Cyberpunk 2077 (CD Projekt RED)
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Posts: 2534

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 00:49    Post subject:
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Serial Humper

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PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 00:52    Post subject:
Ahahahah... legendary ping is so a good way So Much Win

It gives you wallhack. You ping devices,cameras, you see all the enemies and then from a safe distance behind walls and shit you start casting spells.

I prefer to use fire and cyberpsychosis. Very Happy

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PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 01:00    Post subject:

May the NFOrce be with you always.
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Posts: 9416
Location: Hatredland
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 01:01    Post subject:
Radicalus wrote:

Combat is mediocre, but FPS RPGs always are. There are many builds you can make though, so in combat at least, even if not stellar, there is a pretty decent amount of ways you can approach it.

There are builds? I'm level 14 and I haven't put a single point in a combat perk. Still the game is a breeze on hard. The perks are as useful as in The Outer Worlds. To be honest I don't find any of the perks useful at all.

You either get a tech weapon and kill everyone shooting through walls or just back up enough so the spread rarely hit you. Mind you I die but there is quicksave for that.
I have around 180 maddocs, 80 grenades of the basic type.

At least the AI on hard sometimes try do flush you with grenades.

It's a mess. Enjoyable with gigs and main story but a mess.

Last edited by VonMisk on Wed, 16th Dec 2020 01:04; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 2403
Location: Bulgaria
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 01:03    Post subject:

It seems like someone is fiddling with this already.

I don't know if this is real or not, can't decide. There is no additional information provided.
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Posts: 29169

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 01:07    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Mon, 4th Oct 2021 08:33; edited 3 times in total
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 01:14    Post subject:
Interinactive wrote:
HIz wrote:
Dont know if this was posted but here it goes

CD Projekt Red Emergency Board Call Recording Online: Refunds, Multiplayer, More

They also state earlier in the call there was limited QA testing done on the game, it was all done "in house" and no experienced third party contractors were used.



Still, I'm glad this is out there. What an absolute clusterfuck.

Interesting, they absolutely should not have released this on current gen consoles, they should just offer refund and move on. More developers doesn't equate to faster delivery (can even be detrimental and slow a project down). No QA seems standard practice for game development in 2020 so I'm not suprised there, in fact I would say pretty standard all form of modern software development because managers can't see how it pertains directly to bottom line, that is until you hit this level of embarassment and reputation loss.
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Posts: 9620
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 01:53    Post subject:
Ke1N wrote:

It seems like someone is fiddling with this already.

I don't know if this is real or not, can't decide. There is no additional information provided.

Another scrapped feature that should have been in the game.

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Posts: 3566

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 02:14    Post subject:
Even if it is a bit janky like Bloodlines I still rather have the 3rd person option available then no option for it at all so hopefully that mod does get released at some time.

Doubt it's cracked version issue but I noticed while looking through the female character creator last night that some of the same female hairs and piercings seem to be in the option list twice with different numbers so I wonder if maybe the total selection counts for those are wrong or if they just really screwed up and doubled up some of the cosmetic choices or if it is some other bug. Especially with the piercings when there are so few choices to begin with you would think something like this would have gotten noticed pretty fast.
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Posts: 9620
Location: Transylvania
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 03:02    Post subject:

You must preorder your party before venturing forth.™FOV CalculatorAre you mindful today?Women: Know Your Limits!
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Posts: 29169

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 03:09    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Mon, 4th Oct 2021 08:33; edited 3 times in total
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Posts: 6248

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 03:50    Post subject:
You would think having made 3x 3rd person rpg games this would be an easy feature to get right though.
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Posts: 1433

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 03:58    Post subject:
Well, that's enough Reddit for today.

I'm gonna go check out the NFOhump Cyberpunk thread.....
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Posts: 32672

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 04:41    Post subject:
AmpegV4 wrote:
You would think having made 3x 3rd person rpg games this would be an easy feature to get right though.

Different genres, different scope, not enough time/talent. A lot of studios that go into a different direction different genre/style of game often fail. Cdpr failed here. What they nailed is what they nailed in their previous games. Thats world building and story telling.

It happens. Over time they will patch it enough to make it better.

I'm surprised they didn't use the widely used ragdoll physics engine used by pretty much every open world game. They made a lot of mistakes to cut costs and it cost them.

Sin317 wrote:
I win, you lose. Or Go fuck yourself.
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 04:42    Post subject:
Interinactive wrote:
0wen wrote:
Even if it is a bit janky like Bloodlines I still rather have the 3rd person option available then no option for it at all so hopefully that mod does get released at some time.

It's the worst type of third person though - the ungrounded, floaty feet kind

I'm pretty sure even in the early-mid 2000s, the Hitman games had this sort of thing sorted

Seems like it's just one other thing they wanted but were never able to add in time

That was really the only thing i didn't like about Vampire, movement felt...weird.

