My PC died today. I need a new one.
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Posts: 4955
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
PostPosted: Fri, 27th Nov 2020 23:26    Post subject: My PC died today. I need a new one.
I woke up this morning to find out my home power is down since one of the fuses went down, and that my 8 year old PC refuses to turn on forever.

Long story short, I need a new rig for gaming when I got some free time.

I got a 1440p monitor and Oculus, so being able to support high resolutions is important, especially that I'm not putting my eyes on the VR support for Flight Simulator 2020, and Cyberpunk is around the corner.

This is what I came up with so far:

CPU: Ryzen 5 5600X
Mobo: Asus PRIME B550-PLUS
Ram: Corsair DDR 4 32G (16Gx2) 3600 CL18 Vengeance LPX Black CMK32GX4M2D3600C18
Case: Fractal Design Define 7 White TG Clear Tint
PSU: Corsair RM850x 850W PSU 80+ Gold Fully Modular
SSD: Gigabyte SSD M.2 PCIE NVMe 1TB

Now for a GPU I'll use my existing Geforce 1070 until it would be reasonable to buy something like 3070.

Any thoughts on the above rig? Should the Ram be compatible with the CPU? I haven't found a lot of info about that.

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Posts: 128

PostPosted: Sat, 28th Nov 2020 00:01    Post subject:
A tip for the Ram:
Also check a few videos on Youtube.
Since it look you are not on a tight budget I think you can buy a better Ram.

PS: I have the same type of RAM but 3000Mhz CL15 on a 2600X.
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Posts: 10747
Location: Finland
PostPosted: Sat, 28th Nov 2020 00:40    Post subject:
Get 3200mhz CL14 or 3600mhz CL16 memory, otherwise good choice.
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Posts: 2187
Location: Wrong_Timeline
PostPosted: Sat, 28th Nov 2020 01:14    Post subject:
You can check for compatibility here

and bottlenecking here

hope it helps

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man. Reaction
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Non-expret in Derps lagunge

Posts: 14107
Location: Kibbutznik, Israel
PostPosted: Sat, 28th Nov 2020 06:00    Post subject:
X_Dror wrote:

Now for a GPU I'll use my existing Geforce 1070 until it would be reasonable to buy something like 3070.

Theres probably going to be something like 3070 super in few months.

"Fuck Denuvo"

Your personal opinions != the rest of the forum
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Posts: 4955
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
PostPosted: Sat, 28th Nov 2020 15:59    Post subject:
Thanks everyone!

I've changed the Mobo to GIGABYTE B550 AORUS ELITE V2 from Asus PRIME B550-PLUS so I could get a USB-C port for the front of the case.

I would have loved to go with 3600 CL16 but only 18 is available here, and 3200 with CL15 so I guess it's better to go with 3600 CL 18.

I'll get the order going.

Thanks again!
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Posts: 2405
Location: Holland
PostPosted: Sat, 28th Nov 2020 21:30    Post subject:
Breezer_ wrote:
Get 3200mhz CL14 or 3600mhz CL16 memory, otherwise good choice.

Does it really matter to use 3200mhz cl16
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Posts: 9800

PostPosted: Sun, 29th Nov 2020 03:56    Post subject:
jaapie18 wrote:

Does it really matter to use 3200mhz cl16

Not at all, unless you wish 0.225 ms less, it's fine buddy Smile
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Posts: 4955
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
PostPosted: Mon, 30th Nov 2020 23:46    Post subject:
Apparently, there are no 5600x in inventory yet and since I can't wait (no pc) I'll just switch to an Intel 10600K and ASUS TUF GAMING Z490-PLUS (WI-FI).

It's supposed to be a bit cheaper too. Would have loved to buy the 5600x but they got no idea when it will arrive Sad
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Mon, 30th Nov 2020 23:50    Post subject:
Why not order from abroad? Amazon, bhphoto, etc. it will be cheaper anyway than buying local.
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Posts: 4955
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Dec 2020 00:08    Post subject:
I don't want to assemble it Sad

Besides the hassle, lack of time, and someone else probably doing a better job than I will, if anything goes wrong, I'm stuck with a Mac for at least another week.
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Posts: 73193
Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 🇮🇱
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Dec 2020 02:47    Post subject:
Oh no, a Mac Laughing

I never understood why people pay for someone to build your computer. The motherboard and case manuals tell you everything you need to connect and in what order. It’s really simple these days to assemble a PC. It takes 1-2 hours. You don’t have that time? Really?
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Dec 2020 06:24    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
Oh no, a Mac Laughing

I never understood why people pay for someone to build your computer. The motherboard and case manuals tell you everything you need to connect and in what order. It’s really simple these days to assemble a PC. It takes 1-2 hours. You don’t have that time? Really?

because not everyone has the time and nerve to do it. or if some problems come up, they don't want to troubleshoot it for hours and replace possible broken parts and so on. also guarantee, if somethings happens, they ship it back and get a new one in a few days which is working again.

i would also always build it on my own and tell people to at least try it, but i understand why people don't want to do it. and of course i would never recommend building it on their own to my gf or parents or so. get out of your bubble man Very Happy
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Dec 2020 08:29    Post subject:
LeoNatan wrote:
Oh no, a Mac Laughing

I never understood why people pay for someone to build your computer. The motherboard and case manuals tell you everything you need to connect and in what order. It’s really simple these days to assemble a PC. It takes 1-2 hours. You don’t have that time? Really?

