[XBOXONE/PS4] Monster Hunter World (January 26th 2018)
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PostPosted: Tue, 6th Mar 2018 05:05    Post subject:

Monster Hunter: World is now Capcom’s best-selling game ever. The Japanese publisher announced today that the action role-playing game has shipped over 7.5 million units on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Well deserved Very Happy

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PostPosted: Sat, 10th Mar 2018 04:36    Post subject:
Playing as Aloy is pretty awesome Very Happy

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PostPosted: Wed, 14th Mar 2018 05:19    Post subject:
Umm sick So Much Win

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PostPosted: Wed, 14th Mar 2018 20:19    Post subject:

A ton of new content is getting ready to be introduced to the world of Monster Hunter: World, as Capcom held a special livestream today to announce not only a new monster coming into the game, but the addition of a Spring Blossom Festival and a large update planned for March 22.

The new monster, the Deviljho, is a Brute Wyvern that looks to be every bit as formidable and terrifying as his name implies. According to Capcom, players who can slay the beast will be “handsomely rewarded,” as they’ll be able to bring materials into the Workshop and craft two new complete armor sets, as well as new entries in each of the existing weapon types. Of course, the beast will likely be a tough foe, so make sure you’re ready to face him before running in for a fight.

Capcom also took the time to announce that starting on April 5 and running through April 18, the Spring Blossom Festival will bring with it a newly decorated Celestial Pursuit, daily activities for hunters, and new food themed around Spring. Not much else was revealed about the mode yet, but Capcom has promised more details on that pretty soon, so we’ll make sure to keep you updated as things get announced.

Finally, tons of improvements are coming to the game in the form of weapon blanking and other game system changes on March 22. Most notably, players will be receiving “Hunter Personal Grooming Tickets” on March 16 that allow them to redo their character’s appearance. When you receive this, make sure to use it wisely, as it is only a one-time use token and will only be available as paid DLC in the future. For a full breakdown of the updates coming to the game, check out below:


Also on the topic of weapons, the upcoming March 22nd title update will bring to the table a number of tweaks, adjustments and bug fixes to most weapon types.

Great Sword: increased the damage for Charged Slash abilities.
Long Sword: improvements to Foresight Slash input timing and hitbox detection.
Sword & Shield: Roundslash damage increased and improved slinger usability
Dual Blades: adjustments to help maintain Demon Gauge active
Hammer: adjusted the stun values on charged attacks
Hunting Horn: general attack power increase
Lance: Counter-thrust adjustment to increase ease of use
Gunlance: Reduced sharpness loss for shelling, and made some attack power increases
Switch Axe: Zero Sum Discharge adjustments to increase ease of use
Charge Blade: balance adjustments to Impact Phial and Power Element Phial
Insect Glaive: improvements to extract attack power increase and extract effect length
Bow: fixed various bugs
Light Bowgun: no adjustments were made
Heavy Bowgun: no adjustments were made

Speaking of player feedback, we have heard your requests to have the ability to re-edit your in-game character, so we’re giving everyone one free Character Edit Voucher on March 16th. This voucher will be available for free in the PlayStation Store and Xbox Game Store, but it is a one-time use token, so please use it wisely. Here’s what you can and cannot edit with this voucher:


Hunter gender;
Hunter physical appearance (skin tone, features, etc.);
Hunter cosmetic appearance (hairstyle, facepaint, etc.). Note you can already do these at any time;

Hunter name;
Palico name;
Palico appearance;
If you choose to make further edits after you’ve consumed the free Character Edit voucher, we’ll be offering more vouchers for purchase at a later date. More details to come.

We’re also deploying some changes to a number of game systems with the March 22nd title update, hoping to improve your gameplay experience even more:

Attacks from allies no longer interrupt you during the carving animation. Additionally, players are now immune to all hit reactions, including bombs, during carving animations after quest completion.
Added “Return to Gathering Hub” (single player) and “Disband & Return to Gathering Hub” (multiplayer) to the options for “Select Return Destination” after a quest has been completed.
Added the “Text Size” setting for changing subtitle text size, under Start Menu > Options Game Settings.

Loving this game. Played about 130 hours, completed the campign the other day and working through the post game content! Cant wait for new stuff! Very Happy

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PostPosted: Tue, 3rd Apr 2018 04:23    Post subject:

Capcom has announced that the Spring Blossom Festival will be coming to Monster Hunter: World. The event, which will officially go live on April 6 and run through April 19, will bring with it a newly decorated Celestial Pursuit, daily activities for hunters, and new Spring-themed food options in the game.

Not only will players be able to craft their own unique Spring Blossom gear in the game, but Capcom has also announced that all previously released event quests – including the Street Fighter and Horizon Zero Dawn quests – will be made available during the Festival.

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PostPosted: Sat, 7th Apr 2018 03:17    Post subject:

Capcom has uploaded a new video in Japan, titled Monster Hunter: World Download Content Lineup Vol.2.

Mega Man Stamp Set – April 13
Devil May Cry Stamp Set – April 27
Additional Gesture: Devil May Cry dual guns – April 27
Handler Costume: Chun-Li from Street Fighter – April 27

Cant wait for Dante! Very Happy

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PostPosted: Sat, 14th Apr 2018 02:18    Post subject:

The Monster Hunter: World Mega Man Palico set is available now. Not only does it update your Palico’s visuals to a 3D-pixelated Mega Man, but usage of certain weapon types by your hunter will actually change the music to classic Mega Man chiptunes.

The event is called Rush of Blood, and asks hunters to take down two Odogaron in the Arena. It is a seven star quest and requires HR13 or greater to participate. By beating the quest, you will get materials needed to craft the Mega Man gear for your Palico. You’d better hurry though! The event will only be active from April 13 to April 26.

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PostPosted: Wed, 18th Apr 2018 03:12    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Sat, 28th Apr 2018 02:26    Post subject:

You can finally get your hands on the Devil May Cry Dante armor and weapon in Monster Hunter: World. In order to craft the crossover event items, you’ll need to complete the Code Red event quest. Code Red is an eight star Arena quest that requires Hunter Rank 14. You’ll be taking on an Anjanath, Odogaron, Rathalos, and Teostra, the most red of Monster Hunter: World’s monsters.

Completing the quest by taking out all four monsters will net you Red Orbs, the required item to craft the Devil May Cry gear. Each armor piece needs on Red Orb, and the Devil Sword (a Charge Blade) requires two, meaning that you’ll need seven Red Orbs to get the full set of gear. Beating the event may sometimes give multiple Red Orbs, so you don’t necessarily need to play the tough quest seven times.

Code Red goes away on May 10 at 5 PM PT.

Yes! Very Happy

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PostPosted: Wed, 30th May 2018 19:00    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Tue, 11th Dec 2018 01:23    Post subject:

The Witcher 3 protagonist Geralt of Rivia is going to be a playable hunter in Monster Hunter World, coming some time in early 2019.

Noice! Very Happy

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PostPosted: Wed, 12th Dec 2018 10:22    Post subject:
free to play week on ps4
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PostPosted: Sat, 9th Feb 2019 11:49    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Fri, 10th May 2019 21:50    Post subject:
Very Happy

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PostPosted: Thu, 11th Jul 2019 21:13    Post subject:

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PostPosted: Fri, 4th Oct 2019 21:22    Post subject:
Resident Evil Crossover Very Happy

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