Anthem (new game by BioWere) [Early Access]
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PostPosted: Tue, 19th Feb 2019 21:31    Post subject:
Breezer_ wrote:
Sin317 wrote:
They sound like retards.

"worst experience" "biggest grind" "horrible combat" "not one game had that many loading screens"

Fuck off lol. The only loading screen that takes longer than a second is the one before the mission.

I'd call them transition screens.

Stop using HDD's maybe...

Have the game installed on a nvme 970 evo, and it takes fucking forever to load missions.

Yeah, I dunno how it is now...(since I played that beta thing) but fucking hell those loading times made me feel like I was on a mechanical drive again.

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PostPosted: Tue, 19th Feb 2019 21:55    Post subject:
I moved the game over from HDD to SSD.

When the game was installed on a HDD it took ages to load, not to mention the amount of times i fell through the map because the texture of the ground wasnt loaded yet. Very Happy

After i moved it no more issues.
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Posts: 1842
Location: Czechia
PostPosted: Tue, 19th Feb 2019 22:39    Post subject:
I did some VRAM/RAM usage when game was loading the mission.
VRAM usage was around 3.4GB, RAM usage was around 8GB.
After some time RAM/VRAM usage stopped changing, yet mission was still loading.
Seems to me like it was waiting from something else, perhaps for instance creation/or join one already running.
Elder Scrolls Online even today have these issues for unknown reason sometimes.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Tue, 19th Feb 2019 22:54    Post subject:
And again, it's only when loading into a mission. If you change for example into or out of the forge screen, it's like a second.

That's it.

I am not saying you have to like the game, to each its own, but attacking it based on bs reasons and calling it "the worst thing ever" is fucking retarded lol.
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PostPosted: Tue, 19th Feb 2019 23:35    Post subject:
There are multiple accounts of terrible loading (as mentioned in the video I posted, when Angry Joe recorded a 10 minute gameplay the loading screens were half of that Laughing)


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Posts: 24322
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PostPosted: Tue, 19th Feb 2019 23:51    Post subject:
Well, be it as it may, Imho, reviewers should have waited for the actual release date, 22.2., for their review.

Because the Day 1 patch seems to fix most of the issues we have now.

And imho, a loading screen doesn't make a game good or bad, lol.

It just means you have a short attention span or something ^^
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 00:02    Post subject:
Sin317 wrote:
And imho, a loading screen doesn't make a game good or bad, lol.

It just means you have a short attention span or something ^^

Seriously... In all honesty a post like that just deserves a: fuck you.

Shit loading performance should get criticism, you don't brush it off as an attention span thing. It's shit performance nothing more nothing less.

Good you enjoy the game, I still think it's shit. Not because of the loading though, there's enough there not to like for me.

Attention span... Laughing

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Posts: 9324
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 00:03    Post subject:
So EA is allowed to charge for an early release, but the reviewers are not allowed to review it? Laughing
You must be very naive to think this problem will ever be fixed. Sure, they will manage to lower the loading screen. But those loading screens will always be there affecting the fluidity of the game.

Last edited by Nodrim on Wed, 20th Feb 2019 00:04; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 00:03    Post subject:

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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 00:10    Post subject:
Nah sorry, not going into this "my opinion vs your opinion" drama again. You go ahead and hate a game for whatever reason you like (or don't ^^).

Meanwhile, I am having fun actually playing the game Smile
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 00:24    Post subject:
Sin317 wrote:
Nah sorry, not going into this "my opinion vs your opinion" drama again. You go ahead and hate a game for whatever reason you like (or don't ^^).

Meanwhile, I am having fun actually playing the game Smile

The loading isn't opinion. You were acting like a derp about it with that attention span shit. But it's easier to ignore that with some bullshit defense.

There is absolutely no problem with you enjoying the game.
And that last sentence... While you enjoy that game, guess what? I'll be enjoying another game. Wooptifuckingdoo man.

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Posts: 2322
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 00:32    Post subject:
I would say the ACTUAL release date is the first fucking date the fucking game is released. If X amount of players get the game on day Y the release date is fucking Y.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 00:44    Post subject:
Well, you don't.

You can preorder and whatever you want, you won't play until the 22nd.

Only Origin Access grants you early access, if you own the game or not.
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Posts: 2322
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 01:00    Post subject:
So you haven't played the game yet? It hasn't been released yet?
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Posts: 661

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 01:27    Post subject:
Sin317 wrote:
They sound like retards.

"worst experience" "biggest grind" "horrible combat" "not one game had that many loading screens"

Fuck off lol. The only loading screen that takes longer than a second is the one before the mission.

I'd call them transition screens.

Stop using HDD's maybe...

