any but the templar, so I'm doing that right. And I also have an item that grants him all of his abilities, but I didn't pick those for a reason Razz

mtj wrote:
(companions count as pets)

kinky Shocked
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Posts: 643
Location: The Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun, 19th Nov 2017 00:30    Post subject:
Followers can also buff your damage with the Oculus Ring. Sometimes difficult or risky to use, depending on your build, but it's a nice buff I always like to give them.
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Posts: 2315
Location: Austria / Finland
PostPosted: Sun, 19th Nov 2017 10:53    Post subject:
Rudolph wrote:
Only useful option for followers is to give them the invulnerable token, give them unity ring and the rest of the items is for crowd control (CC). All items should have a cooldown reduction and attack speed roll on them.
Followers are NEVER damage dealers, only CC and meat tanks.

In general most usable follower is the templar with his three heal skills.

ah that's true -> Unity ring on an invulnerable companion means -50% damage to you (provided you also wear the same ring)
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Posts: 1722
Location: Germany
PostPosted: Sun, 19th Nov 2017 23:34    Post subject:
This is a very good guide on follower gearing; with pros and cons of each follower and what legendaries best to give them.
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Posts: 18352

PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Nov 2017 20:48    Post subject:

Last edited by paxsali on Thu, 4th Jul 2024 23:31; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 2305
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PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Nov 2017 23:22    Post subject:
Don't need no video for that

Diablo 2 is legendary, Diablo 3 wasn't terrible but made plenty wrong decision during it's lifetime and just generally is a lot less iconic and memorable
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Posts: 7145
Location: NL
PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Nov 2017 23:50    Post subject:
Just play Path of Exile guys.

Empty again Sad
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Posts: 9710

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Nov 2017 00:02    Post subject:
i miss runewords even though i never farmed countess
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Posts: 3017
Location: My mother's womb originally. . .
PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Nov 2017 15:01    Post subject:
Lathieza wrote:
Just play Path of Exile guys.

i don't know what it is, but that game just can't grab me. It should. But it doesn't. There's just something about it I don't care for much and I can't even say what it is.

If i sit down with Diablo II though, I get hooked all over again every time.
I can with Diablo III as well, but it doesn't last long.

1 stripe purple belt in JiuJitsu (good grief this takes FOREVER hahah)
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Posts: 18352

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Nov 2017 15:03    Post subject:

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Posts: 2315
Location: Austria / Finland
PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Nov 2017 15:10    Post subject:
Yea PoE has really boring early game.
It gets good around at levels 40-50. (maybe some builds are nice earlier, but the once I play are nice only later)

Intel Core I-9 9900K @ stock, ASUS Z 390A MoBo, 32GB 3.6GHz, Zotac 3090 | BeQuiet 1000W PSU, Be Quiet Dark Base Pro 900 case, 49" Samsung G9
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Posts: 2685

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Nov 2017 21:09    Post subject:
Hmm, with PoE, whenever I tried playing ironman I always died at some point and it felt really unfair... like I couldn't really expect/prepare to avoid the death. In D3, somehow I felt that when I died it was more because I screwed up - it was entirely my fault.
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Posts: 315

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Nov 2017 22:21    Post subject:
Prandur wrote:
Hmm, with PoE, whenever I tried playing ironman I always died at some point and it felt really unfair... like I couldn't really expect/prepare to avoid the death. In D3, somehow I felt that when I died it was more because I screwed up - it was entirely my fault.

It happens because you can't prepare for all things incoming in PoE - every map can have lots of mods and sometimes no matter how good you are, u can't calculate all outcomes. Even the same mob can inflict different amount of damage depending on map mods and mobs synergy. Ofc there are more things to that - being too tired, too distracted and so on. All these things really impact why and how u are dying in PoE. And in D3... it is the same content, the same mobs, the same interaction and if u die there - either your gear sux or u just fucked up in a simple situation.
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Thu, 23rd Nov 2017 22:57    Post subject:
Disagree, if that were the case you wouldn't be seeing lots of level 100 HC SSF characters frequently in POE. Some players don't read derpy build guides and are just flat good at the game and math required to make decent builds. Most the times I've died in HC aside for BS lag, have been because I overlook something critical. Also virtually no comparison between the two games, Diablo is simpler and caters to I've never played an arpg gamer
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Location: My mother's womb originally. . .
PostPosted: Fri, 24th Nov 2017 03:43    Post subject:
AmpegV4 wrote:
Also virtually no comparison between the two games, Diablo is simpler and caters to I've never played an arpg gamer

Which Diablo? Diablo 3 I would say yes. Diablo 2? no.

1 stripe purple belt in JiuJitsu (good grief this takes FOREVER hahah)
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Posts: 315

PostPosted: Fri, 24th Nov 2017 07:39    Post subject:
AmpegV4 wrote:
Disagree, if that were the case you wouldn't be seeing lots of level 100 HC SSF characters frequently in POE. Some players don't read derpy build guides and are just flat good at the game and math required to make decent builds. Most the times I've died in HC aside for BS lag, have been because I overlook something critical. Also virtually no comparison between the two games, Diablo is simpler and caters to I've never played an arpg gamer

Well, i can't argue that some deaths are happening cause of lag, but more and more we see videos how top players like Mathil, Raizqt, Ziz and many more get rekt because of their overconfidence. And what do you mean lots of level 100? Smile I've counted only 23 in last Harbinger league from 100k? Don't think that is a lot. I've played poe for more than 2500 hours and tried many derp builds, tried "safe" builds but never managed to reach more than level 91 and actually i can't remember when i died last time to a lag. I'm dying because of reckless play, of tireness or being overconfident. PoE is evolving so fast and the deeper we are going the more complex it gets. No matter how good you are at math, but u just simply can't count all outcomes. And if u can reach level 100 in PoE, well this is quite an achievement. Reaching level 90 is just easy and going for level 100 is really a different beast here Smile And D3... it's just for casual gamers - simple, boring and never evolving. And remember that PoE is a free game and not P2W which is quite rare in nowadays of gaming.
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