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Posts: 29169

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 04:56    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Mon, 4th Oct 2021 08:33; edited 3 times in total
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 06:05    Post subject:
Interinactive wrote:
So sick of dying for no reason. Walk down a hill, die. Walk off of a small ledge, die. Walk over garbage bag, die. Dying all the fucking time because of shitty detection

Seriously? I jump off a 3 foot story house and it doesn't even harm my health. Actually everywhere i've jumped off of I haven't taken ANY damage lol

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Posts: 29169

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 06:10    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Mon, 4th Oct 2021 08:33; edited 3 times in total
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Posts: 23710

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 06:14    Post subject:
Interinactive wrote:
Jumping off of things doesn't seem to be a problem, just random deaths that are stupid, eg: walking down a small ~2 meter hill with a big incline = death. Walking over garbage bags = death. The latest one was at a temple where I went to jump inside a window but went back down a ladder. Guess what? Death.

LOL I'd be fucking pissed. I just uninstalled it. I can't stomach this shit anymore until it's fixed. I'll wait a few months and see what it is from there.

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Posts: 9416
Location: Hatredland
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 08:25    Post subject:
I sometimes get hurt while being randomly stuck into geometry while jumping.

As goes for world buidling - I have a problem with that too. The small titbits found on shards are... feel so forced. When I read it I almost can feel the pain of the person responsible for it. The "Oh shit! I have to write another bit of lore... God I hate that". It seems so soulless.

I stopped reading the shards from police stuff because it's always "there's shit to steal, fuck up". Even in better gigs it's there but it's just because rpgs have to have it. The can't compare to Deus Ex ones even Mankind Divided - you little piece of shit. And Arkane, poor little underappreciated sweet prince. In Dishonored every little note build the world or the scene. A journal of a guy that died of the mosqitos bites in second one etc. It has consistancy, it builds that scene, I know what lead to his death.

Here in a mission with stealing from Russians I read and e-mail that says "Igor don't go out, remember what happened with that other guy" but no response from Igor, that he's bored or something and want to go out. Something happened, great. Same with his bodyguard, she has a note about not being able to sleep because of her chrome but if I hadn't been detected I wouldn't know she is jacked up to the point of almost cyber psychosis.



Quality(tm) and consistancy.

Also after the heist which was botched job that would burn anyone I am suddenly the hottest shit in town because every single fixer wants to work with me. And a second earlier the only thing I could think of was GTFO Night City.

Quality(tm) and consistancy.

Last edited by VonMisk on Wed, 16th Dec 2020 09:12; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 29169

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 08:47    Post subject:

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Posts: 409

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 09:34    Post subject:

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Posts: 17866
Location: Croatia
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 09:59    Post subject:
Well that's a shitty job Pffchh
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Posts: 9416
Location: Hatredland
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 10:35    Post subject:
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PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 10:35    Post subject:

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Posts: 9416
Location: Hatredland
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 10:38    Post subject:
The group that scripted the car paths had old city map. Just like in the real world Laughing

sar·​casm | \ ˈsär-ˌka-zəm \
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b: the use or language of sarcasm
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Posts: 26759

PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 10:40    Post subject:
Interinactive wrote:

I don't get it. Why isn't your face plastered all over the video thumb with a weird facial expression? I need that, else I won't understand what I have to feel when I watch it Sad

=> NFOrce GIF plugin <= - Ryzen 3800X, 16GB DDR4-3200, Sapphire 5700XT Pulse
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PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 10:44    Post subject:

Last edited by Interinactive on Mon, 4th Oct 2021 08:33; edited 3 times in total
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Posts: 9416
Location: Hatredland
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 10:44    Post subject:
PumpAction wrote:
Interinactive wrote:

I don't get it. Why isn't your face plastered all over the video thumb with a weird facial expression? I need that, else I won't understand what I have to feel when I watch it Sad

From the thumbnail in/at/on (i dunno) YT - confusion Razz
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Posts: 522
Location: Absurdia
PostPosted: Wed, 16th Dec 2020 10:51    Post subject:
Interinactive wrote:
0wen wrote:
Even if it is a bit janky like Bloodlines I still rather have the 3rd person option available then no option for it at all so hopefully that mod does get released at some time.

It's the worst type of third person though - the ungrounded, floaty feet kind

I'm pretty sure even in the early-mid 2000s, the Hitman games had this sort of thing sorted

Seems like it's just one other thing they wanted but were never able to add in time

What are you basing this on? As i recall there was no intention/announcement of going 3rd person at any point.

The effort in the video merely looks like someone messing around with camera coordinates relative to the model which i presume will never get much further than that.
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