How much are EA paying you to try salvage their piece of trash? Laughing

I hope you aren't doing it for free.
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 04:30    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Mon, 4th Oct 2021 09:21; edited 3 times in total
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Posts: 13279

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 07:26    Post subject:
Sin317 wrote:

Meanwhile, I am having fun actually loading the game Smile

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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 09:23    Post subject:
It takes 30 seconds to load a mission.

It takes 1 second to switch in and out of the forge.

Big whoop.

The only thing that did piss me off, and still does when it happens, albeit it has become rare, are the disconnects.

But even if you get disconnected after a mission, you still get the loot and exp, just not the end screen ^^.

And sometimes you get disconnected and have to retake a mission again...

Calling it the "worst game of all time" for something as trivial as that? Really?

If this wasn't released by EA and developed by Bioware, you'd scream "GOTY" by now^^

Ok, maybe not that far, but Imho a lot of the hate is generated by these 2 factors, for sure.

Anyway, I am back to PLAYING the game Smile
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Posts: 2315
Location: Austria / Finland
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 09:37    Post subject:
The game is fine.

Had a nice carry experience through a Stronghold yesterday at the err... 'Torment 1' difficulty Razz
Fucking everything was oneshotting my Interceptor... which is the squishiest class... while being melee Razz (I'm probably doing something wrong :/ )

Got a nice MW burst sniper from the boss in the end. No chance to try it yet, but today.
We could do some hump groups too, preferably with some voice, as on the harder level the communication would help a lot.

Intel Core I-9 9900K @ stock, ASUS Z 390A MoBo, 32GB 3.6GHz, Zotac 3090 | BeQuiet 1000W PSU, Be Quiet Dark Base Pro 900 case, 49" Samsung G9
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 10:26    Post subject:
I just got this from random boss in a normal contract mission on hard:

I am only level 26 mind you (taking my time, lot to do irl and don't want to burn out too quickly)

OFC I am colossus player, so not much use for me now, but good to know, that my eventual Sentinel or Marksman Javelin has a weapon ready Smile
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Posts: 957

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 10:29    Post subject:
They really need to do something about the Weapon skins... most guns look the same with only slight paint job variations.

Ryzen 7 7800X3D, 32GB Kingston Fury Beast @6000MHz, GIGABYTe RTX 4070Ti Eagle OC
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Posts: 139

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 10:36    Post subject:
Sin317 wrote:
It takes 30 seconds to load a mission.

It takes 1 second to switch in and out of the forge.

Big whoop.

The only thing that did piss me off, and still does when it happens, albeit it has become rare, are the disconnects.

But even if you get disconnected after a mission, you still get the loot and exp, just not the end screen ^^.

And sometimes you get disconnected and have to retake a mission again...

Calling it the "worst game of all time" for something as trivial as that? Really?

If this wasn't released by EA and developed by Bioware, you'd scream "GOTY" by now^^

Ok, maybe not that far, but Imho a lot of the hate is generated by these 2 factors, for sure.

Anyway, I am back to PLAYING the game Smile
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 10:40    Post subject:
Pretty sure it's way more than 30 seconds.
I got Samsung 970 PRO and it takes at least a minute to load a mission.

Sin spewing BS like always. Laughing Laughing Laughing

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Posts: 1601

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 10:42    Post subject:
Nice bug when you can't revive someone Laughing Laughing Laughing

seriously fuck this game, never encountered a game with so many bugs -.-

Last edited by highfe on Wed, 20th Feb 2019 10:49; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 661

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 10:47    Post subject:
Ghos7 wrote:

So Sin317 clearly has no concept of time... Laughing
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 10:50    Post subject:
I really would like them to have actual explanations on all the symbols.

E.g. in the above pic, on the bonus stats, you have +4% critical damage and +45% critical damage, but in front of the first is, I guess, a person/humanoid and in front of the latter, a coq/wheel whatever.

Now I can guess, that it means damage to living things and damage to machines, but I wouldn't know.

And this goes for a lot of things. It's missing any kind of stats etc. That is indeed a big minus for the game.
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Posts: 9324
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 10:52    Post subject:
I have an EVO 860 and the loading screens are unbearable. At some point loading into the open world took about 1 minute...
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Posts: 957

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 10:53    Post subject:
Heres some Community gathered info about the Incsriptions not sure if its 100% though:

Ryzen 7 7800X3D, 32GB Kingston Fury Beast @6000MHz, GIGABYTe RTX 4070Ti Eagle OC
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 10:56    Post subject:
bart5986 wrote:
Ghos7 wrote:

So Sin317 clearly has no concept of time... Laughing

59 seconds to matchmake AND load into the mission.

That's pretty fast, if you ask me.

Other games take way longer just to matchmake.

@JHawkins Thanks!
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PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 11:43    Post subject:

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