Apex Legends (TINO—Titanfall in Name Only) [R]
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Mon, 18th Feb 2019 14:32    Post subject:
@last two posts:

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 34200

PostPosted: Mon, 18th Feb 2019 15:06    Post subject:

Last edited by garus on Tue, 27th Aug 2024 21:28; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 18352

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 12:14    Post subject:

Last edited by paxsali on Thu, 4th Jul 2024 23:24; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 161

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 13:08    Post subject:
you guys can add me if you want [jrs2nd]

Had fun playing with Danyutz.. I found that my fast twitch skills are a wee bit slow.. but I do
like that if your teammates CTD you can stealth your ass into the final 3 teams and if
you are lucky and get the other 2 teams to eliminate or damage each other enough you
can roll up and Wingman the last 2 down while one was healing the other.. Smile

one of my rare wins

if they ever fix the dang CTD with no error and the connection to server problems I can
actually play for more than 3 rounds in a row
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Posts: 1903
Location: BG
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 13:29    Post subject:
paxsali wrote:
Some recent match with Nodrim...

That weird UI bug at 2:46. A white attachments is shown as yellow? Never seen that so far. Did you think you had yellow attachment all the time after that or you intentionally switched it because your R-301 already had sniper zoom?

On a side note I had the most pathetic win in the history of online games. I got matched with 2 premade guys who were both level 4 (I am 18 but still suck ass Sad ). So we landed in The Pit area first. Then ran to the Runoff where I got killed but one of the other guys took my banner. So they walked east to the Cascaded and then north to the Artillery where they finally respawned me. In the fully looted area... Luckily a Supply Drop just felt down and I grabbed a Kraben. So I had the best weapon in the game with a white armor and Alternator with 50 bullets. Whatever, I thought I will follow my guys but they stopped moving. Thought they gone afk or got disconnected but no, they hid inside one of the small buildings in Artillery waiting on the sides of the door to kill someone. This was somewhere at the 4 or 5 minutes into the match. They just stood there and the Bloodhound only used his Q ability to scan for enemies. Nobody showed up. We were lucky the ring was closing right into our location. Until the last ring at minute 23 which ended in the tunnel west of the Artillery. For more than 15 minutes we were camping inside a small 5 sq.m. room without leaving it. Then we got out for a 20 seconds shootout with the last 2 players left on the map (I died, of course Crying or Very sad ) but my duded killed them and we got that "YOU ARE CHAMPION". I had 87 damage dealt, my teammates had 2 kills and ~300 damage each. Stupidest match ever! Laughing
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 13:34    Post subject:
PredOborG wrote:
paxsali wrote:
Some recent match with Nodrim...

That weird UI bug at 2:46. A white attachments is shown as yellow? Never seen that so far. Did you think you had yellow attachment all the time after that or you intentionally switched it because your R-301 already had sniper zoom?

On a side note I had the most pathetic win in the history of online games. I got matched with 2 premade guys who were both level 4 (I am 18 but still suck ass Sad ). So we landed in The Pit area first. Then ran to the Runoff where I got killed but one of the other guys took my banner. So they walked east to the Cascaded and then north to the Artillery where they finally respawned me. In the fully looted area... Luckily a Supply Drop just felt down and I grabbed a Kraben. So I had the best weapon in the game with a white armor and Alternator with 50 bullets. Whatever, I thought I will follow my guys but they stopped moving. Thought they gone afk or got disconnected but no, they hid inside one of the small buildings in Artillery waiting on the sides of the door to kill someone. This was somewhere at the 4 or 5 minutes into the match. They just stood there and the Bloodhound only used his Q ability to scan for enemies. Nobody showed up. We were lucky the ring was closing right into our location. Until the last ring at minute 23 which ended in the tunnel west of the Artillery. For more than 15 minutes we were camping inside a small 5 sq.m. room without leaving it. Then we got out for a 20 seconds shootout with the last 2 players left on the map (I died, of course Crying or Very sad ) but my duded killed them and we got that "YOU ARE CHAMPION". I had 87 damage dealt, my teammates had 2 kills and ~300 damage each. Stupidest match ever! Laughing

What an absolute THRILL RIDE! Laughing

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 14:45    Post subject:
Well. That's Battle Royale in a nutshell.
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Posts: 4567

