[PS2] need help and info on where to get info on modded ps2'
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Posts: 115

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Feb 2006 05:08    Post subject: [PS2] need help and info on where to get info on modded ps2'
I would like to know of a good site to get reliable info on how to get a ps2 modded, which modchip to go with, etc, what is involved, and where to purchase a premodded ps2 from a REPUTABLE site.. Please help
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Posts: 4863
Location: Vinland
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Feb 2006 06:06    Post subject:
This goes in Console technical
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Feb 2006 08:29    Post subject:
Depends where you're from Timmy.

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Posts: 115

PostPosted: Thu, 16th Feb 2006 15:46    Post subject:
Im from the US, my friend has modded a PS2 before the older bigger style with a Magic3.1 or 3.2 I cant remember the exact number. One website I read said they dont warranty the slimlines as long because of more problems with the CD laser. Any advice? I could get a refurb and get my friend to mod it with a Magic, or you think I would be better off ordering a whole premodded system?
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Posts: 9526
Location: England.
PostPosted: Thu, 16th Feb 2006 17:35    Post subject:
I prefer the old style ps2's. They seem more reliable. So I would go for a refurb.

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Posts: 115

PostPosted: Thu, 16th Feb 2006 18:59    Post subject:
Okay, well my friend modded a MAgic3 chip allready, im wondering if I should buy a magic3 and get him to mod it, or go for the Magic4 wonder what the differences are? which do you guys run?? does anyone know the differences between the two? and is there a recommended site for this stuff? I know with xbox you have Xbox-scene anything similiar for PS2? and if I wanna buy one premodded, anyone know a good reliable place to buy from?
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Posts: 129
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Thu, 16th Feb 2006 19:02    Post subject:
timmy01978 wrote:
Okay, well my friend modded a MAgic3 chip allready, im wondering if I should buy a magic3 and get him to mod it, or go for the Magic4 wonder what the differences are? which do you guys run?? does anyone know the differences between the two? and is there a recommended site for this stuff? I know with xbox you have Xbox-scene anything similiar for PS2? and if I wanna buy one premodded, anyone know a good reliable place to buy from?

take a look @ ps2nfo.com
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