[PS3/PS4] Persona 5 (April 4th)
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Posts: 4567

PostPosted: Thu, 4th Jan 2018 15:54    Post subject:
Mister_s wrote:
So which confidants and stats are absolutely essential and should have primary focus? Is it possible to answer that question without giving spoilers?

Maybe I should just give in and read a guide or something.

That depends on who you go for.

It's been a while since I completed it but I think Kindness was least important - Guts is used for quite a bit too - the best way to increase it for me, was to eat that burger.

Also, knowledge is very easy to max - cheat with the answers in class and study on rainy days.
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Jan 2018 11:27    Post subject:
While I do like the game, I really don't understand how it got excellent reviews. Maybe it's a love it or hate it thing, I don't see anything deep and innovative here. I feel like I'm playing an adult pokemon game Confused

After 12 hours, I'd rate it 8.5/10 at best. If I was to be really harsh, it'd be 7/10 due to the technical amateurism. It's jRPG though, japs can't do proper game engines for jRPGs I guess. I'd be very pissed if I didn't get this with a discount, there's no way this is worth 60 bucks.

IMOIMOIMOIMO, before anyone gets offended.
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Posts: 4567

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Jan 2018 11:51    Post subject:
Mister_s wrote:
While I do like the game, I really don't understand how it got excellent reviews. Maybe it's a love it or hate it thing, I don't see anything deep and innovative here. I feel like I'm playing an adult pokemon game Confused

After 12 hours, I'd rate it 8.5/10 at best. If I was to be really harsh, it'd be 7/10 due to the technical amateurism. It's jRPG though, japs can't do proper game engines for jRPGs I guess. I'd be very pissed if I didn't get this with a discount, there's no way this is worth 60 bucks.

IMOIMOIMOIMO, before anyone gets offended.

The story & the characters are a big reason why I love the Persona games. The combat isn't terribly special but it's certainly the best I've seen in jRPGs - they stop it from feeling too repetitive which is quite a feat. But the game adds so much besides the combat - the story, relationships, crafting persona's - that it feels like you got quite a bit of freedom. But, again, the story is at the center.
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Posts: 19863

PostPosted: Sun, 7th Jan 2018 12:52    Post subject:
The story up to this point seems very childish and over the top to me, hopefully it'll improve.
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Posts: 304

PostPosted: Sun, 2nd Sep 2018 04:08    Post subject:
I came up with an idea for DLC.

They go up against this kid who pirates games. He has the largest and toughest Palace in the game. It's so tough you have to pay for additional DLC to beat it.
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Posts: 34275
Location: UK
PostPosted: Mon, 30th Mar 2020 14:43    Post subject:
Never played a Persona game before and somehow I missed Persona 5 the first time round but just got this today Very Happy

Not sure Ill like it but a mate of mine loved it and played over 100 hours!
Ill give it a go though since reviews are pretty damn good!


And this is the original game with additional content and/or DLC?

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 11000

PostPosted: Mon, 30th Mar 2020 15:47    Post subject:
headshot wrote:
Never played a Persona game before and somehow I missed Persona 5 the first time round but just got this today Very Happy

Not sure Ill like it but a mate of mine loved it and played over 100 hours!
Ill give it a go though since reviews are pretty damn good!

And this is the original game with additional content and/or DLC?

This is the original game that has been expanded with new content that wasn't available earlier. it was developed specifically for this Royal edition. I haven't played P5 but you're going to miss out on some Persona 3 and Persona 4 references:

I played 3 and 4 ages ago. Both were good games in their own right but I'd recommend going the emulation root since you can save anywhere.

P.S. Next time take a picture of a game with 80% of the screen filled by your face+body like an instagram thot for maximum likes/views Cool Face

1 and 2 are still amazing.
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Posts: 2403
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Tue, 31st Mar 2020 20:10    Post subject:
Picked up Persona 5R today and I'm having a blast replaying this, it's even better the second time Very Happy

I really wish they would port the Persona series to PC, at least 3 and 4 which are classics imo. There was some hope with the release of Catherine, but Sega and Atlus are being awfully quiet since then Sad

It's the first time I've turned my PS4 on since like February 2019 Laughing
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Posts: 34275
Location: UK
PostPosted: Wed, 1st Apr 2020 02:00    Post subject:
Pretty weird game but I'm going to to continue playing after 3 hours so far. Didn't think Id like it as much as I do especially with turn based combat gameplay which I'm not a fan of. Getting to like the characters and I'm intrigued where the story is going.

IGN gave it 10!

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 2403
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Wed, 22nd Apr 2020 00:07    Post subject:
Man, just finished this again.

It's just so great, I fuckin' love Persona games so much.

The new content was a breath of fresh air and I enjoyed some of the themes that were introduced.

It took me around 94 hours and I've got every trophy without really even trying too hard.

I'm playing this for a third time and still is a great experience and I'm hoping that Atlus will finally bring these games to PC someday.
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