Hi guys,
I bought the S340 Elite case and I'm royally pissed.
First of all I dont like it at all.
It's too light, too easily bendable and it feels dirt cheap.
After installing all the components it feels so unbalanced to one side as if it easily tilts over which I'm not gonna test out.
My biggest issue with it are it's options for rear and top fans placement as well as radiator mount options.
I have my 240mm WC in the front section, which naturally will warm up the air and this affects my GPU performance, because the GPU does not receive the cool air as it's sucked in from the outside, but the slightly warmed up air (from the rad).
The rear fan mount only supports 120mm fans, the top one only 1x 140/120mm.
If I keep my current setup I'm losing performance.
If I buy a Noctua NH D15 or Thermalright Macho then I'm spending money again and I have to give up my WC solution.
If I don't want to buy anything new and work with what I've got right now, it would be better to switch back to my old case (Corsair Carbide 500R) performance wise, but then I'm sitting ducks on a brand new S340 Elite that I probably can't even return, because I fucking used it.
Say something useful or at least share my pain!
"There will be no end to the troubles of humanity, until philosophers become kings, or kings become philosophers.", Plato.
"Hyperbole will destroy us all.", Matt Dillahunty.
"The hyperbole, the demonization of the other opinion and the unwillingness to even read the opposing opinion destroys the so important political discussions necessary for the well functioning of society.", Couleur