Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (FromSoft+Acti)
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Posts: 2686
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 17:53    Post subject:
Stormwolf wrote:
Does the xp required for the next skill increase? Havent noticed much if any personally. Easy to farm if not.

XP for skill level 1,2,3,4 etc is always the same
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Serial Humper

Posts: 13853

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 17:58    Post subject:
Genichiro Ashina Reaction

Fuck you from. What a retarded game. Troll Face

*going back to Nioh*

PS I wish they just released Bloodborn on PC ..oh well..

1) Lenovo Legion 7 (AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, RTX 3080 16Gb, 32Gb DDR4, SSD 1TB +2TB

2) SFFPC (streaming via Moonlight+ Sunshine)
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Posts: 44

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 18:20    Post subject:
They kinda have, kinda
Psnow lets you play bloodborne, there is a 7 days trial i believe, and if you got a good internet connection it works really well, well except for the 30 fps part, but other then that its flawless on my connection atl east
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 18:57    Post subject:

This game looks retarded. Laughing Laughing
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Posts: 23005
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 18:58    Post subject:
h0rnyfavn wrote:
Genichiro Ashina Reaction

Fuck you from. What a retarded game. Troll Face

*going back to Nioh*

PS I wish they just released Bloodborn on PC ..oh well..

What did i fucking say? LaughingLaughing people will quit the game on this boss.

Still have the nioh dlc's to play. Also bloodbourne and ds 3 last dlc.
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Posts: 20488

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 20:07    Post subject:
Ok... after some rest the bull and butterfly are both dead. New areas are pretty interesting. Lots of mini bosses.
I still kinda would prefer Bloodborne on pc instead of this.. bloodborne in 4k60 oh man

3080, ps5, lg oled

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Posts: 23005
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 21:01    Post subject:
Bloodborne is definitely the better game overall. The only thing this has going for it is the jumping and grappling exploration. Rest is subpar or just too frustrating to be enjoyable.

But as typical from fromsoftware, its kind of exciting going into a new area and exploring, but you'll just quickly meet a new rageinducing miniboss...

Last edited by Stormwolf on Sun, 24th Mar 2019 21:03; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 9324
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 21:03    Post subject:
How is the combat subpar? Laughing
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Posts: 23005
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 21:05    Post subject:
Nodrim wrote:
How is the combat subpar? Laughing

Because your only choice is to be defensive 95% if the time. Gameplay has been technically improved, definitely. But the mechanics are kind of shit.
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Posts: 9324
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 21:21    Post subject:
In any Souls game you are forced to be defensive as you are waiting for your opportunity to hit. Even if Sekiro's combat relies on parry, aggressive play pays off a lot. The mechanics are not shit, they require more skill.

Last edited by Nodrim on Sun, 24th Mar 2019 21:28; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 1434

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 21:22    Post subject:
IMO one of the biggest problems is the kill-one-or-two-guys-and-reset-aggo-rinse-and-repeat gameplay. I just don't have the patience for that, and taking everybody on at the same time isn't really feasible. If they had AI like this in pretty much any other game, they'd be ridiculed. At one point I aggro'd a group, ran away and roped down a ledge onto a tree, and they just ran off the cliff to their watery deaths one by one, trying to chase me.

This game has everything I hated about Dark Souls, with much of what I liked stripped out.
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Serial Humper

Posts: 13853

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 21:26    Post subject:
The game is a frigging R1 rock paper scissors simulator Reaction

Nodrim wrote:
In any Souls game you are forced to be defensive as you are waiting for your opportunity to hit. Even if Sekiro's combat relies on parry, aggressive play pays off a lot. The mechanics are not shit, they require more skill.

It's not skill... it's muscle memory and human reaction time and reaction time can greatly vary from one person to another person, it doesn't mean they are bad or good. they are just different.

1) Lenovo Legion 7 (AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, RTX 3080 16Gb, 32Gb DDR4, SSD 1TB +2TB

2) SFFPC (streaming via Moonlight+ Sunshine)

Last edited by h0rnyfavn on Sun, 24th Mar 2019 21:34; edited 2 times in total
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Posts: 23005
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 21:29    Post subject:
Nodrim wrote:
In any Souls game you are forced to be defensive as you are waiting for your opportunity to hit. The mechanics are not shit, they require more skill.

