Super Bowl Rigged?
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VIP Master Jedi

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PostPosted: Wed, 15th Feb 2006 05:57    Post subject:
copecowboy wrote:
werdercanuck wrote:
i dont have a fucking clue why some think the nhl is a yawn fest. what game did you guys watch? coyotes-blue jackets? you should watch wings-asslanche or canucks-flames, thats 60 minutes of pure action...and you dont honestly believe you would prefer a hit from i-break-your-neck-bertuzzi, look-i'm-hideous-hatcher or ouch-my-heart-fischer than any rugby player. sure, they might be pure muscle, no doubt about that, but the impact from any of those hockey players would be way more intense though, alone because of the speed....

a small taste Very Happy

most of these people arent in to sports dude, you remember what kinda website this is

thats true, not to many ppl in here who follow sports.

The majority of sports fans here are football (european) and the few canadians who discuss hockey.
And me, esel and someone else like baseball.

I generally like watching all sports. Ive been watching the olympics religiously since it started. Sports are wicked, always exciting, interesting, real, honourable.

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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Wed, 15th Feb 2006 15:42    Post subject:
SycoShaman wrote:
The impact is reduced? Flying 7 miles an hour down the ice, weighing 250 pounds at 6'5 and leveling someone into the boards, with a stick to top it off as compared to jumping on each other (ive played rugby)....ur cracked man.

But thats just it. Some of the guys are 6 10" and 300lbs and can run faster than 7mph!. I'm not saying getting smashed into a board won't hurt but in rugby every game some1 gets injured and ive seen hard bastards dislocate their shoulders, get substituted - go in the back and they're strapped up and scrapping away within 5 minutes!
On some tv proggie at the weekend it showed this ugly weak looking bitch

Lifiting 450lbs and he's by far not the biggest or strongest guy you'll face.
I dont know how nfl is even considered a sport though. There's too many players, too slow, too much padding (not that from 5 meters a 1 on 1 will hurt much) it's just shit and only a sport that can accomodate americans.

Footy isn't about contact though. In the olden days it was customry for a 'one big tackle to let you know they're there' and the refferee allowed it. Players would still play with bones sticking out (see jimmy greaves world cup 1966 semi final vs portugal). Although I like the physical side i'd much rather see silky skills than carreer ending tackles. 2 of them were in the same game last week and it was pretty horrible (thankfully noone was seriously injured).

[img]Hockey, in a all around way, is the toughest sport. Both mentally and physically. U need quick thinking, sharp skills, tons of coordination and balance, good eyes, strong body etc [/img]

But this can be applied to many sports and if you actually paid attention to rugby you'd know that it takes a lot more reactions (not necessarily split second ones) and coordination than hockey does. Next time you see a rugby game watch how the defending players will spread out (away from the ball) and watch for the kicks. Again it's all about awareness that will come naturally (like balance does).

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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PostPosted: Wed, 15th Feb 2006 18:17    Post subject:
Sublime wrote:
SycoShaman wrote:
The impact is reduced? Flying 7 miles an hour down the ice, weighing 250 pounds at 6'5 and leveling someone into the boards, with a stick to top it off as compared to jumping on each other (ive played rugby)....ur cracked man.

But thats just it. Some of the guys are 6 10" and 300lbs and can run faster than 7mph!. I'm not saying getting smashed into a board won't hurt but in rugby every game some1 gets injured and ive seen hard bastards dislocate their shoulders, get substituted - go in the back and they're strapped up and scrapping away within 5 minutes!

I don't know where Syco got 7 mph from (but I bet it involves weed Wink) ... but they're going much faster than this.

you can't even compare the speed you can get up to on skates to the speed you can run at in rugby. It's like comparing driving a car to running.

It is known as the fastest team sport in the world with players on skates capable of going high speeds along with shots of the play object going sometimes over 160 km/h.

The hard surfaces of the ice and boards, pucks flying at high speed (over 160 km/h at times), and other players maneuvering (and often intentionally colliding) pose a multitude of inherent safety hazards. Besides ice skates and sticks, hockey players are usually equipped with an array of safety gear to lessen their risk of serious injury. This usually includes a helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads, mouth guard, protective gloves, heavily padded pants, a 'jock' athletic protector, leg guards and some times a neck guard. Goaltenders wear masks and much bulkier, specialized equipment designed to protect them from many direct hits from pucks.

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Posts: 1562
Location: Pot Capital of Canada (BC)
PostPosted: Wed, 15th Feb 2006 21:31    Post subject:
you don't wanna get hit by a puck
stevie y. almost lost his eye...

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PostPosted: Thu, 16th Feb 2006 15:51    Post subject:
Meh ... In wellington...

Buck Shelford... playing vs france.. he was in the bottom of a ruck .. imagine lying under a group of players. in a fucked up position.. while the other team is rucking u with the spikes in their boots...

Anyways... his scrotum gets torn by one of the french boots... and one of his testicles is hanging out...

He calmly gets the team doctor to stitch it up... ON THE FIELD ... gets up.. and keeps playing the game.. oih yeah and he also lost of like 4 teeth in the same game aswell

Anyways yeah.. dont get me wrong... i understand that ice hockey has big knocks etc.. but i dont belive its "tougher" on the body than rugby.....

And in rucks etc.. its a nasty place Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu, 16th Feb 2006 16:43    Post subject:
exactly my point. It all looks quite harmless when you're watching it on TV casually but if you watch the studs and the scrapes, it's a surprise peoples legs aren't ripped open more often!

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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Posts: 436
Location: New Jersey
PostPosted: Sat, 18th Feb 2006 00:40    Post subject:
i like how poeple say how can nfl be considered a sport, and they turn out to be soccer fans, sports so damn boring, i like it but I have no idea why, its not the least bit entertaining but I end up watching a few games here and there anyways, but anyways you can never compare rugby to hockey, maybe to europeon leagues, but thats also like comparing the english primier league to the mls.
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Posts: 8615

PostPosted: Sat, 18th Feb 2006 15:42    Post subject:
Well footy = entertaining, and after just watching the FA cup united vs liverpool i'm so pissed off yet still lovin the game for matches like this.
Yankball apart from a few nice plays quite a lot of it is off the cuff. And although that too is good, it pretty much nullifies the 'playbook'.

Stealth88 and Lod|_Dod| wrote:
"And the winner is.... Sublime!" That fucking kid is always right. Sublime FTW! <3 you too
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