Iron Harvest (RTS in the alternate reality of 1920+)
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PostPosted: Sat, 19th Aug 2017 08:58    Post subject:
-=Cartoon=- wrote:
For those who are not aware, this is already a board game called Scythe Very Happy

Seems like such a awesome awesome setting.

in related news Wink
Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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PostPosted: Mon, 18th Dec 2017 10:33    Post subject:
Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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Bob Barnsen

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PostPosted: Sat, 30th Dec 2017 16:03    Post subject:

Me Gusta

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PostPosted: Sat, 30th Dec 2017 17:57    Post subject:
Ohhhhhh shieett!!! So Much Win

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PostPosted: Sat, 30th Dec 2017 18:24    Post subject:
Holy shit that looks good
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Posts: 22230
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PostPosted: Sat, 30th Dec 2017 20:40    Post subject:
Looks to me like a mix between Rise of Legends and Company of Heroes, both excellent RTS games Very Happy Very Happy
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Posts: 2227

PostPosted: Sat, 30th Dec 2017 23:35    Post subject:
Relic needs to watch this and remind themselves wtf people want from them. They practically invented this type of RTS and somehow lost their way after DoW2. So before they fuck AoE3 up as well, WATCH THIS AND LEARN Mad
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[Moderator] Consigliere

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PostPosted: Sun, 31st Dec 2017 04:50    Post subject:
It's early to tell and everything can still go tits up but...hell yeah, I too like what I'm seeing here. Please don't screw this up and don't streamline it for consoles!
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Posts: 3028

PostPosted: Sun, 31st Dec 2017 12:26    Post subject:
This is by far my most anticipated RTS. Indeed Relic should learn from this and do something special with COH3. COH3 is coming though, I hope they don't rehash the graphics like they did with COH2.

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Posts: 758
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Mar 2018 16:34    Post subject:
New gameplay:

Looks like CoH with DoW? Very Happy
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Posts: 1272
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PostPosted: Sun, 11th Mar 2018 16:41    Post subject:
Look a lot like Company of terms of gameplay that is.

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Posts: 12378
Location: Reino de Suecia
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Mar 2018 17:23    Post subject:
When I first saw the info about this game I was hoping it would be turnbased. I hope this more like CoH1 rather than CoH2 tho.

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Posts: 6309
Location: Mellonville North, Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Mar 2018 18:59    Post subject:
Not darn bad.. got the CoH vibe going..

MSI GT72S 6QF Dominator Pro S 29th Anniversary Intel i7 6820HK @ 4.0Ghz, 32GB DDR4-2133 RAM, 2x256GB Raid0 Toshiba NVMe 2.5 inch PCIe SSD, Nvidia Geforce GTX 980 OC'ed 200+ Core / 200+ Mem, 17.3 inch LG IPS HD Display @ 75Hz, Intel 7265AC Wifi, Windows 10 Pro BIOS version: .112 EC Firmware version: .105

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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Sun, 11th Mar 2018 20:33    Post subject:
It's CoH with Dawn3 Heroes in a alternate setting lol
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Posts: 22230
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PostPosted: Mon, 12th Mar 2018 06:27    Post subject:
Well there goes the hype for me.
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PostPosted: Mon, 12th Mar 2018 06:37    Post subject:
Goddamn hype

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PostPosted: Mon, 12th Mar 2018 11:22    Post subject:
gimme gimme gimme!! Very Happy

Lutzifer wrote:
and yes, mine is only average
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VIP Member

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PostPosted: Mon, 12th Mar 2018 11:59    Post subject:
Sin317 wrote:
It's CoH with Dawn3 Heroes in a alternate setting lol

VGAdeadcafe wrote:
Well there goes the hype for me.

A shame, I loved the initial art, and hoped for something different Sad

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." ~Berthold Auerbach
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Posts: 1518

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Mar 2018 13:22    Post subject:
Dem controller strategy games. Simplistic and rudimentary in all aspects from that video
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Bob Barnsen

Posts: 31974
Location: Germoney
PostPosted: Mon, 12th Mar 2018 17:08    Post subject:
qqq wrote:
Dem controller strategy games. Simplistic and rudimentary in all aspects from that video

Which features are you missing?

I can only think of a Formation-feature. But that might be possible by holding and turning the movement button in the desired direction.