Don't underestimate laziness or stupidity, if it has watercooling or a couple of $5 RGB leds in the case its seen as building a spaceship level of difficulty for most. They sell them for 2-3x the price of parts here, I suspect its the same customer that's into Star Citizen.
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Posts: 6967

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Dec 2020 09:04    Post subject:
AmpegV4 wrote:
LeoNatan wrote:
Oh no, a Mac Laughing

I never understood why people pay for someone to build your computer. The motherboard and case manuals tell you everything you need to connect and in what order. It’s really simple these days to assemble a PC. It takes 1-2 hours. You don’t have that time? Really?

Don't underestimate laziness or stupidity, if it has watercooling or a couple of $5 RGB leds in the case its seen as building a spaceship level of difficulty for most. They sell them for 2-3x the price of parts here, I suspect its the same customer that's into Star Citizen.

so lets say your mother wants a new pc. you tell here to build it on her own, but she refuses since she has to work 8 hours a day and has to do stuff at home afterwards and rather buys a pre build pc with maybe a few worse parts (mb, psu) and pays up like 100-200 dollars more in total to just don't have to deal with anything (let it be building it, trouble shooting if it doesn't work right away, setting it up + windows install and warranty if something happens) then she is stupid and lazy?
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Posts: 4955
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Dec 2020 10:33    Post subject:
I assembled computers in the past, definitely more than once.
There's almost always a reasonable chance for something going wrong or not working 100%, and I don't want to debug anything, I do too much of that at work already Razz
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Dec 2020 10:42    Post subject:
Imho the issue begins, when you see shop asking for over 200$ to install Windows...

Or shops that are definitely not specialised, sell premade PC's that are using crap materials and crap labour and have huge markups. Like the Walmart PC's and all that crap.

Or the ones that are expensive as fuck, but have like a 1050 or lesser video card...

If you buy a Premade PC from a place that knows what they're doing, then Imho it's a good thing,

but sadly, most people who buy premade PC's, get sold by shiny numbers, like the size of the hard drive... and the fake pricing

3000$ instead of 4000$!!!!! ... for a PC worth sub 2000$...
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Posts: 9710

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Dec 2020 14:59    Post subject:
200$ to install Windows isnt exhubirant... I dont think u know how the real world works, they have to buy the legit key, install it , and , DRUMROLL, TEST if everything works running some soft. So its 30-60 mins , add taxes , social security and labor costs and insurance for employee n business and 200$ isnt much at all. Heck its probably their only decent profit margin these days

Pcs from liddle and aldi have come a very long way btw, they are really decent these days and they will just swap out the whole rig if u have isseus as they have so many of them, while when u go with a local retailer and something is broken, u wont get a replacement 99% of the time and aqre stuck without a pc

yes u can almost buy a new laptop for 250 usd, but thats the world we live in now thanks to insurance scam companies and thieving tax government ...
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Tue, 1st Dec 2020 21:38    Post subject:
I was referring to pre-built gaming machines, mum and dad just buy a laptop or MacBook. Download, insert USB, run, reboot next,next,next,next finished, $200 plz lol wut

its assemble an IKEA table skill level the connectors stop you fucking it up, you have to follow a one page diagram, complex stuff.
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Posts: 24322
Location: Geneva
PostPosted: Tue, 1st Dec 2020 21:59    Post subject:
PickupArtist wrote:
200$ to install Windows isnt exhubirant... I dont think u know how the real world works, they have to buy the legit key, install it , and , DRUMROLL, TEST if everything works running some soft. So its 30-60 mins , add taxes , social security and labor costs and insurance for employee n business and 200$ isnt much at all. Heck its probably their only decent profit margin these days

Pcs from liddle and aldi have come a very long way btw, they are really decent these days and they will just swap out the whole rig if u have isseus as they have so many of them, while when u go with a local retailer and something is broken, u wont get a replacement 99% of the time and aqre stuck without a pc

yes u can almost buy a new laptop for 250 usd, but thats the world we live in now thanks to insurance scam companies and thieving tax government ...

I wasn't talking about 200$ for windows + installation.

I was talking about JUST the installation.

You know, the one where you click next, next, next, done...

Edit: I didn't even see AmpegV4's post lol.
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