Teaser is cool. I'm sure JJ will make something way better than last jedi, but unfortunately the trilogy is damaged beyond repair by what rian johnson did.
Sorry to say but Lucas would have made better movies, the prequels are masterpieces compared both new films. JJ's is a flat scene by scene remake, the others a complete mess with multiple plot lines that go nowhere and contribute nothing
Lucas wanted to make the 3rd trilogy another one with kids in the lead. It was going to be equally bad, just different.
They should have just gone with the Thrawn trilogy.
Sure, that wouldn't be a surprise for the die hard fans, but the hardest part (decent story in SW universe) was already done. Plus, they could keep (most of) the expanded universe. Removing the EU is the single worst thing Disney has done to SW.
The title of the new film just refers to the 100+ kids Luke had spread across the galaxy while he was going system to system trying to find a new home. He was trying to repopulate the Jedi one woman at a time.
The title of the new film just refers to the 100+ kids Luke had spread across the galaxy while he was going system to system trying to find a new home. He was trying to repopulate the Jedi one woman at a time.
I wish I could be half as euphoric as that guy about anything ever, when I watched the trailer I had the same expression as a self-aware capon the day before christmas
Give this man all the acting Oscars this film won't get. All of them.
TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"
But please tell me what amazing plot lines are we waiting to unfold with this 3rd film. Why am i hyped? What questioned are unanswered that i need closure for in this third film?
moar explosions ofc and lightsabering ships apart.
At least the prequels had you asking:
How did empire come to be, how did the jedi lose control?
how could anakin turn to the dark side?
Introduction of pivotol bad and gray characters
Fleshed out universe, most existing characters and some new
strong story arcs with continuation throughout all 3 movies.
new chars i remember, the robot guy, darth maul, bobafett..
and thats in 2 minutes, i cant even see contest with the new films.
Last edited by AmpegV4 on Mon, 15th Apr 2019 10:13; edited 3 times in total
I dunno if this Butts guys is for real or master troll.
sar·casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
The guy clearly has some mental issues, because those reactions are simply abnormal. Has he even seen episode 8? (probably at least 20 times, and cried each time )
He already started crying when he saw the logo and heard some breating. Very emotional. Very. Good for him if he can be pleased that easily BTW, I liked episode 8, but I'm no Star Wars expert (only watched the movies and played some of the games). And it had a shit ton of stupid things in it, but they didn't bother me all too much, all in all it's quite shallow sci-fi-fun or am I to question the logic behind midichlorians Or why the rebels didn't use disposable hyper drive weapons to one-shot-kill star destroyers or other things that make no sense? Nah, give me my popcorn, I'm emotionally attached enough to care what happens with Rey and Kylo Ren. Oh and Fin I guess
Fucking midichlorians, another thing George fucked up with his prequels.
SW should be shallow sci-fi indeed. Part of what attracted the movies to me in the first place was how not everything is being explained in detail (the Kessel Run, the Clonewars, Dantooine)
I dunno if this Butts guys is for real or master troll.
Does he monetize his videos or not? There's your answer.
TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"
I dont give a shit. If they arent able to do their main movies right, why should they get Kotor right?
"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment."
Yeah, no high hopes here either. Disney really fucked up bad with the franchise. No main show runner and instead going for "each director can do whatever they want" = no coherence and added shitfest.
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