Dark souls let you choose how to go about it, bloodbore required you you to be pretty aggressive.
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Posts: 13279

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 21:48    Post subject:
Neon wrote:

125k peak concurrent players now. Not bad for a singleplayer only game Smile
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Posts: 1903
Location: BG
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 22:13    Post subject:
Single-player games ARE dead! The real players are only 5k. 120k are bots from Steam and Valve who are trying to prove otherwise in a desperate move to stop Epic and EA from taking over. But it's inevitable. The truth will be revealed and it will be the ultimate and final downfall of the GabeN slaver who is also secretly an alien trying to take conquer Earth. He is same species as Mark Zuckerberg. The facade will fall. Just wait for it! All hail the savours of Gaming and Earth - Epic Games and EA!
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Posts: 1134
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 22:15    Post subject:
I am total dogshit been dying at least 50 times to Genichiro. Will give it a break until next weekend and try again.

Can get to last phase but haven't had many tries in it to practice... Pretty sure the Mikiri Counter is harder to pull off in last phase as well, seems the timing is different.

The more moves/random an enemy is the harder time I have, since it requires reaction times it seems.

Seven Ashina Spears dude is even worse than Genichiro imo, since his attacks are so random and have very different ranges to them, some feel like they hit from a kilometer away.
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Posts: 23005
Location: Norway
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 22:18    Post subject:
Keit wrote:
I am total dogshit been dying at least 50 times to Genichiro. Will give it a break until next weekend and try again.

Can get to last phase but haven't had many tries in it to practice... Pretty sure the Mikiri Counter is harder to pull off in last phase as well, seems the timing is different.

The more moves/random an enemy is the harder time I have, since it requires reaction times it seems.

Seven Ashina Spears dude is even worse than Genichiro imo, since his attacks are so random and have very different ranges to them, some feel like they hit from a kilometer away.

Seven spears guy had 1 attack that raped me almost every time, and that's the thurst where he had his spear in a lower position. He took a lifetime to actually attack so i always pressed the button too early Sad
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Posts: 2307
Location: Yes
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 22:19    Post subject:
Damn Genichiro Ashina was one hell of a fight, but definitely got fun once you figured him out.
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Posts: 62

PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 23:09    Post subject:
h0rnyfavn wrote:
Genichiro Ashina Reaction

Fuck you from. What a retarded game. Troll Face

*going back to Nioh*

PS I wish they just released Bloodborn on PC ..oh well..

See at 3:33:34 to 3:40:54 . Never give up from a game because of a boss.

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Posts: 3616
Location: Brasov
PostPosted: Sun, 24th Mar 2019 23:30    Post subject:
PredOborG wrote:
Single-player games ARE dead! The real players are only 5k. 120k are bots from Steam and Valve who are trying to prove otherwise in a desperate move to stop Epic and EA from taking over. But it's inevitable. The truth will be revealed and it will be the ultimate and final downfall of the GabeN slaver who is also secretly an alien trying to take conquer Earth. He is same species as Mark Zuckerberg. The facade will fall. Just wait for it! All hail the savours of Gaming and Earth - Epic Games and EA!
Funny. Yet. No mp duels = no buy.

ASUS TUF B550M-PLUS | RYZEN 5600x | RTX 3060TI | 16GB DDR4
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Posts: 1137

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2019 00:49    Post subject:
The game is hardly Rock-Paper-Scissors. You can't tell me you don't know the different between a grab and a sweep.

. . .I will agree that Ashina is a bit of a dick boss, especially if you spend all your energy and items to beat him and then you get to the - sorry spoiler - final phase of the fight. That's not fun at all. There's a delicate balance between being challenging and respecting the users time and I don't think this game has quite realized that. I will be very interested to see what the Steam/Console cheevos are for this guy in a couple of weeks. Right now only 1 in 5 players on the PC have managed to get him down. . .and he is not a boss that is far from the beginning of the game.

"Get the hell out of me" - [ex]girlfriend[s]
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2019 01:19    Post subject:
Stormwolf wrote:
Keit wrote:
I am total dogshit been dying at least 50 times to Genichiro. Will give it a break until next weekend and try again.

Can get to last phase but haven't had many tries in it to practice... Pretty sure the Mikiri Counter is harder to pull off in last phase as well, seems the timing is different.

The more moves/random an enemy is the harder time I have, since it requires reaction times it seems.

Seven Ashina Spears dude is even worse than Genichiro imo, since his attacks are so random and have very different ranges to them, some feel like they hit from a kilometer away.