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 14:59    Post subject:
Yeah, getting lucky with the circle is already half the battle. The minute you are forced to run from cover to cover, you become a major target for others. I still like these kind of games because they're not constant action.
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Posts: 1903
Location: BG
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 15:26    Post subject:
I saw a streamer today who had 27 eliminations and 5k damage in one match (wasn't even premade, he played solo with some randoms who only respawned him once and had total of 300 damage). Constantly moving in the open, using the balloons to scout around and even shooting in the air to make people come to him. You can't get that good with hiding for 15 mins which feels like cheating to me. You have a high chance to get top 3 finish but you won't improve or learn anything. The XP earning should be adjusted to reward more kills than more time survived but then I will never get to level 30 I guess. Laughing
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Posts: 6417

PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 15:59    Post subject:
In all other BR games circle positioning luck is a major factor. Not here. Not saying it's not a factor, but it's certainly not major. I have around 65-70 wins at this time, and almost as many second placements. Only once or twice did it happen, that last circle positioning was the cause of our loss. When we lost, it was because we got outplayed - not just outpositioned.

And that is very important, and the reason why this game is miles ahead of all other BR games.

In all other BR games the one who spots the enemy first ends up winning the engage as a general rule. Here it is not so. Longer TTK + smaller spaces + abilities + revive means if you have the skill you can turn around engages. And this is the reason why aggressive play is finally rewarded in a BR, whereas in other such games camping is most rewarded.

This is a BR for people who like shooters and deathmatches. Finally.
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Posts: 4397
Location: Redplanet
PostPosted: Wed, 20th Feb 2019 21:47    Post subject:
I also play 4-5 matches every evening. Had fun with jrs2nd, but his crashes took too much of his fun Very Happy

@radicalus, 100% agree!
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Posts: 2142
Location: An Archos
PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 08:26    Post subject:
Yesterday tried it, played one match, killed one and got killed, lived for 1' 55˝. Very Happy

Do you always start with no weapons?

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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 08:40    Post subject:
AnarchoS wrote:
Yesterday tried it, played one match, killed one and got killed, lived for 1' 55˝. Very Happy

Do you always start with no weapons?
Yes. You always have to scavenge every equipment piece, you only bring your abilities.
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 09:08    Post subject:
paxsali wrote:
Some recent match with Nodrim...

who's the guy that sounds like arnold

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 264

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 09:10    Post subject:
What dpi and ingame sensitivity Do u guys use?
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 09:12    Post subject:
I've had more success getting my sensitivity down to 2 from the default 5.

But mostly, what I need to learn is the bullet speed. The only other online shooter I play is Siege and that doesn't translate well to the shooting here what with the need to lead your aim even at mid range.

The most useless accessories has to be those 6-8x sniper scopes unless you just want to scout using it. Maybe drop it when combat starts and you have to close in, because sniping at long distances isn't going to get kills as far as I can tell since whenever someone snipes me from a distance I can just get to cover and heal up and it gives away their position.

Gustave the Steel

Last edited by AKofC on Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 09:14; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 9325
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 09:12    Post subject:
AKofC wrote:
paxsali wrote:
Some recent match with Nodrim...

who's the guy that sounds like arnold

That would be me. Sad
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 09:16    Post subject:
haha that's a great voice

paxsali was probably under extreme pressure to do his best with the terminator coaching

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 9325
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 09:46    Post subject:
Though, you might be referring to Pax. Many people have told me that I sound in English like Arnold, but because of my weird accent. Pax has a booming voice. But no way he's doing any coaching there. He's actually on a tight gameplay leash and gets punished when making tactical mistakes. Laughing
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Posts: 18881
Location: Poland
PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 10:50    Post subject:
Add a Polish kurwa to your friends list, I've also been playing Apex quite a bit. Very Happy

I'm Neon256 on Origin.
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Posts: 9234
Location: Orbanistan
PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 10:58    Post subject:
Still boot it up every couple days for a few rounds. If irregular availability and noob-to-mediocre skill is not an issue, add ' Hmuda '.
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Posts: 4359

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 11:16    Post subject:
nah, it's definitely you with the spot on (well to me anyway) 'idiotic' comment about using smgs for long range combat before giving paxsali light rounds Laughing

Gustave the Steel
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Posts: 4567

