Galactic Civilisations 2
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Posts: 2965
Location: South Korea
PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 02:53    Post subject:
The game can be bought in there must be a way to fool the server side. There must be a way to manually install patches, etc for people who play on a machine not connected to the internet.

Intel i5 6500 3.2Ghz, Geforce 970GTX 2GB, 16 GB Ram, Windows 7
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Posts: 19

PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 09:42    Post subject:
You can only download patches with a valid serial number, just like with Gal Civ I. You don't need a valid serial number to install the patches. I think the lack of release is because there isn't much honour in releasing an unprotected game...
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Posts: 4

PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 10:37    Post subject:
I don't think honour has anything to do with it. They're likely waiting for the retail version of the game, which is pretty elusive at the moment.
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Posts: 179

PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 21:13    Post subject:
Can someone pls post some impressions of the game?
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Posts: 179
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 21:45    Post subject:
DeviLee wrote:
Can someone pls post some impressions of the game?

Go to and look around a bit, there's has to be some impressions floating around there. Smile

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
Rick Cook, The Wizardry Compiled
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Posts: 108
Location: 2nd Ring of the 7th Circle
PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 21:46    Post subject:
Svenskgurka wrote:
You can only download patches with a valid serial number, just like with Gal Civ I. You don't need a valid serial number to install the patches. I think the lack of release is because there isn't much honour in releasing an unprotected game...

How important were the patches for the first game? Was the game playable without them?
If the first game was well coded and bug free even without patches maybe this one will be too -> no need for patching. Smile

Anyway, it's up on a torrent site now. Fake or not I don't know, but I'm leeching.
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Posts: 165

PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 22:48    Post subject:
THe first one was coded well. Fine enough. But the think is I have seen the update list for this one. I didn't really read up on it, but it seemed pretty long and at least 2 or 3 were serious. Another 2 were useful for lower end systems.

Meh, but people seem to be having fun, bugs or no.

Oh and are you geting the one with SDC files? I am a bit iffy on that issue. Chances are someone paid for it and is redistributing it. I don't know if it will. And I wonder about the patching issuse as the 1.0D version needs are different patch. Oh well. I hope it has the bonus pack at least. The good thing about is that I can start playing before the game is actually done.

i7 - 2500k
AMD XFire 6950s

Last edited by childofbhaal on Fri, 24th Feb 2006 23:06; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 73

PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 22:53    Post subject:
It is released - by the "worst enemy of teh scene" P2P... muahahaha
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Posts: 44

PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 23:48    Post subject:
Torrent release is incomplete... probably doesnt work at all.

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Posts: 73

PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 23:51    Post subject:
vasiok wrote:
Torrent release is incomplete... probably doesnt work at all.

You don't know shit so please stfu!
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Posts: 165

PostPosted: Fri, 24th Feb 2006 23:57    Post subject:
Samiel wrote:
vasiok wrote:
Torrent release is incomplete... probably doesnt work at all.

You don't know shit so please stfu!

lol. Harsh.

In any case the torrent is very complete. IF you checked out the GalCiv2 foru, you would see that.

i7 - 2500k
AMD XFire 6950s
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Posts: 179
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 25th Feb 2006 10:48    Post subject:
DonnieDarko84 wrote:
So just for confirmation sake....the torrent is completed and working? and located...

torrent is complete: seems like it
torrent is working: dunno
torrent is located: read the rules

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
Rick Cook, The Wizardry Compiled
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Posts: 1428
Location: Sweden
PostPosted: Sat, 25th Feb 2006 12:51    Post subject:
How the fuck do you dowload the game once you buy it? I bought the game and recieved a serial and a link to download stardock central, but what do i do now? I can't seem to find galciv 2 anywhere on there. Only galciv 1...
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Posts: 179

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Feb 2006 13:09    Post subject:
Maybe it's out of stock Wink
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Posts: 247
Location: USA- the most influential modern civilization
PostPosted: Sat, 25th Feb 2006 14:45    Post subject:
Once its made its way around Iam SURE within 3 days it will have found a way onto the binary newgroups Razz At any rate somebody somewhere will release it very soon at this rate.
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Posts: 165

PostPosted: Sat, 25th Feb 2006 16:44    Post subject:
Serben wrote:
How the fuck do you dowload the game once you buy it? I bought the game and recieved a serial and a link to download stardock central, but what do i do now? I can't seem to find galciv 2 anywhere on there. Only galciv 1...

Go ask at Everyone found downloading the game is be very easy.

i7 - 2500k
AMD XFire 6950s
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Posts: 1

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 16:22    Post subject:
game still not posted on nforce....I wonder whats taking it?
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Posts: 1778

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 19:57    Post subject:
It will be released today, don't worry.
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Posts: 247
Location: USA- the most influential modern civilization
PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 20:29    Post subject:
Woot! The guy sending out the digital download version thru Bittorrent is almost done.. Soon it will appear (within 24 hours) in the binary newsgroups and spread like aids in Africa ;P Look for it to be released by somebody later today.
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Posts: 44

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 21:43    Post subject:
Its done!

800 seeds on the torrent Laughing

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Posts: 44

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 21:51    Post subject:
And it doesnt work! Laughing

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Posts: 1778

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 22:00    Post subject:
vasiok wrote:
And it doesnt work! Laughing

Read the text file, you need stardock to install. Rolling Eyes

Last edited by friketje on Sun, 26th Feb 2006 22:01; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 44

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 22:01    Post subject:
friketje wrote:
vasiok wrote:
And it doesnt work! Laughing

Read the text file dumass

There is no exe file to launch the application dumbass...
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Posts: 171

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 22:06    Post subject:
Yes it seems to be only the predownload files without a starting exe or activation code/patch.
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Posts: 108
Location: 2nd Ring of the 7th Circle
PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 22:16    Post subject:
Well, this was slightly anticlimactic...

One seeder with 13 KB/s upload speed has spent two days super-seeding.
Once all parts had been seeded the number of seeders literally went from one to several hundred in a matter of a few minutes.

There was much joy!

Until all several hundred of us realized that none of us could actually run the game. Laughing
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Poisonous Mind

Posts: 226

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 22:17    Post subject:
no galciv2.exe :/
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Posts: 171

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 22:20    Post subject:
The old torrent is gone and he upped an update.
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Posts: 108
Location: 2nd Ring of the 7th Circle
PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 22:23    Post subject:
And there was much joy! Again.
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Posts: 137

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 22:24    Post subject:
mmm TPB doesn't work anymore for me (blank page)
Argh i guess i'll have to wait a while then Smile
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Posts: 44

PostPosted: Sun, 26th Feb 2006 22:36    Post subject:
Yeah dling update now, we'll see how it works out

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