Seven spears guy had 1 attack that raped me almost every time, and that's the thurst where he had his spear in a lower position. He took a lifetime to actually attack so i always pressed the button too early Sad

You get a free stealth attack and after that you just need to do a few Mikiris, use the axe once or twice if you have to and done. It's not too tough, but tougher than the Ashina elite samurai in front of the last savepoint before Genichiro. That guy was so fucking easy, you just have to dodge him diagonally to the right, then slice his back, over and over. Some enemies seem fucking insane at first but then you figure out some or the other trick to triviliaze the fight. Which doesn't go for every fight, Genichiro is a tough motherfucker that forces you to really git gud and utilize everything you know, its a tough but fun fight after you figure out what to do.
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Posts: 1137

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2019 03:25    Post subject:
Genichiro I would say is sort of RPS in that, at least for me, it was terribly difficult to see what kind of perilous attack he would do. I would just hedge on him doing the thrust and go for the Mikiri counter. It worked out for me but that's not a good strategy.

. . .I saw one guy say they were able to beat him on the second try and I honestly have to ask. . .how.

"Get the hell out of me" - [ex]girlfriend[s]
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Posts: 4042
Location: Moscow, Russia
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2019 04:33    Post subject:
I beat him on my second try Sad

Had more trouble with the Corrupted Monk.
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Posts: 9324
Location: Romania
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2019 09:14    Post subject:
h0rnyfavn wrote:

Nodrim wrote:
In any Souls game you are forced to be defensive as you are waiting for your opportunity to hit. Even if Sekiro's combat relies on parry, aggressive play pays off a lot. The mechanics are not shit, they require more skill.

It's not skill... it's muscle memory and human reaction time and reaction time can greatly vary from one person to another person, it doesn't mean they are bad or good. they are just different.

This is part of what makes someone skillful in various types of video games...
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Posts: 3936

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2019 09:31    Post subject:
All this whining reminds me of the early days of DS1 So Much Win
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Posts: 1097
Location: Prague
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2019 09:36    Post subject:
h0rnyfavn wrote:
The game is a frigging R1 rock paper scissors simulator Reaction

Nodrim wrote:
In any Souls game you are forced to be defensive as you are waiting for your opportunity to hit. Even if Sekiro's combat relies on parry, aggressive play pays off a lot. The mechanics are not shit, they require more skill.

It's not skill... it's muscle memory and human reaction time and reaction time can greatly vary from one person to another person, it doesn't mean they are bad or good. they are just different.

Ummmm thats pretty much a definition of skill Smile
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Posts: 5086

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2019 09:39    Post subject:
Btw i recommend upping the fov a bit either with the cheat engine trainer or permanent with a hex editor.

FOV + ~15%:
F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 0C E7 9B 02 => F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 10 E7 9B 02

FOV + ~40%:
F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 0C E7 9B 02 => F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 14 E7 9B 02

FOV + ~75%:
F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 0C E7 9B 02 => F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 18 E7 9B 02

FOV + ~90%:
F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 0C E7 9B 02 => F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 1C E7 9B 02

15% allrdy makes a big difference in a lot of fights.
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Serial Humper

Posts: 13853

PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2019 11:01    Post subject:
shadak wrote:

Ummmm thats pretty much a definition of skill Smile

Someone might be a skillful engineer, scientist or be just great at something else and suck at games requiring mostly physical reaction and they won't get "better" in button mashing and timing even if they train 24/7. That's the way they are 'wired". People are different.

Git gud crowd can go fuck themselves tbh. Someone who can finish DS with a lvl 1 character without ever getting hit can say "git gud" to these guys too. And I'd love to see them "getting gud" so that they can do the same Laughing

1) Lenovo Legion 7 (AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, RTX 3080 16Gb, 32Gb DDR4, SSD 1TB +2TB

2) SFFPC (streaming via Moonlight+ Sunshine)
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Posts: 2307
Location: Yes
PostPosted: Mon, 25th Mar 2019 11:21    Post subject:
tet666 wrote:
Btw i recommend upping the fov a bit either with the cheat engine trainer or permanent with a hex editor.

FOV + ~15%:
F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 0C E7 9B 02 => F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 10 E7 9B 02

FOV + ~40%:
F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 0C E7 9B 02 => F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 14 E7 9B 02

FOV + ~75%:
F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 0C E7 9B 02 => F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 18 E7 9B 02

FOV + ~90%:
F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 0C E7 9B 02 => F3 0F 10 08 F3 0F 59 0D 1C E7 9B 02

15% allrdy makes a big difference in a lot of fights.

But that's cheeaaaating. You got any comparison screenshots?
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