We need a game with FO4's gunplay and the RPG elements of this
You're kidding. FO4's gunplay? I mean I dumped hundreds of hours into that game like everyone else, but the gunplay wasn't anything much different than what we had always gotten from Bethesda.
It was never meant to be FO4 in space. It's not the same scope, size or depth. It's a small team working on it compared to the bethesda team. It's being hyped up for some reason even though the devs themselves put things straight when it was announced.
We need a game with FO4's gunplay and the RPG elements of this
You're kidding. FO4's gunplay? I mean I dumped hundreds of hours into that game like everyone else, but the gunplay wasn't anything much different than what we had always gotten from Bethesda.
TOW doesn't look any better or worse.
You got to be kidding if you think FO4's non-vats gunplay "wasn't anything much different" from FO3/FONV's...
boundle (thoughts on cracking AITD) wrote:
i guess thouth if without a legit key the installation was rolling back we are all fucking then
They had a good run. Now they begin the slow, glitz and glamour filled slide down to mediocrity, just like Biowere. All it takes is one sellout (in this case Fergus) to bring it all crumbling down. There's a chance this will be decent, but even if it is, I can almost guarantee it'll be last decent thing they put out.
I can never be free, because the shackles I wear can't be touched or be seen.
i9-9900k, MSI MPG-Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon, 32GB DDR4 @ 3000, eVGA GTX 1080 DT, Samsung 970 EVO Plus nVME 1TB
It was never meant to be FO4 in space. It's not the same scope, size or depth. It's a small team working on it compared to the bethesda team. It's being hyped up for some reason even though the devs themselves put things straight when it was announced.
I expect, if this game sells well and I think it will, that the sequel will try and reach the Fallout New Vegas II level of world seamless world building.
I like the "Knight of the Old Republic" comparison the developers have made as it puts the scale really in focus.
Also Obsidian has made two of the better RPG's I've played in the last decade so I'm not particularly worried about TOW. Also Alpha Protocol was criminally underrated.
Though the Obsidian team is pretty different these days from my understanding thanks in part to executive meddling although Chris and a few other more vocal former employees might have been pushing that angle a bit further in how they report it but it does seem something was going on although far as the sale and such goes they probably needed money as the Pillars games were probably not selling as expected even if they had their fans and before that various lost pitches to publishers and the way they tend to be in various development messes from their own and publisher problems.
(From how it sounded like around the Pillars of Eternity 1 Kickstarter they had a few issues such as how QA was handled but they've also had actual problems with publishers too and tight deadlines and such.)
Will be interesting to see how this turns out, it looks promising at least but it's going to be made clear once it's actually released though I'm hoping they can still pull off a nice RPG even if the scope might not be some large AAA type affair but it's also nice when not everything goes Ubi-Template open world of course.
Though to be fair that particular angle has been overused for a while now on how the player tries to go and See every little POI or scripted encounter on a massive map for minor rewards or collectibles but there are exceptions and cases where it works better too.
(Or how to call it, 40-second rule or some such where "Awesome!" happens about once every half minute to minute to engage and interest or intrigue players although from hearing it that almost sounds ridiculous but it's a thing used in for example Witcher 3)
If you haven't had a great time gaming on your PC this year then that's a you problem. Also moving the goalpost to "games you can ONLY play on the PC" is stupid: there are a non-significant number of people who only game on PC (or maybe PC and Switch). I have bought more PC games this year than console and I didn't think I would ever say that.
As for The Outer Worlds, looks exactly like I expected: open-planet Fallout: New Vegas. While I loved the heck out of PoE and Tyranny, I have been waiting for a return to FPS-RPG and this looks like it. Really not understanding the hand-wringing about the writing. If anything this is what Obsidian is known for (hell even Alpha Protocol had decent writing).
I don't know what to think about this one. It looks like slightly above average from what they've shown. I hope they nailed it with the gameplay and writing.
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