Forget everything you know about first-person shooters: Void Bastards asks you to take charge, not just point your gun and fire. Your task is to lead the rag-tag Void Bastards out of the Sargasso Nebula. You make the decisions: where to go, what to do and who to fight. And then you must carry out that strategy in the face of strange and terrible enemies.
On board derelict spaceships you’ll plan your mission, taking note of the ship layout, what hazards and enemies you might encounter and what terminals and other ship systems you can use to your advantage..
Move carefully through the dangerous ships, searching for supplies and manipulating control systems. React to what you find - will you detour to the generator to bring the power back online or will you fight your way into the security module to disable the ship’s defenses? Choose carefully when to fight, when to run and when just to be a bastard.
Use your hard won supplies to improvise tools and weapons, from the distracting robo-kitty to the horribly unstable clusterflak.
Navigate your tiny escape pod through the vast nebula. Flee from void whales and pirates, and politely avoid the hungry hermits. All the while you must keep scavenging for the food, fuel, and other resources that keep you alive.
Void Bastards features a 12-15 hour campaign that you can complete with an endless supply of prisoners, each with their own unique traits. When one dies, another steps forward to carry on the fight. Don’t worry though, as any crafting progress you’ve made is retained from one to another.
talk about repetition. Bored already after jumping to 3rd ship. Looks the same, even the rooms are the same.
dont know what they were thinking
I was afraid of that, other than that it looks interesting. Too bad they didn't spend effort into making it varied, obviously that's a must for this type of game. It doesn't need to change a ton, but it cant use the same rooms etc, that's lame.
talk about repetition. Bored already after jumping to 3rd ship. Looks the same, even the rooms are the same.
dont know what they were thinking
I was afraid of that, other than that it looks interesting. Too bad they didn't spend effort into making it varied, obviously that's a must for this type of game. It doesn't need to change a ton, but it cant use the same rooms etc, that's lame.
It's supposedly precedurally generated, such games do tend to look samey even though they shouldn't.. i guess the design of the generator is so restricted that it just turns out very samey + probably too few assets..
It's supposedly precedurally generated, such games do tend to look samey even though they shouldn't.. i guess the design of the generator is so restricted that it just turns out very samey + probably too few assets..
Yeah calling bullshit on "3rd ship. . .all the same." Unless the guy is jumping to the exact same ship TYPES, there's no he got the exact same layout ship three jumps in a row. So typical NFOHump over exaggeration.
Go watch ACG's review or better yet the people streaming it right now to see the games design. For me at least, its fun so far (playing on hardest difficulty). At the onset you aren't really making much choices, but in later levels the character you have and what you take with you will matter depending on the ships modifiers when you touch down.
Then there's Iron Man mode if you're feeling particularly adventurous (which in this game, since you just restart when you die, likely means you only get one body for the entire game).
Seems like a good game from what all the reviews and impressions say, so I will try to enjoy it as well. Nfohump will always have some angry guy screaming about his dislikes, but so is human taste, 100% of everyone wont like everything.
Yeah, and it could be you two dillholes as well next time something isn't to your liking.
While probability is usually low, in procedural generated systems you can still get 3x off the same. That doesn't have to be some lying or exaggerating... that can be just dumb luck or too little assets making the probability higher.
If it is procedurally generated and it's using a prefab system ... and there aren't enough prefabs, then I can see it can be immediately repetitive from the first playthrough.
Yeah, and it could be you two dillholes as well next time something isn't to your liking.
While probability is usually low, in procedural generated systems you can still get 3x off the same. That doesn't have to be some lying or exaggerating... that can be just dumb luck or too little assets making the probability higher.
But hey, feel free to get worked up over it.
No one's "worked up" over anything. . .just calling out nonsense. Could they have just gotten unlucky and gotten the exact same ship three jumps in a row? Sure. I'm just highly doubtful of that and hence the comment about the usual "NFOHump negative bullshit. . ."
VGAdeadcafe wrote:
If it is procedurally generated and it's using a prefab system ... and there aren't enough prefabs, then I can see it can be immediately repetitive from the first playthrough.
From what I can see so far from the Starmap and what I've played there are (at least) six different ship types. Each ship will have (I'm guessing): FTL, HELM, GARBAGE and SECURITY sections. Certain ships have specific types of rooms (I doubt the luxury cruiser will have an admin room or the worker ship will have the garrison). It remains to be seen how complexly laid out the ships become as you get deeper in the game, but the config so far has yet to repeat itself.
I can however not fault someone for not liking the gameplay loop of "Shoot/Scavenge/Build" repeat.
Void Bastards is a very enjoyable experience for what it is, a stylish FPS rogue-lite with a slight repetition problem. So, if you ever wondered how a crossbreed between Bioshock and FTL would look like, you might want to give this game a try.
(This article is based on a press copy of the game provided by the developer.)
+ Fantastic artistic design
+ Good audio quality
+ Solid gameplay mechanics
+ Progression system
– Repetitive map’s design
– Could use more content variety
Void Bastards is a very enjoyable experience for what it is, a stylish FPS rogue-lite with a slight repetition problem. So, if you ever wondered how a crossbreed between Bioshock and FTL would look like, you might want to give this game a try.
(This article is based on a press copy of the game provided by the developer.)
+ Fantastic artistic design
+ Good audio quality
+ Solid gameplay mechanics
+ Progression system
– Repetitive map’s design
– Could use more content variety
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