Enthoo Evolv ATX TG // Asus Prime x370 // Ryzen 1700 // Gainward GTX 1080 // 16GB DDR4-3200
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Posts: 6309
Location: Mellonville North, Canada
PostPosted: Mon, 12th Mar 2018 17:22    Post subject:
Looks like the same well-received IH game over the 1-2 years its been hyped. Why are we getting people jumping off the wagon now? Not quite sure its been made more dumb-down? Not at all surprised as the modern gamer doesn't like.. complex things.. Razz

MSI GT72S 6QF Dominator Pro S 29th Anniversary Intel i7 6820HK @ 4.0Ghz, 32GB DDR4-2133 RAM, 2x256GB Raid0 Toshiba NVMe 2.5 inch PCIe SSD, Nvidia Geforce GTX 980 OC'ed 200+ Core / 200+ Mem, 17.3 inch LG IPS HD Display @ 75Hz, Intel 7265AC Wifi, Windows 10 Pro BIOS version: .112 EC Firmware version: .105

Current Broadband speed record: 329.1 Mb/sec down // 21.73 Mb/sec up
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Posts: 139

PostPosted: Mon, 12th Mar 2018 17:27    Post subject:
I might repeat the things said above but...from those videos, it looks just like a mod for CoH with different skins. I didn't see absolutely anything different sadly... I like Scythe very much but that game doesn't seem to be bringing anything new to the genre at this point.
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Posts: 9594
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Mon, 12th Mar 2018 17:31    Post subject:

There's a... faint identity in there, but it's damn hard to see it because of too much COH slapped on to it.

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Posts: 22995
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Tue, 13th Mar 2018 10:30    Post subject:
Really like those art pictures. I do hope those giant robots have something to do with the game, and not just a cutscene thing. Well, i guess there might be missions where you need to defeat one or something, but it would be cool to controll one as well Very Happy
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Tue, 13th Mar 2018 11:00    Post subject:
Stormwolf wrote:
Really like those art pictures. I do hope those giant robots have something to do with the game, and not just a cutscene thing. Well, i guess there might be missions where you need to defeat one or something, but it would be cool to controll one as well Very Happy
I guess you haven't watched the video posted a couple posts above yours Smile

It literally shows the robots being used...

and it looks like dawn of war 3 in an 1920 alternate setting (think CoH mixed with DoW3).

Anyway, I think I rather buy the board game Smile
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Posts: 9317
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Tue, 13th Mar 2018 11:10    Post subject:
How does this look like DoW3? Because there is a mech with a shooting ability? CoH 1&2 are clearly the inspiration behind this game. Cover system, randomized shooting, actual suppression and the way resources work, all of these are pretty much trademarks of CoH. You won't find these mechanics in DoW3.
It looks dumbed down, that's for sure and I highly doubt this will change. It's clearly going to focus on battles between small number of squads, that way the controller might be able to handle the game. I doubt it will have the gameplay depth of DoWII to make up for the rest.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Tue, 13th Mar 2018 11:31    Post subject:
You know that Dow came before CoH, right? So if anything, CoH is Dow with WW2 skins Smile

And this is like DoW3, because both have these OP Hero/Robot units, around which the gameplay seems to focus.
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Posts: 1518

PostPosted: Tue, 13th Mar 2018 11:33    Post subject:
Bob Barnsen wrote:
qqq wrote:
Dem controller strategy games. Simplistic and rudimentary in all aspects from that video

Which features are you missing?

I can only think of a Formation-feature. But that might be possible by holding and turning the movement button in the desired direction.

It all seems very rudimentary at this point. The encounters are made up of a handful of units in the video. The squad composition is a must because of the controller - its the only valid option when you dont have an input that can pin point and quickly select something. The units seem to have a single ability - to throw grenades. Again to make it manageable for controllers. The economy is probably gonna be simple and automated in such a way that it might as well not even be there. Its a damn shame consoles are involved, because every choice in the gamemaking process on this game is going to be "is it feasible on a controller? Does it play good on a controller?"

They just launched the kickstarter and one of the guys involved said the goal is to make a "calm" RTS. That goal exists because thats the only way to make it playable on controllers. Its gonna be a baby RTS. It cant be anything else once they limited themselves with a controller
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Posts: 1480

PostPosted: Tue, 13th Mar 2018 11:36    Post subject:
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Posts: 9317
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Tue, 13th Mar 2018 11:40    Post subject:
Sin317 wrote:
You know that Dow came before CoH, right? So if anything, CoH is Dow with WW2 skins Smile

While the two games share the same base combat, they play quite differently and have evolved into different games.

Sin317 wrote:

And this is like DoW3, because both have these OP Hero/Robot units, around which the gameplay seems to focus.

The difference between Dawn of War 3 and the rest of Relic's games isn't the focus around heroes.
Dawn of War has powerful units and heroes. Hell, even Company of Heroes has powerful units like tanks which require special criteria for deployment (Tiger and IS are just a few examples). There are even nameless heroes in the game (commanders who can call for air strikes, artillery barrages, smoke screens, etc.). It's how these mechanics are combined into the grand scheme of things which is the gameplay that define these games.

On a different note. The developers have launched a Kickstarter campaign in which they ask PC gamers for money to finance their consolized strategy game, lovely!
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