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 11:25    Post subject:
PredOborG wrote:
I saw a streamer today who had 27 eliminations and 5k damage in one match (wasn't even premade, he played solo with some randoms who only respawned him once and had total of 300 damage). Constantly moving in the open, using the balloons to scout around and even shooting in the air to make people come to him. You can't get that good with hiding for 15 mins which feels like cheating to me. You have a high chance to get top 3 finish but you won't improve or learn anything. The XP earning should be adjusted to reward more kills than more time survived but then I will never get to level 30 I guess. Laughing

You're right - in PUBG, I pretty much spend the first half of the game getting decent gear and the second half finding good cover where I can spot people approaching me. It's not exactly hiding but PUBG has atrocious net code. I've been killed countless times in situations where I'm certain the opponent should have been killed before me. When I swapped my GTX 970 for my GTX 1070 Ti, I suddenly noticed that a lot more of my bullets registered. I don't even get why that should be but now it feels like my bullets aren't made of rubber. It made me shy away from combat before and really didn't help me improve myself in combat (you can't learn shoot patterns if half the bullets don't register).

And in all these games, you have people who play nothing BUT that game. They know every single aspect of the game, every rock, every little quirk the weapons have and as such have a major advantage. To win against these people, you need the luck of the circle but also you need to play it dirty and that involves hiding in cover a lot of the time.

In Fortnite, I see people speed-build like crazy, something that takes a lot of practice for which I simply don't have the patience.

This is what has put me off MP over the years: too many players play the same game non-stop (especially younger ones and free-to-play games) giving you a massive disadvantage when you have job and only get to play an hour an evening tops. This is why I'm more drawn to games such as World of Tanks where tactics still lets you be a better player even with less experience. There, I'm an above average player with a rating that is very high compared to the matches I played simply because the game lets you be successful without requiring thousands of hours of experience.
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 13:01    Post subject:
Paxsali is the Arnold. And pax coaching? He doesn't know what he is doing half the time xD Positional awareness? Non-existant.

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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Posts: 9325
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 14:01    Post subject:
AKofC wrote:
nah, it's definitely you with the spot on (well to me anyway) 'idiotic' comment about using smgs for long range combat before giving paxsali light rounds Laughing

I am a harsh teammate, I can't stop myself even if I try. The years as a guildmaster in WoW have left a mark on me as a gamer. Very Happy
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Posts: 139

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 16:20    Post subject:
Nodrim wrote:
AKofC wrote:
nah, it's definitely you with the spot on (well to me anyway) 'idiotic' comment about using smgs for long range combat before giving paxsali light rounds Laughing

I am a harsh teammate, I can't stop myself even if I try. The years as a guildmaster in WoW have left a mark on me as a gamer. Very Happy

Don't make excuses just admit it Laughing
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Posts: 2503

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 16:23    Post subject:

repost? anyway, that would be pretty cool

and since every other EA franchise is pretty much dying, dead or DOA , i suppose this game will have a bright future in terms of funding
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Posts: 18352

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 17:25    Post subject:

Last edited by paxsali on Thu, 4th Jul 2024 23:24; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 12074

PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 18:04    Post subject:
Twitch pack content without Twitch Prime:

Start the game and....

Ryzen 7 9800X3D PBO ~-26/+200 | Freezer III 360 A-RGB | Strix X670E-F WiFi | Zotac RTX 4090 AMP Extreme AIRO | Fury Beast 64GB (2x 32GB) DDR5 5600MHz C40 @ 6000MHz C28 | 970 EVO Plus 2 TB | 38GN950-B | S.M.S.L RAW-MDA1 & HiFiMAN Arya Organic | Lancool III Snow White + 4x be quiet! Silent Wings Pro 4 140mm | RM1000x (2021) Gold | G Pro X SUPERLIGHT 2 & POWERPLAY | Win 11 Pro | Logitech MX MECHANICAL

Sometimes I publish YouTube videos: https://www.youtube.com/@RandomTechChannel
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Posts: 1457
Location: Somewhere east of I forget
PostPosted: Fri, 22nd Feb 2019 19:13    Post subject:
escalibur wrote:
Twitch pack content without Twitch Prime:

Wow - thanks! Laughing

BloodAngel wrote:
hi... may i have a dirt showdown key please? thank you
Newty182 wrote:
K155-MII-A55 Let me know if it works.
Drowning_witch wrote:
invalid for steam. didn't try origin.
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