I'm going to debunk some of this just because I'm bored.
Sin317 wrote:
There is no "city planning" in Anno. Everything is built where YOU want it. Nothing is organic, nothing develops.
There is city planning, in fact you have a whole feature on the inferior difficulty levels just for this.
Of course everything is built where YOU want it. But not thinking it through has consequences, this is where the planning plays an important role.
The cities develop organically if you understand the game. There is a segregation between society classes and between work environments. You'll have cultivation sectors, industrial sectors, etc. This is the organic evolution stemming from the necessity to be efficient that becomes more drastic as you expand.
totally this. I realized I messed up in the first area by not having certain buildings in radius of others which not only took a long tome to gather/process goods but also had dire consequences...i.e. not having a fire station near by ended up costing me quite a bit of buildings.
What version / DLC's and where should i buy it? Complete Edition is quite expensive but i guess it will include this latest DLC and maybe the previous DLC's are good too....?
What version / DLC's and where should i buy it? Complete Edition is quite expensive but i guess it will include this latest DLC and maybe the previous DLC's are good too....?
Try the base game first IMO. All the DLC's are more "useful" towards the endgame, especially season 2 DLC's.
Season 1 DLCs
First one added Botanical Garden (same as museum or zoo) that adds to attractiveness. You then complete sets of plants to get various bonuses
Second one is a must have IMO, if you enjoy the game. It adds another Old World area with a giant island to build on. Basically for making massive cities.
Third one adds an Arctic region, with its own tiers and everything. You can use it to transport gas and gold back to the old world (not needed but helps in late game)
Season 2
First one is a palace (looks nice) that adds various bonuses in a large influence area. Quite endgame stuff.
Second is tractors and silos again quite endgame, where space is becoming an issue and you're growing more and more
Last one has yet to come out.
Honestly if you play the base game you have everything you need to see if you will like the game. When you make a World Fair and you have your trade routes optimized etc. and you feel like you want more, then go for DLC. Before that you will not really use them that much (except Sunken Treasures).
A friend of mine bought season 1 and never even made it to the arctic.
What version / DLC's and where should i buy it? Complete Edition is quite expensive but i guess it will include this latest DLC and maybe the previous DLC's are good too....?
Try the base game first IMO. All the DLC's are more "useful" towards the endgame, especially season 2 DLC's.
Season 1 DLCs
First one added Botanical Garden (same as museum or zoo) that adds to attractiveness. You then complete sets of plants to get various bonuses
Second one is a must have IMO, if you enjoy the game. It adds another Old World area with a giant island to build on. Basically for making massive cities.
Third one adds an Arctic region, with its own tiers and everything. You can use it to transport gas and gold back to the old world (not needed but helps in late game)
Season 2
First one is a palace (looks nice) that adds various bonuses in a large influence area. Quite endgame stuff.
Second is tractors and silos again quite endgame, where space is becoming an issue and you're growing more and more
Last one has yet to come out.
Honestly if you play the base game you have everything you need to see if you will like the game. When you make a World Fair and you have your trade routes optimized etc. and you feel like you want more, then go for DLC. Before that you will not really use them that much (except Sunken Treasures).
A friend of mine bought season 1 and never even made it to the arctic.
Actually, silos are good even in early game once you unlock them. Generates 2x output for certain industries so you need less people to run them.
The UI is somewhat confusing.. i've figured out how to place sheeps, just clicked the wool factory and then the Missing-icon, then i could create a field for them. For potatoes i have no clue, clicking the missing-icon on the Schnapps factory does not make it possible to make a potato field, neither is there an option in the build menu.
Not sure why they split it up like this, better to just have all the stuff you can do in one menu instead of having to search for buildings and whatnot. Meh, i'll get the hang of it i guess..
Last edited by vurt on Sun, 11th Oct 2020 21:03; edited 1 time in total
What version / DLC's and where should i buy it? Complete Edition is quite expensive but i guess it will include this latest DLC and maybe the previous DLC's are good too....?
Just grab the base game and use the Ubi Unlocker to unlock all the DLC, as it's included anyway Works fine for me
Tried Anno 1800 for a few days, and i can say that it's to complicated for me, you can get overwhelmed very quickly, you must build town/houses on every island if you want to "extract" something from that island, and if you build another town on another island be sure to again make firestation, church, ton of houses again, and all building needed for town, potatos, shnaps, clothign and so on, that's veeery repetitive. Previous Anno games were better in that aspect.
Tried Anno 1800 for a few days, and i can say that it's to complicated for me, you can get overwhelmed very quickly, you must build town/houses on every island if you want to "extract" something from that island, and if you build another town on another island be sure to again make firestation, church, ton of houses again, and all building needed for town, potatos, shnaps, clothign and so on, that's veeery repetitive. Previous Anno games were better in that aspect.
You're doing it wrong
You'll need minimum of 2 islands per region to get all the necessary resources you need. Once you unlock the huge island, just concentrate there for the most part.
Once you unlock commuter piers, it's a game changer and you won't have to build towns on other islands. There is a mod that allows you to build it earlier, however they are expensive to upkeep.
@Morphineus Almost none of the last few years’ “season” “passes” had enough content for what we historically call an expansion pack. It’s just milking the cow with nickel and dime crap content.
I've used the patient bear Deluxe mode with this one, won't lift a finger until the complete yarr version containing all the seasonal ripped contents will drop for testing. Then, if it won't suck balls like 2205 did, I'll perhaps consider rewarding the devs when the game will arrive on Steam. On a heavy discount of course!
I honestly don't understand why you're all so negative.
I started playing Anno 1701 and then played 1404 a shitton. I also enjoyed 2070 quite a bit. 2205 was a travesty and the fact they went back to proper anno gameplay after that dumbed down shit is a miracle. Anno 1800 is the best and most complete one of em all, without the DLCs.
While i understand people dislike the 3 seasons thing (not 4), 1 season is enough to be called an expansion, given that it adds a whole new region with unique gameplay, new goods, new animals/museum items etc, substantial gameplay changes etc.
While season 3 is obviously a cashgrab, looks like a lot of people bought both seasons to make it worth is, since they were saying S2 was the last one.
That being said the vast majority of DLC content is end-game. Like really end-game. None of it is needed, so i don't know what you're all complaining about so much. Buy the base game for 20 and if you finish the campaign and then fill up a few islands with investors, only then is there even a point in thinking about the season passes.
Except for Sunken Treasures (currently 6 euros, so together with the base game 26e) which can be useful because of the huge starting island, the rest come into play really late in the game and when you're building huge shit. Stuff the vast majority of players will not experience, because you need to enjoy staring at statistic screens a lot
All the rest are for people who put plenty of hours in and are looking for extra/easier ways to get to insane amounts of residence on their islands.
While i understand the practice is a bit meh, its one of the better examples of it. The fact that to get the game experience none of it is needed, im questioning if you people even played it or are you just complaining for the sake of complaining (which would be very "this forum")
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