Elden Ring (Miyazaki + George R.R. Martin)
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

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PostPosted: Wed, 22nd May 2019 08:54    Post subject: Elden Ring (Miyazaki + George R.R. Martin)

Nodrim wrote:
AKofC wrote:
they'll probably hire the 2 writers of this show to finish the book when martin dies

In case Martin dies before finishing the books, the writer of The Expanse will continue ASoIaF.

GRRM does work on a video game with a Japanese developer:


Rumored details:

The_Zeel wrote:
ixigia wrote:
I thought that already knowing the ending would have shielded me from the wave of awkward facepalm-y nonsense, but the actual mood of the finale and the delivery of its dialogues were so surreal, almost as if SNL had managed to seamlessly merge one of its sketches with the episode itself. It was honestly amazing in the most absurd, self-destructive way.

I know, it's really disgusting and painful, but if it makes you feel better there was a rumour a few weeks back that used to read like obvious bait, but is getting more and more likely:

- A game developed by From Soft and published by Namco Bandai.
- Fully open world.
- A bunch of kingdoms you can go to in any order.
- Get abilities from killing leaders of these kingdoms.
- Might be announced at e3.
- George RR Martin is one of the lead writers.

GRRM wrote today in his blog "I've consulted on a video game out of Japan.", as Nodrim posted before.



Elden Ring is the action-RPG that FromSoftware and George R. R. Martin are working on together, according to the latest leak.

Bandai Namco’s E3 lineup leaked overnight, spilling details on the FromSoftware and George R. R. Martin collaboration, Elden Ring – which is From’s “largest game to date,” apparently.

According to the leak, which came from the official website: “Elden Ring is a fantasy action-RPG adventure set within a world created by Hidetaka Miyazaki and George R.R. Martin. Danger and discovery lurk around every corner in FromSoftware’s largest game to-date.”

It is coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Thanks Nodrim and The_Zeel.

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Last edited by JackQ on Sun, 9th Jun 2019 10:49; edited 8 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed, 22nd May 2019 09:17    Post subject:
This has nothing to do with GoT.

TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"


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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Wed, 22nd May 2019 09:21    Post subject:
You don't know that, the rumour about a norse-mythology based game comes from one source only, the other details were confirmed by others as well.
It may or may not be GoT related.
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Wed, 22nd May 2019 09:22    Post subject:
consolitis wrote:
This has nothing to do with GoT.

I updated the title to be better fitting.

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PostPosted: Wed, 22nd May 2019 10:15    Post subject:
The_Zeel wrote:
You don't know that, the rumour about a norse-mythology based game comes from one source only, the other details were confirmed by others as well.
It may or may not be GoT related.

I should have put "unless proven otherwise". Basically that the title was off but it has been edited, so now it's cool.

TWIN PEAKS is "something of a miracle."
"...like nothing else on television."
"a phenomenon."
"A tangled tale of sex, violence, power, junk food..."
"Like Nothing On Earth"


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King's Bounty

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PostPosted: Wed, 22nd May 2019 11:05    Post subject:
So basically no title, no idea what kind of game it is and no idea about the developer etc. except a possible rumor about something something souls-like?!

What's the rumor? A GoT game?

This has got to be the weakest Game Announcement thread I've ever seen. I'm seriously considering locking this until there's something more substantial.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Wed, 22nd May 2019 12:42    Post subject:
There was a rumour a few weeks back from several sources that From Software is working together with GRRM on an open world game.
Everyone thought it was fake, until GRRM himself confirmed on his blog recently that he is working on a game with a japanese developer.
Too much of a coincidence for the rumour to be fake.
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Wed, 22nd May 2019 12:43    Post subject:
Its also heavily hinted it's gonna be announced soonish on E3.

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King's Bounty

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PostPosted: Wed, 22nd May 2019 12:44    Post subject:
Perhaps but it's still too little information about anything to be an announcement.

Oh well.

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"Thank you to God for making me an Atheist" - Ricky Gervais
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PostPosted: Wed, 22nd May 2019 12:46    Post subject:
It's ok, we can fill the void of missing information with hype instead Laughing
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PostPosted: Wed, 22nd May 2019 13:59    Post subject:
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Sums it up pretty well.
I’ve consulted on a video game out of Japan.

He uses past tense here and word 'consulted". Martin is very careful with words, it's his life. I dont see how can you conclude from this he is working on a japanese "souls-like" game right now.
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PostPosted: Wed, 22nd May 2019 14:02    Post subject:
Because he never worked on a japanese videogame before, and now he says that he did, just a short while after the From Software rumours out of nowhere?
Don't you think it's a bit too much of a coincidence?
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Wed, 22nd May 2019 14:08    Post subject:
Post updated again with the Rumored details provided by The_Zeel.

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PostPosted: Wed, 22nd May 2019 15:04    Post subject:
Tbh if there would be a got game it probably wouldnt use the likeneas of the characters in the tvshow so that alone would probably bother ppl or alternativley it would use unknown characters in the same universe but at that point why bother.

There was a got rpg that was rather meh btw.
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PostPosted: Wed, 22nd May 2019 15:37    Post subject:
I would love one that takes place in Essos or even better, the southern continent, since that one is full of mystery, weird ruins and lovecraftian creatures, perfect setting for a new Souls-like.
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd May 2019 22:04    Post subject:
The_Zeel wrote:
Because he never worked on a japanese videogame before

Okay, in what way this is an argument?
The_Zeel wrote:
and now he says that he did

He never said that, he said "consulted"

The_Zeel wrote:
Don't you think it's a bit too much of a coincidence?

I think the fact he never says he WROTE for the game implies may be that the IP they are working on based on GRRM work and he just did some CONSULTATION like he did with latest GoT episodes for the show. I.e. it is his work, they make a game based on it and consulted him on a few aspects. Does not mean he is THE WRITER on the game.
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PostPosted: Thu, 23rd May 2019 23:00    Post subject:
I didn't say he is the defacto writer of the game, read what I said previously.
There was a rumour that GRRM was involved in a new From Software game, which nobody believed at first until he confirmed that he actually was involved with a japanese developer, hence pretty much confirming the From Software rumour.
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PostPosted: Tue, 28th May 2019 01:31    Post subject:

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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PostPosted: Tue, 28th May 2019 02:33    Post subject:
Yeah, it is basically YT ad bait with all the points taken from 4chan leak
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14108
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Sat, 8th Jun 2019 16:35    Post subject:

Its seems to be new world that GRRM helped to write.

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PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jun 2019 11:43    Post subject:
Yep, i heard most of this shit when we got the new Zelda. And indeed, the soul of a Zelda game was not present. It was something else. I expect the same from fromsoftware this time.

Last edited by Stormwolf on Mon, 10th Jun 2019 03:04; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun, 9th Jun 2019 23:51    Post subject:

Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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Serial Humper

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PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jun 2019 00:22    Post subject:
Pretentious and SOULless. Troll Face

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PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jun 2019 06:58    Post subject:
Miyazaki on Elden Ring #E32019

    - Dev started after DaS3 DLC
    - 3rd person action RPG
    - More RPG, more variety than DaS
    - challenging
    - Character customization
    - Martin wrote the overarching mythos of the world
    - open-world
    - Theme "will of mankind"

Sometimes i just want to see NFOHUMP burn \o/
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PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jun 2019 10:20    Post subject:
Everything in this trailer looks dumb.
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PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jun 2019 10:41    Post subject:
h0rnyfavn wrote:
Pretentious and SOULless. Troll Face

dsergei wrote:
Everything in this trailer looks dumb.
You ruskies still pissed that this likely won't allow magic builds? Troll Dad

boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
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Posts: 13279

PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jun 2019 11:07    Post subject:
It has magic, already confirmed


Earlier I had said that this title focuses more heavily on RPG elements. This title will include a wide variety of weapons, magic, and ways to engage enemies, that make it possible to provide users with a style of gameplay and strategy that suits them.
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Posts: 13456
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PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jun 2019 11:31    Post subject:
It's one of the most nonsensical trailers i've ever seen i got to say..

The direction seems to be pretty much "we have no idea what to do, just say some cool stuff, do some cool renders, just be sure Martin and my name is in there."

That doesn't mean the game won't turn out great, but the trailer is shit.

Wonder for how long they "hired" Martin, two hours, two weeks?
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Posts: 5409
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PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jun 2019 11:59    Post subject:
I dunno. seems fine to me. Part of the intro cutscene that sets up the world and shows some bosses and NPCs, as usual with a soulsborne reveal.

I want it.

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Posts: 14922

PostPosted: Mon, 10th Jun 2019 19:00    Post subject:
vurt wrote:
It's one of the most nonsensical trailers i've ever seen i got to say..

The direction seems to be pretty much "we have no idea what to do, just say some cool stuff, do some cool renders, just be sure Martin and my name is in there."

That doesn't mean the game won't turn out great, but the trailer is shit.

Wonder for how long they "hired" Martin, two hours, two weeks?

The trailer was pretty much like every other Souls game, nothing weird.
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